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MHA, for the first time as far as I can remember, is now the only 3:30 Toonami show to get a boost in viewers from the 3 AM show. It happened once again this week.


  • Like 1

Yeah, my theory is that if I'm right about gen:LOCK being an expansion show (or rather, NEEDING to be since the first episode is over 30 minutes long), Gundam: The Origin will move up to 1 AM in Week 5. But if they somehow edited gen:LOCK down to 22 minutes, which if you ask me, would be disheartening, then it could take a normal 30-minute slot and directly replace AOT.

I wonder what will happen with that 3:30 timeslot when MHA ends if it plays out the rest of its time there? AOT S3P2 reruns, I guess?

  • Like 1
8 hours ago, elfie said:

MHA, for the first time as far as I can remember, is now the only 3:30 Toonami show to get a boost in viewers from the 3 AM show. It happened once again this week.


It beat 3 shows before it, last time it beat 6.

Gundam and Lupin = Ratings death. Not sure why we keep getting these shows since it's always the same. Oh right Demarco likes em.

Foodwars..... the good news is it did better. The bad news is that it's fucking terrible and not funny.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

FINALLY, we have pre-Toonami shows, and can find out whether or not DBS improved on its Family Guy lead-in:

Dragon Ball Z Kai (repeat) (ADSM, 8:00 PM, 30 min.) • 0.262 million viewers (#96) • 0.18 HH (#90) • 0.13 A18-49 (#49) • 0.15 A18-34 (#22) • 0.11 A25-54 (#91)
Dragon Ball Super (repeat) (ADSM, 8:30 PM, 30 min.) • 0.240 million viewers (#98) • 0.17 HH (#94) • 0.13 A18-49 (#49) • 0.16 A18-34 (#15) • 0.11 A25-54 (#91)
Rick & Morty (repeat) (ADSM, 9:00 PM, 30 min.) • 0.419 million viewers (#72) • 0.26 HH (#70) • 0.21 A18-49 (#19) • 0.22 A18-34 (#8) • 0.19 A25-54 (#44)
Rick & Morty (repeat) (ADSM, 9:30 PM, 30 min.) • 0.491 million viewers (#60) • 0.30 HH (#58) • 0.23 A18-49 (#16) • 0.25 A18-34 (#6) • 0.21 A25-54 (#34)
Family Guy (repeat) (ADSM, 10:00 PM, 30 min.) • 0.673 million viewers (#46) • 0.42 HH (#47) • 0.28 A18-49 (#7) • 0.26 A18-34 (#5) • 0.27 A25-54 (#20)
Family Guy (repeat) (ADSM, 10:30 PM, 30 min.) • 0.747 million viewers (#34) • 0.46 HH (#40) • 0.33 A18-49 (#4) • 0.34 A18-34 (#2) • 0.32 A25-54 (#11)

Read more: https://programminginsider.com/saturday-final-ratings-ae-leads-prime-time-among-all-key-adult-demos/

Since DBS on Toonami only pulled 621K, it seems the answer is no. Also, as it only got a 0.32 in 18-49, it also lost a bit from FG in that demographic, as we see here:

7/13/19 - Adults 18-49
Show Viewers Retention
DBZ Kai 167,000  
DBS (R)  167,000 100.00%
DBS (P) 415,000 98.11%
AOTS3P2 298,000 71.81%
SAO3 255,000 85.57%
LupinPt5 229,000 89.80%
FoodWars! 233,000 101.75%
B. Clover 245,000 105.15%
Boruto 203,000 82.86%
Shippuden 192,000 94.58%
Gundam 175,000 91.15%
MHA 175,000 100.00%
AVERAGE 242,000 12/28 😎 

[italics indicates estimation]

Unfortunately, DBS couldn't beat Family Guy in any known demographic. But on the bright side, finally, an above-average night (for 2019) for Toonami!!! And the answer of whether or not Gundam beat MHA in 18-49 viewers has been solved--it TIED it to the nearest 1000 people! Hopefully Toonami shrugs off being hamstrung by a rerun of AOTS3 Part 2 and continues to improve!

