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But DBZ Kai does well even WITH old cels!


I'm sure I should also bring up that American Dad beat OPM, but then Bob's Burgers and King of the Hill both soared from there! Both beat Naruto Shippuden!


Hopefully this next arc in JoJo really does turn up the heat because that drop is massive.  I agree with Sketch in saying that if JoJo keeps this up then it should be moved back in the block. 


On a more positive note, I'm glad the IBO finale retained so well.  Even if it wasn't the most exciting of series, I still enjoyed it.


Why is this so?


Is the art style too old / off-putting? Are people rejecting the pointiness / muscular nature of its aesthetic? Do people want shit that looks like SAO and AGK?


I'm starting to believe it's more of a visual problem. Doesn't matter if there's cel dirt or not; if it looks too old or is too inspired by an older art style...is that a detraction? Could Gundam Unicorn suffer as well if this is the case?


Maybe they just have the same problem my uncle did when we watched Phantom Blood together: they're annoyed by Speedwagon.


[it's a damn shame]


I like Jojo... but it's to much of a niche.


You want ratings you need Mob Psycho and Re Zero.


And stop acting like IBO is doing good now. it only looks better because Jojo is pre tanking the block before IBO gets the chance to.


And yes Tokyo Ghoul sucks and would probably get great ratings like Dimension W.


It's time to face facts, Toonami viewers are idiots with absolute shit taste. You could put Steins gate and Death note back to back and they'd both bomb.


Dimension W fell off after the first few weeks...and it stopped making sense.


And Stein's Gate should never sir.


I will always hate that line of thinking . "People don't like what I like so they have shit taste!"  Maybe your taste is the shits.


Dimension W fell off after the first few weeks...and it stopped making sense.


And Stein's Gate should never sir.


I will always hate that line of thinking . "People don't like what I like so they have shit taste!"  Maybe your taste is the shits.


Kinda hypocritical, coming from you.


Yeah maybe we're in an alternate universe where Steins Gate and Death note are the DW and IBO of this reality.


Toonami viewers would literally watch DW over Death note. DW would get higher ratings. So really... don't expect the people that watch Toonami to actually like anything good unless it has massive mainstream hype behind it like OPM.


I know everyone's confused by Jojo tanking hard because it seems like it's pretty good and has a big fan base, but when you take into account the taste of the average Toonami viewer.... it's not that much of a mystery.




Death Note would be a massive hit if it were put on Toonami. The younger viewers who didn't catch it when it was on Adult Swim and haven't seen it online would think that it's 1000x better than One-Punch Man.


Death Note would be a massive hit if it were put on Toonami. The younger viewers who didn't catch it when it was on Adult Swim and haven't seen it online would think that it's 1000x better than One-Punch Man.


LOL assuming that was 100 percent troll there.


Implying that the taste of ASA viewers weren't equally shitty considering they allowed Durarara!!! to bomb super hard. If that show aired on Toonami alongside Casshern and DMW in 2012 it would have been a huge success and become a block staple so this discussion could go both ways.


Regardless of how Durarara!! really did in the ratings... You know what? I don't give a flying fuck how low it did, that shit was fun to watch and none of you are going to ruin that for me.


Only when they don't like what you like.


Much easier to blame the people than the show.

No, people just suck regardless sometimes.


I get opinions. But some opinions are more educated than others.


And the ones that are uneducated suck.


My exact opinion on some of the opinions here and elsewhere on the internet. I can tell when someone is clearly trolling or really opinionated but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt anyways and get the point across that I personally think their ideas are stupid.

Guest The Hound

Please don't make me have to read reports...


Sorry, but this one's actually a PLEASURE to read for once: JoJoJoJo done GOOD!!






12/17/2016 JoJo's Bizarre Adv. (12:30)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.78

Estimated 18-34 - 530,000

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.56

Estimated 18-49 - 711,000

Total Viewers - 1,095,000


12/17/2016 JoJo's Bizarre Adv. (1 AM)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.70

Estimated 18-34 - 476,000

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.49

Estimated 18-49 - 622,000

Total Viewers - 937,000


Episode 9 was indeed a record-breaker for this show, the first time it got over 500K 18-34s/700K 18-49s by a pretty wide margin! And Episode 10 didn't quite do AS good coming after it, but it still managed the 2nd highest 18-34 number to date! In fact, this week alone managed to pull JoJo's 2016 premieres out of the fire not only of being under a million total viewers on average, but of being under 400K adults 18-34 on average, as its final estimated average for 2016 premieres in that demographic (which shall remain an estimate) is 404,400. And its total viewers average for 2016 premieres will conclude at 1,001,600. This bodes well going into Battle Tendencies, Episode 11 and beyond, next year, as well I suppose for the marathon, but we may never actually see ratings from that. I'm more concerned with how well Scavengers does!


