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No topic, Just an opinion on what gets streamed in my home


I fucking hate him too. Him and Markiplier have the most punchable faces I swear to god.


No topic, Just an opinion on what gets streamed in my home

I never got into Jacksepiceye


kinda liked Markiplier for a while cause he has a silky voice and looks exactly like Maes Hughes but he's become boring to me now


only LPer I consistently like is Lucahjin



I liked him for a week then got bored. In my sole opinion only, I much rather prefer PewDiePie and Markiplier

I don't like Pewdie because much of his letsplay persona is fake


like when he appeared on Good Mythical morning he had no accent whatsoever then in the videos on his channel he has a thick accent


also he pronounces his screenname "Ferdypurr" even though it's Spelled Pewdiepie


I don't like Pewdie because much of his letsplay persona is fake


like when he appeared on Good Mythical morning he had no accent whatsoever then in the videos on his channel he has a thick accent


also he pronounces his screenname "Ferdypurr" even though it's Spelled Pewdiepie


A lot of them have fake personas. Fake positivity will get you more views with a channel like his. It's just something he does I suppose


A lot of them have fake personas. Fake positivity will get you more views with a channel like his. It's just something he does I suppose

admittedly most lpers do have a fake persona....I just thought the fact that he didn't even try to keep it up in that GMM appearance was kinda...lazy

admittedly most lpers do have a fake persona....I just thought the fact that he didn't even try to keep it up in that GMM appearance was kinda...lazy


It might be laziness, but most of them have fake personalities because it gets them more views. And more money. Pewds doesn't have to care anymore anyways. He has over $50,000,000


It's the big money YouTube LPers like Jackseptictank or Pewdipie that are the absolute worst. Markiplier was alright, but he got too into reaction videos and Five Nights at Freddy's spam, and that shit is the only thing that shows up on YouTube nowadays aside from Minecraft and League of Legends bs.


I don't like the let's play community, unless the videos have no commentary. jacksepticeye really exaggerates the Irish shit. He's not the worst, but I still can't stand him.


I don't like the let's play community, unless the videos have no commentary. jacksepticeye really exaggerates the Irish shit. He's not the worst, but I still can't stand him.


Meh, I like Cr1tikal



i don't know who that is....but in related news...Kevin hart is getting annoying


He's been annoying for years for me, but I was watching his act back in the early 2000s.......Now he's 1 dimensional and basically the buddy cop go to.......I'll be glad when this ride is over, but sadly it won't be as cool as Katt William's career destruction......Getting choked out by a child you tried to beat up has to be one of the most epic failures in any comedian's life

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