Edited by OwlChemist81
  • Confused 1
Posted (edited)

Only Lupin is ratings death, and Gundam tying in the primary demo (and hopefully an announcement for the movie) hopefully means the earlier time slot gives it better ratings.  It is quite good.

Edited by Jman
  • Like 1
Just now, Jman said:

Only Lupin is ratings death, and Gundam tying in the primary demo (and hopefully an announcement for the movie) hopefully means the earlier time slot gives it better ratings.  It is quite good.

I agree, but unfortunately it won't be getting an earlier timeslot anytime soon, UNLESS either something moves down or gen:LOCK pulls Toonami into prime time!

Posted (edited)

Two steps forward last week, but one step backward this week:



I guess rerunning episode #57 of AOT before #58 hurt it considerably, but what can you do? Then Lupin lost considerably from it, but that's to be expected, I guess, because it WAS a really WACKY episode! At least the slightly more serious Food Wars and Boruto (once again identified as a cable original) rebounded from there. Nowhere to be seen this week is Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin - Advent of the Red Comet, not even in the Top 150 linked above, but that's probably just because it got mistakenly listed as a rerun this week. There's no way Toonami took such a nosedive it got less than a 0.04 in 18-49, right?? Perhaps this is some shenanigan that resulted from the bait-and-switch non-move to 1 AM?

Edited by OwlChemist81
  • Confused 1
Posted (edited)


"Adult Swim’s line-up performed as follows:   DRAGON BALL at 0.33 and 0.11/254K & 0.11/238K (posted as "538K" but probably a typo), compared to last week’s 0.32 and 0.13/262K & 0.13/240K, ATTACK ON TITAN at 0.19/0.17 compared to last week’s 0.23, LUPIN THE 3RD down 0.05 to 0.13, FOOD WARS down 0.04 to 0.14, BLACK CLOVER down 0.06 to 0.13/264K, BORUTO down 0.05 to 0.14, NARUTO down 0.02 to 0.13/244K, MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM up 0.01 to 0.15/269K, MY HERO ACADEMIA up 0.02 to 0.17/340K, and GEMUSETTO MACHU PICCHU up 0.02 to 0.13/221K."

So, we still don't know how the AOT rerun did in total viewers, but kudos to Gundam and MHA for beating the 2.5 hours before them and perhaps even AOT's premiere in the case of MHA. It's almost criminally stupid that these shows are in the 3 AM hour!  

Edited by OwlChemist81

I'm beginning to wonder who exactly is in charge.

These moves are borderline grotesquely incompetent. The pick-ups are pretty lackluster, the schedule is not stable and there is no effort to grow the audience investment in the block via social media.

I'm not a TV exec, but I do know how to build a brand, and it seems like the basic steps are simply not being employed.



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  • Confused 1

Is blaming Demarco fair when it isn't entirely DeMarco's fault?



Shit posting aside, I am beginning to wonder if DeMarco is getting the "Monday Morning QB" treatment on decisions. Sure, weebs on the web will do it, hell we all do it, but I am beginning to suspect that higher up execs are starting to do it, and doing it without consultation or fully understanding what exactly DeMarco is trying to build.


  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Ginguy said:

I'm beginning to wonder who exactly is in charge.

These moves are borderline grotesquely incompetent. The pick-ups are pretty lackluster, the schedule is not stable and there is no effort to grow the audience investment in the block via social media.

I'm not a TV exec, but I do know how to build a brand, and it seems like the basic steps are simply not being employed.



You can’t build a brand when all your options aired years ago On Demand and your one new pickup is CANCELLED FOREVER because of a freak tragedy.  They need newer stuff which they don’t have the cash or resources to secure.

Posted (edited)

Seriously? Has that been announced!?

I saw nothing to that effect. It looks like Episode 3 is good to go this Friday night, but even so, I'm keeping my fingers crossed...

Edited by OwlChemist81
  • Like 1
3 hours ago, OwlChemist81 said:

Seriously? Has that been announced!?

I saw nothing to that effect. It looks like Episode 3 is good to go this Friday night, but even so, I'm keeping my fingers crossed...

