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I think it might be time for me to try this social media thing


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6 hours ago, TrigunBebop said:



What? You didn't think I'd make a normal social media account, did you? :|

I mean it ruined my life. No one even notices when I deactivate my facebook, people are actually relieved I presume. And alot of top scientist agree overall isn't good. So idk, give it a shot.

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On 2/18/2018 at 8:32 PM, jackiemarie90 said:

I mean it ruined my life. No one even notices when I deactivate my facebook, people are actually relieved I presume. And alot of top scientist agree overall isn't good. So idk, give it a shot.

Now I'm having second thoughts on this social media thing. >.>;;

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1 minute ago, TrigunBebop said:

Now I'm having second thoughts on this social media thing. >.>;;

I think our brains react to social media as dopamine boost. Especially when we get likes, kudos or comments in our posts. We then become addicted to it, believe are self worth is decided on the amount of likes we get. Also I believe social forces people into a bubble, we only care if someone is doing well for their life, and usually ignored the depressed individuals. All because we either automatically dismiss them as complainers and use it as an excuse to ignore them. People also have become self adsorb, well I start telling people of my depression, they tend say back, well so I do, suck it up. Honestly, saying suck it up shows ignorance and is the wrong approach to people with chemical imbalances in the brain. 


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