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I want to go on Vacation


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17 hours ago, Neko said:

But I don't wanna go alone...too sad for that. 

Wanna go in the next few months?  Any suggestions? 

Taking offers for cruises and in country trips, don't have my passport yet.


lets go to hawaii

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Solo travel is a pretty popular business right now. In fact I think being single would be more fun because you are open to meeting new people in travel, and have 1 night stands less shamelessly. lol

I want to  A LOT of solo travel. Looking at might doing something in January, maybe in South America, or maybe Seattle if I have no money. lol I had been thinking about Greece for awhile. Airbnb's are less awkward than people think, you just need wifi to recieve messages from your host. Many airports, and restaurant provide it. I went to italy using airbnb and it was fine.

Europe isn't as expensive as it used to be right now. Brexit and debt made the Euro fall in value, it's cheaper than I went right now at 1.16 per US dollar. If you know how search, you can easily find roundtrip tickets for 500.

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