Nothing has been said about when episode 3 will air. No need to jump to conclusions yet.

  • Like 3

Last news about ep 3 was 

“With regard to the third episode of the TV anime “Fire Force”, which was scheduled to be broadcast from 25:40 today, we will be postponing the broadcast. 

In addition, we will also be postponing the third episode delivery to each delivery site. 

Thank you for your understanding. 

For future broadcasts, we will notify on the official site and at other outlets.”

I doubt they'll actually cancel it.

  • Like 1
  • Confused 1
6 hours ago, Ginguy said:

Is blaming Demarco fair when it isn't entirely DeMarco's fault?



Shit posting aside, I am beginning to wonder if DeMarco is getting the "Monday Morning QB" treatment on decisions. Sure, weebs on the web will do it, hell we all do it, but I am beginning to suspect that higher up execs are starting to do it, and doing it without consultation or fully understanding what exactly DeMarco is trying to build.


I think the execs are the ones that thought rerunning AOT at the start of the block was a good idea. And Samurai Jack. Surprise, reruns bombed.

They don't learn so good.

What I will blame Demarco for is getting shows that have zero chance of doing well. Gundam and Lupin are just nostalgia picks that have proven time and time again that they don't get ratings. Why intentionally air stuff that won't do well? Just for funzies? A few throwaway picks isn't bad when things are going well, but we just had the worst ratings in Toonami history like.. 3 weeks ago?

Foodwars is just an awful pick. And it's not even close to being new, and after years of being anti fan service THIS is the fan service show we get? Not the insanely popular High School of the Dead or 4 seasons of DxD? 

I watched one episode of Foodwars when it came out and did not remember it being this bad. I think it just hasn't aged well.

We're at the point now where Blood C and Hyperdimension Neptunia are actually upgrades over what we have.

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  • Confused 1
Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Sketch said:

Nothing has been said about when episode 3 will air. No need to jump to conclusions yet.

Can you read Japanese?

The official Fire Force website seems to indicate that not only is Episode 3 airing this Friday night (just judging from the Arabic Numerals), but there WAS an outlet which stayed on track last week.

Now, it's possible the website just hasn't been updated, but if not, why even change it to reflect the skip in Episode 3 on most outlets?

Also, Wikipedia does imply it's airing this Friday night.

But I digress...


7/20/2019 - Total Viewers
Show Viewers Retention
DBZ Kai 254,000  
DBS (R)  238,000 93.70%
DBS (P) 646,000 95.28%
AOT #57 355,000 54.95%
AOT #58 328,000 92.39%
LupinPt5 241,000 73.48%
FoodWars! 274,000 113.69%
B. Clover 264,000 96.35%
Boruto 271,000 102.65%
Shippuden 244,000 90.04%
Gundam 269,000 110.25%
MHA 340,000 126.39%
AVERAGE 323,200 25 of 29
7/20/19 - Adults 18-49
Show Viewers Retention
DBZ Kai 141,000  
DBS (R)  141,000 100.00%
DBS (P) 424,000 106.80%
AOT #57 240,000 56.60%
AOT #58 224,000 93.33%
LupinPt5 168,000 75.00%
FoodWars! 181,000 107.74%
B. Clover 170,000 93.92%
Boruto 178,000 104.71%
Shippuden 169,000 94.94%
Gundam 189,000 111.83%
MHA 223,000 117.99%
AVERAGE 216,600 22 of 29

Gundam was indeed 5th in 18-49--at 3 AM. Not too shabby!

Edited by OwlChemist81
  • Confused 1
Posted (edited)

It's a Shonen Jump property, and there aren't any nipples so it's easy on S&P for editing. I can't say I don't see why he chose Food Wars of all things as our first ecchi series. But yeah, he could have done better.