And if last year is any indication, it looks like we WILL get to see: http://www.showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-top-150-thursday-cable-originals-network-update-12-24-2015.html


Good.  I'm hoping ratings rise for the far more engaging Battle Tendency arc. 


But let's face it, everyone just wants to get to Stardust Crusaders.


That's the truth. There's no denying it when your first animated adaptation is an OVA adapting Stardust Crusaders.


Why they started adapting when they got to Egypt, though, remains a mystery...




Update: One Piece actually made the Top 100 for the first time in I don't know how long, plus DBZ Kai managed a rounded 0.7 as we say goodbye to the Kikuchi soundtrack, and hello to...




Too bad Midnight is too late to head to the Colonel and grab a piece or two! But I digress...


12:00 AM Dragon Ball Z Kai - 1,405,000 (78.14%)

12:30 AM JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - 1,095,000 (77.94%)

1:00 AM JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - 937,000 (85.57%)

1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter - 824,000 (87.94%)

2:00 AM Naruto: Shippuden - 761,000 (92.35%)

2:30 AM One Piece - 700,000 (91.98%)


Not the best retention in total viewers for DBZ Kai and either JoJo, but when Family Guy starts out at almost 1.8 Million, get over it!


That's the truth. There's no denying it when your first animated adaptation is an OVA adapting Stardust Crusaders.


Why they started adapting when they got to Egypt, though, remains a mystery...


And the test dub back in 2014 started out with the first three episodes of Stardust Crusaders rather than Phantom Blood.




Update: One Piece actually made the Top 100 for the first time in I don't know how long, plus DBZ Kai managed a rounded 0.7 as we say goodbye to the Kikuchi soundtrack, and hello to...




Too bad Midnight is too late to head to the Colonel and grab a piece or two! But I digress...


12:00 AM Dragon Ball Z Kai - 1,405,000 (78.14%)

12:30 AM JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - 1,095,000 (77.94%)

1:00 AM JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - 937,000 (85.57%)

1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter - 824,000 (87.94%)

2:00 AM Naruto: Shippuden - 761,000 (92.35%)

2:30 AM One Piece - 700,000 (91.98%)


Not the best retention in total viewers for DBZ Kai and either JoJo, but when Family Guy starts out at almost 1.8 Million, get over it!


Meh. Jojo still losing to many viewers after DBZ, but at least it isn't as terrible as last week.


Wow, this lineup freaking SHOT THE MOON on Adults 18-49, as all slots but two were up at least a tenth of a point! Looks like nothing was under 475K 18-49 or 700K total viewers!!


12:00 AM Dragon Ball Z Kai - 1,405,000 (78.14%) 0.71 (+0.10)

12:30 AM Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 1,095,000 (77.94%) 0.56 (+0.16)

1:00 AM Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 937,000 (85.57%) 0.49 (+0.10)

1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter - 824,000 (87.94%) 0.43 (+0.06)

2:00 AM Naruto: Shippuden - 761,000 (92.35%) 0.39 (+0.07)

2:30 AM One Piece - 700,000 (91.98%) 0.38 (+0.11)

3:00 AM One-Punch Man (rerun) - 731,000 (104.43%) 0.40 (+0.14)

TOTAL VIEWERS AVERAGE - 921,857 0.48 609,600




This is just an estimate based on hundredths of points, but I'm pretty sure the over 600K part will stick. It's been almost 5 months since the block cracked 600K 18-49s on average!! Of course, the Total Viewers Average also did well in its own right, reaching a level not seen for almost 2 months!


Welp, here's the full 18-49s!


