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Guest The Hound

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Guest The Hound

I'm mad.

That would have been a boat load of fun.

Fucking SMF.

Guest The Hound

What in the actual fuck are you doing that I keep getting error pages.


Shh. You know you're not getting them anymore.

Someone linked me to a plugin to try out.

It said it passed the initial test when installing and figured it worked but nay.



It would have randomly, with a 1/100 chance, spawned a dancing llama gif on entry of a thread. that if clicked first before anyone else would bump your karma by 1 or whatever number it's set to if any.



O well.



Guest The Hound

i miss my royal crest



Me and luuv both want that plugin to work on here but coding from the ground up isn't my thing. I just kitbash things, and I tried getting something to work on here but It prob would have broken everything if I actually installed it.



I miss the username badges too....

Guest The Hound

lol we do... but they would never ask him to do it..... dude fucked ASMB hard so many times.







I honestly haven't talked to him

is he even aware this place exist?

Guest The Hound

Whatever happened to glaxain?

He would be a good candidate for coding



that's baal :|



You do realize I have no clue on everyone's original name from back




Galaxian, or Baal, would fucking destroy this place..... And he was who I was referring to..... But I'd love to see that cat do work here. It would be quite entertaining.

Guest The Hound



Galaxian, or Baal, would fucking destroy this place..... And he was who I was referring to..... But I'd love to see that cat do work here. It would be quite entertaining.

He wouldn't.

He's done a lot of maturing he wouldn't do anything malicious to this place especially considering our staff here is 9001% more open to changing things by request as opposed to how anti-user friendly the rolling accommodations were on lithium and nodebb.


He wouldn't.

He's done a lot of maturing he wouldn't do anything malicious to this place especially considering our staff here is 9001% more open to changing things by request as opposed to how anti-user friendly the rolling accommodations were on lithium and nodebb.


I'll probably try again on the main forum to see if it can get an update on the mods

In the board can you post all the mods that don't work?



Me and luuv both want that plugin to work on here but coding from the ground up isn't my thing. I just kitbash things, and I tried getting something to work on here but It prob would have broken everything if I actually installed it.



I miss the username badges too....


do you know if that's a thing on invision?

  • 1 month later...

Vanity searches gettin me all warm and fuzzy...or is that the morphine?

welcome to the unending wasteland of depression, terrible trolling, and shit posts. so basically it's IB without being funny at all and like 3 users, AKA IB after 2012


welcome to the unending wasteland of depression, terrible trolling, and shit posts. so basically it's IB without being funny at all and like 3 users, AKA IB after 2012


Mostly the terrible trolling...


welcome to the unending wasteland of depression, terrible trolling, and shit posts. so basically it's IB without being funny at all and like 3 users, AKA IB after 2012

i've missed you all so much!! oOTqJHU.jpg
Guest The Hound

Vanity searches gettin me all warm and fuzzy...or is that the morphine?



What kind of platform is the site running on? I could probably help if you help is still needed. This type of thing is generally my forte, and what is not my forte I make my forte....


I'll admit I was just looking for a thread I could say forte in....


What kind of platform is the site running on? I could probably help if you help is still needed. This type of thing is generally my forte, and what is not my forte I make my forte....


I'll admit I was just looking for a thread I could say forte in....


we are currently on KNs server.  so if you want any details you'd have to ask him.

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