Personally, I'd have gone with Freezing. Yeah, it's from 2011 and there's nipples across the board, but it's got actual action, a plot that doesn't devolve into shounen bullshit, fanservice balanced between incidental (clothing damage) and on purpose (the sexual bullying scene in episode 3), and a dub that didn't even need to fifteen itself to sell like DxD's did. As the resident TV content ratings autist, trust me when I say there are episodes where barely any profanity is present. Plus I know this one guy who got traumatized so badly from the four and a half episodes he did watch that he outright told people that if they liked it they were a bad person, and him getting triggered by it reaching a wider audience would be entertaining af.

Blood-C would be good to watch with the rest of you, especially now that I'm not expected to actually care about what happens to most of the characters.

Edited by PokeNirvash
  • Like 1
2 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:

It's a Shonen Jump property, and there aren't any nipples so it's easy on S&P for editing. I can't say I don't see why he chose Food Wars of all things as our first ecchi series. But yeah, he could have done better.

GXP had ..... what people can CALL "ecchi" though poorly drawn.


4 hours ago, Daos said:

So MHA just beat 7 shows before it. Yup seven.

I’m calling it.  It being moved is a political thing.

$5 on simuldubs hitting Hulu when Season 4 drops.

  • Haha 2
3 hours ago, Jman said:

I’m calling it.  It being moved is a political thing.

$5 on simuldubs hitting Hulu when Season 4 drops.

Watch it like be moved to 1:30 on the LAST EPISODE of the season.

  • Haha 1
9 hours ago, elfie said:

GXP had ..... what people can CALL "ecchi" though poorly drawn.


And he only got that because it had nostalgic name recognition, and he only admitted to seeing the first few episodes before any of the really fanservicey/lawlharemy stuff came into play.

  • Like 1
9 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:

It's a meme, Al, get over it.

Also, stop using the term "Arabic numerals". We know what numbers are.

Never heard of em, I only use Akkadian numerals.

  • Haha 2
19 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:

It's a meme, Al, get over it.

Also, stop using the term "Arabic numerals". We know what numbers are.

I'm just saying as opposed to Japanese numerals. You know, "ichi, ni, san, shi, go," and such

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Jman said:

Looks like Fire Force will resume its normal schedule this Friday.

Crisis averted.

Yeah, good thing too. And I'm thinking it will probably air on Toonami without a hitch. As in, no skip between Episodes 2 and 3. The first 2 episodes will be 3 weeks behind FUNimation's same-day simuldub, and the 3rd and beyond will be only 2 weeks behind it!

Now we've just gotta wait on that timeslot for gen:LOCK. Will it actually knock shows out of the top-and-bottom-of-the-hour status quo for its first longer-than-standard episode? Only time will tell...

Also, this means unless something moves down or Toonami expands, there's no getting out of the 3 AM abyss for Gundam: The Origin or My Hero Academia.

Edited by OwlChemist81
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

I guess Fire Force did OK with its U.S. TV debut, but Dragon Ball Super has soared back over not just 700K, but 750K again! And AOT posts its half-season high for its season finale:


And Gundam once again beats shows at 12:30 and 1 AM. If I could re-arrange Toonami's schedule, I'd move Lupin and Food Wars down, Gundam and MHA (or whatever replaces it) up, and the Ninja Hour to 3:30 AM. Then again, Boruto HAD potential in the first quarter of the year before it got demoted to 2 AM in favor of 11:30 MHA in April. Sure we've got gen:LOCK now, but that's only going to last 8 weeks. So maybe Boruto moves back up to directly follow Dragon Ball Super after 11?

But wait, Dragon Ball Super is ending soon, so it will either be a pre-gamer or no longer a headliner if it reruns. It would be neat somehow if Toonami went after a different Dragon Ball show, but what's left? Gen:LOCK is a temporary stop-gap, and the other 2 contenders for shonen staples, Black Clover and Boruto, are currently languishing in the 2nd half of the block. Perhaps pull a switcheroo with Super when it runs out of premieres if it's desired to remain on the block? Are Dragon Ball Super reruns equivalent to Boruto or Black Clover premieres? The ratings seem to support that hypothesis.

Yet another X-Factor is that around the time Super ends, Toonami traditionally loses its 8 PM hour to CN for 3 months. Perhaps the Dragon Ball Power Hour and Toonami will converge once again, this time with only the RERUNS of Super sticking around? It will be interesting to see how they handle this when the time comes.

