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Uninhabitable land

1938 Packard

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Phrases are created by combining words in an arrangement that produces meaning of some significance.

Swamps tend to be regarded as uninhabitable because you can't build on them. Most of the time, it's a reference to the hardships created by the physical terrain.

Occasionally, though, it's used to convey disdain for the local populace and their culture, like if it were applied to, say, Jersey.

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3 hours ago, KreiaDidNothingWrong said:


uninhabitable refers to things like the surface of the sun, or parts of Antarctica where you can't grow anything or build a feasible shelter
uninhabited just means no one lived there

people did live in what we call Manhattan too.

Okay, so if I drop you in the center of Teton National Forest with nothing but your iPhone, you can call me and say how habitable it is after three months.

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17 hours ago, 1938 Packard said:

Okay, so if I drop you in the center of Teton National Forest with nothing but your iPhone, you can call me and say how habitable it is after three months.

How would you do that? You can't drive.

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