12:00 AM Dragon Ball Z Kai - 906,000 (82.95%)

12:30 AM Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 719,000 (79.36%)

1:00 AM Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 626,000 (87.07%)

1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter - 545,000 (87.06%)

2:00 AM Naruto: Shippuden - 503,000 (92.29%)

2:30 AM One Piece - 483,000 (96.02%)

3:00 AM One-Punch Man (rerun) - 517,000 (107.04%)

ADULTS 18-49 AVERAGE - 614,143


That OPM number is truly amazing! It must have made the Top 100 for Sunday, but we're not gonna know anytime soon because stupid Screener has accidentally posted the grid from the week before last instead.


Oh well; here are the final premiere averages for every show that aired in December 2016:



Dragonball Z Kai - 1,375,531 (98 episodes)

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - 1,001,600 (10 episodes)

Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans - 940,760 (25 episodes)

Hunter × Hunter - 901,875 (32 episodes)

Naruto: Shippuden - 887,794 (140 episodes)

One Piece - 801,455 (166 episodes)

One Punch Man Rerun - 642,250 (8 episodes)


ADULTS 18-49

Dragonball Z Kai - 792,155 (98 episodes)

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - 606,400 (10 episodes)

Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans - 556,560 (25 episodes)

Hunter × Hunter - 531,656 (32 episodes)

Naruto: Shippuden - 490,440 (140 episodes)

One Piece - 435,713 (166 episodes)

One Punch Man Rerun - 387,625 (8 episodes)


ADULTS 18-34 (Estimated)

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - 404,400 (10 episodes)

Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans - 367,040 (25 episodes)


Nice turn of events, with JoJo's averages cracking some ceilings it looked like it would fall short of as recently as last week, including 1M total viewers, 600K adults 18-49, and 400K adults 18-34!


Well, Scavengers did pretty good. I would imagine this number also includes the first 3 minutes of JoJo, though, which included Toonami's 2nd-ever playing of the full OP.




12/24/2016 Scavengers (0:15)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.68

Estimated 18-34 - 462,000

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.56

Estimated 18-49 - 711,000

Total Viewers - 1,107,000


Surely more data to come later today for the marathon--like now. Well, a little bit at least:




Ouch. Only Scavengers and the first 2 episodes of JoJo even made the Top 100! Everything else probably tanked, but we won't know until SOTB hits the scene...



It was Christmas Eve.  Aggregate ratings don't even count this week because of the shifts in population activity.


UFC 206 rerunning on Fox apparently outdid It's a Wonderful Life, so who knows?


That link ALchemist posted has the first JoJo clocking in at in the 800k range, while the second showing of was in the 600k range. Nothing else charted.


I mean it was Xmas so I wasn't expecting much, but damn, I didn't think you could do worse than what AGK, OP and IBO did for their marathons and yet... JoJo... poor poor under-appreciated JoJo.


If we're just looking for ratings then why air anything other DBZ period. Lmao people would probably stick around more for endless reruns of Z then ever give anything else a chance sans the rare occarance (AoT, OPM).


Watch the upcoming DBZKai marathon pull the biggest ratings in a while. Even compared to the normal block.




Lmao the denial is strong with this one.


So is the bias-ness.


Clearly there was an audience right before JoJo because the short right before it did fine.


We've been witnessing heavy losses from JoJo week after week. This outcome is completely on par with how it performs.


Better hope the other JoJo series do their thing, otherwise this show is looking to be a bust performance wise. Perhaps they'll move it down...


I'm jut gonna agree to disagree between you two: JoJo isn't doing so hot and I hope it gets better, and while One Piece's shot at stateside glory has long since passed it's not doing bad enough to justify Jman's claim that it should be removed from the block forever and ever. (Well, any more than Demarco's had to defend against, anyways. S:)


Seems like they were between a rock and a hard place with another Gundam series after Ibo so keeping Jojo at 12:30 makes sense and I don't think they have anywhere to move it down to. Personally I'll be fine if Jojo doesn't click, its future could go either way for me. While I know Part 2 is going to be incredible and fun, on the other hand, if it underperforms and Demarco keeps his word with taking a break before part 3 then at this clears up space for shorter series.


The groundwork had already been laid for JoJo to move down to 1 AM with Part 2 beginning at 1 AM on 12/17. They could have just started Gundam Unicorn at 12:30 AM and left JoJo at 1 AM and been none the wiser.


And it turns out that ratings information beyond 12-1:15 is STILL not available yet, as Programming Insider hasn't posted their "Saturday Final Nationals" yet. But from what I've seen, yep, this night did worse than the One Piece marathon on 12/26/15.

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