Edited by OwlChemist81
  • Confused 1

If Toonami had money for originals (which probably won’t be a thing save some very short series especially given the epic belly flop that was DeMarco’s FLCL fanfics) commissioning a full anime adaptation of Gundam: The Origin manga proper, and advertising it as “Only Toonami” as hype for the movie ramps up would = Ratings.

That of course is in a scenario where everyone isn’t trying to get their own stuff off the ground in streaming and the Toonami budget can buy mores than a 2 piece meal at Popeye’s.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, OwlChemist81 said:

Does the manga go on after the 6 OVAs (and 13 TV episodes)?

The Origin anime is an adaptation of several prequels and side stories from the manga.  The manga proper is a wholesale remake of the original series, starting from the attack on Side 7 to the end of the One Year War.

Edited by Jman

So basically what you're calling for is a remake of the original Mobile Suit Gundam with the style of The Origin?

I mean, that does seem like a logical step. I wonder if Japan will make it happen? It could be that The Origin is only the beginning, but of course nothing has been announced yet.

From what I understand, Origin the TV series is airing in Japan kinda off-season, since it started April 29th and has 13 episodes. But it should still be about done by now since that's 3 months ago. I wonder what will take its timeslot in August and September (in Japan)? Normally, new series begin in January, April, July, or October.

Posted (edited)

Well, what do you know? Full numbers out early today, and just how many shows before it did MHA beat? Look below and find out!


7/27/2019 - Total Viewers
Show Viewers Retention
DBZ Kai 314,000  
DBS (R)  287,000 91.40%
DBS (P) 757,000 99.74%
AOT #59 463,000 61.16%
FireForce 388,000 83.80%
LupinPt5 301,000 77.58%
FoodWars! 304,000 101.00%
B. Clover 346,000 113.82%
Boruto 343,000 99.13%
Shippuden 283,000 82.51%
Gundam 278,000 98.23%
MHA 362,000 130.22%
AVERAGE 382,500 16 of 30
7/27/19 - Adults 18-49
Show Viewers Retention
DBZ Kai 154,000  
DBS (R)  154,000 100.00%
DBS (P) 436,000 100.00%
AOT #59 253,000 58.03%
FireForce 217,000 85.77%
LupinPt5 182,000 83.87%
FoodWars! 175,000 96.15%
B. Clover 215,000 122.86%
Boruto 217,000 100.93%
Shippuden 176,000 81.11%
Gundam 195,000 110.80%
MHA 222,000 113.85%
AVERAGE 228,800 16 of 30

Note: Italics indicates an estimate.

Yep, that's right--SIX shows in total viewers and SEVEN in Adults 18-49! But it's now the lamest duck on the lineup with only 3 episodes left, so no point moving it up now. And while it has given significant strength to Gundam as its lead-in, it obviously hasn't had the same effect on Gemusetto Machu Picchu or anything AFTER Toonami:

  • Dragon Ball Z Kai (R) (Adult Swim, 8:00 PM, 30 min.) • 0.314 million viewers • 0.12 A18-49 • 0.11 A25-54 • 0.04 A55+
  • Dragon Ball Super (R) (Adult Swim, 8:30 PM, 30 min.) • 0.287 million viewers • 0.12 A18-49 • 0.12 A25-54 • 0.05 A55+
  • Rick & Morty (R) (Adult Swim, 9:00 PM, 30 min.) • 0.323 million viewers • 0.14 A18-49 • 0.14 A25-54 • 0.05 A55+
  • Rick & Morty (R) (Adult Swim, 9:30 PM, 30 min.) • 0.443 million viewers • 0.20 A18-49 • 0.20 A25-54 • 0.07 A55+
  • Family Guy (R) (Adult Swim, 10:00 PM, 30 min.) • 0.686 million viewers • 0.29 A18-49 • 0.30 A25-54 • 0.10 A55+
  • Family Guy (R) (Adult Swim, 10:30 PM, 30 min.) • 0.759 million viewers • 0.34 A18-49 • 0.37 A25-54 • 0.11 A55+
  • Gemusetto Machu Picchu (R) (Adult Swim, 4:00 AM, 30 min.) • 0.224 million viewers • 0.12 A18-49 • 0.11 A25-54 • 0.02 A55+
  • Ballmastrz: 9009 (R) (Adult Swim, 4:30 AM, 15 min.) • 0.215 million viewers • 0.12 A18-49 • 0.10 A25-54 • 0.02 A55+
  • Tigtone (R) (Adult Swim, 4:45 AM, 15 min.) • 0.206 million viewers • 0.11 A18-49 • 0.09 A25-54 • 0.02 A55+
  • Aqua Teen Hungerforce (R) (Adult Swim, 5:00 AM, 15 min.) • 0.223 million viewers • 0.12 A18-49 • 0.10 A25-54 • 0.02 A55+
  • Aqua Teen Hungerforce (R) (Adult Swim, 5:15 AM, 15 min.) • 0.210 million viewers • 0.11 A18-49 • 0.10 A25-54 • 0.01 A55+
  • Home Movies (R) (Adult Swim, 5:30 AM, 30 min.) • 0.206 million viewers • 0.10 A18-49 • 0.08 A25-54 • 0.01 A55+

Read more: https://programminginsider.com/saturday-final-ratings-henry-danger-on-nickelodeon-hits-summer-high-in-total-viewers-with-special-musical-episode/

We can tell that Family Guy edged out Dragon Ball Super's premiere in total viewers, but because the 436K figure is an estimate in Adults 18-49, we really can't tell which show if any edged the other out. But in 25-54, it IS clear that Super won the night! And of course, coming in 2nd in cable originals behind only Live PD ain't too shabby.

Starting next week, with AOT's departure, we're down to only 3 dub premieres. But I think Fire Force is fresh enough and gen:LOCK will be able to bridge the gap well between it and Super. But looking long-term, it seems Toonami SHOULD be able to hang on to 11 PM for a while. Either MHA Season 4 or Demon Slayer is replacing Dragon Ball Super, and hopefully MHA's strength in a crappy timeslot to end Season 3 is a decent indicator of its potential to lead with dub premieres for the first time ever! Demon Slayer is a great alternative and would also be dub premieres, right? So while in August and September the number of dub premieres has just shrank to a low not seen since Toonami only had 7 time slots, I believe that will change again soon, and hopefully one of the newbies will be able to carry the block like Super has. But if not, I could easily see it drop back to a Midnight start time and only 8 timeslots in 2020.

Edited by OwlChemist81
Posted (edited)

Better retention after Super this week. Good to see!

The Fire Force premiere had an okay start.

... w ---- Lupin III Part 5 isn't a dub premiere? I suppose because it's on home video. Also the dub of Food Wars (season 1 at least) has been available online for a good while.

MHA -  ... -___-

Edited by elfie
4 hours ago, OwlChemist81 said:

So basically what you're calling for is a remake of the original Mobile Suit Gundam with the style of The Origin?

I mean, that does seem like a logical step. I wonder if Japan will make it happen? It could be that The Origin is only the beginning, but of course nothing has been announced yet.

From what I understand, Origin the TV series is airing in Japan kinda off-season, since it started April 29th and has 13 episodes. But it should still be about done by now since that's 3 months ago. I wonder what will take its timeslot in August and September (in Japan)? Normally, new series begin in January, April, July, or October.

The rumor is the movie will be a loose adaptation of The Origin (given that the writer was tested on the references in Gundam Narrative).  They may want to avoid competition with themselves.

  • Thanks 1
1 hour ago, elfie said:

Better retention after Super this week. Good to see!

The Fire Force premiere had an okay start.

... w ---- Lupin III Part 5 isn't a dub premiere? I suppose because it's on home video. Also the dub of Food Wars (season 1 at least) has been available online for a good while.

MHA -  ... -___-

The 3 current dub premieres are Dragonball Super, Lupin the 3rd Part 5, and Boruto.

38 minutes ago, OwlChemist81 said:

The 3 current dub premieres are Dragonball Super, Lupin the 3rd Part 5, and Boruto.

.. Fire Force is a dub premiere though. It's released 2 to 3 weeks late.  Unless you don't count it because you can watch the dub on Funimation.

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, elfie said:

.. Fire Force is a dub premiere though. It's released 2 to 3 weeks late.  Unless you don't count it because you can watch the dub on Funimation.

That's precisely why it's not counted. A show only counts as a "dub premiere" if it has an English dub vocal track that has never been heard anywhere else on TV, home video, or online.

Is Fire Force the freshest show that's NOT a dub premiere? Indubitably. It also has the newest animation of any show on Toonami, obviously!

Which on that note, starting this Saturday, here is the year in which each show's animation on Toonami was first seen in Japan (or in the case of gen:LOCK, over here...)

Dragon Ball Super - 2018
Gen:LOCK - 2019
Fire Force - 2019
Lupin III Part 5 - 2018
Food Wars - 2015
Black Clover - 2019
Boruto - 2018
Naruto Shippuden - 2012
Gundam: The Origin - 2016
My Hero Academia - 2018

Essentially, what has happened recently is two shows from 2019 (Sword Art Online: Alicization and Attack On Titan Season 3) got replaced by 2 shows from 2019 (Fire Force and gen:LOCK), but the ones that ended were dub premieres, while the new shows aren't. Hunter x Hunter, with its last episode animated in 2014, got replaced by a contemporary in Gundam: The Origin--or actually a show that was slightly newer (2015) when it began. The only recent "WTF!?" replacement was Food Wars, which replaced The Promised Neverland - a 2019 show with a 2015 one of much lower quality!

I'm thinking when MHA ends it will most likely be replaced by AOT S3 Part 2 reruns, bringing up another 2019 show. And in September Gundam advances to 2017 and later 2018, but those will be the only changes to the year shows were animated on the lineup until October or so. And hopefully that will bring in more 2019 shows with Demon Slayer and the return of MHA for Season 4, replacing DBS and gen:LOCK. As for Gundam, it's an older show but it would be nice to see Space Battleship Yamato 2199 (Star Blazers 2199) on Toonami. It would lock down a timeslot for a while if they aired the entire series, though.

Edited by OwlChemist81
  • Like 2
  • Confused 1
Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, Daos said:

So is Foodwars one of the biggest busts in Toonami history?

It has a ways to go before being in the same category as Wulin.

That said, Food Wars fails at ratings, so switch it and Origin.

Edited by Jman
  • Like 1

We can't really count Wulin, anime only!

Did GXP lose the key demo to every single show on the block including the 5 after it?

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, Jman said:

It has a ways to go before being in the same category as Wulin.

That said, Food Wars fails at ratings, so switch it and Origin.


Didn't Wulin get cancelled after premiering only 2 episodes? I can't see that happening with Food Wars!

I'm thinking that may have been the plan 2 weeks ago, but Sentai complained, so midnight snack Food Wars! for Sentai's home state Texas and the rest of Central Time Zone it is!

Edited by OwlChemist81
  • Haha 1
10 minutes ago, OwlChemist81 said:

I'm thinking that may have been the plan 2 weeks ago, but Sentai complained, so midnight snack Food Wars for Sentai's home state Texas and the rest of Central Time Zone it is!

Low ratings, much like the chips, are Ahoy.

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On 7/30/2019 at 11:51 AM, Jman said:

If Toonami had money for originals (which probably won’t be a thing save some very short series especially given the epic belly flop that was DeMarco’s FLCL fanfics) commissioning a full anime adaptation of Gundam: The Origin manga proper, and advertising it as “Only Toonami” as hype for the movie ramps up would = Ratings.

That of course is in a scenario where everyone isn’t trying to get their own stuff off the ground in streaming and the Toonami budget can buy mores than a 2 piece meal at Popeye’s.

If only. In a perfect world we'd get a Toonami co-funded adaption of Soul Eater Brotherhood & Bleach via final arc...

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