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just started watching this sill nuzlocke run of y,



got me to brush off the dust on my omega ruby ;D


definitely nervous to get sun or moon though cause im afraid of all the new monsters i can put in my pocket.



If you enjoy nuzlockes/competitive battles pokeaimMD is the best


I do

though these new nerfs are annoying

gengar/dark void/gale wings

though t-wave was needed


despite random pokemon receiving buffs like pelipeper and added moves to others dragon dance flygon now

Dark typing is going to be a top type in competitive now being immune to the prankster ability

ultra beasts looking OP already


My bro since gen 1 gengar losing levitate is rough. Being immune to ground attacks was great, I guess this makes mega gengar more mandatory.


mega gengar is remaining uber shadow tag is just to strong for ou

only 7 ubers dropped to ou for the first suspect

with destiny bond getting nerfed gengar for the first time ever will most likely use ou status


I ended up buying both Sun and Moon.  Pokemon games were on sale and I got one 40% off plus I got a Pokemon pouch for free.

I ended up saving $28.99.


Just started playing Moon tonight.  I caught three pokemon so far.

Named one of them Toupee.


I'm having a lot of fun so far. I even took Friday off from work to play it.


I made it past the first trial. I've caught a fair amount of Pokemon but so far I have Cutiefly, Growlithe, Pichu, Oricorio, Trumbeak and Brionne on my team. I'm finding it very difficult to swap out anybody. I was traded a Petilil (one of my favorites) so I'm trying to figure out how to place it on my team.


I may just try to use as many new Pokemon as I can and go for my favorites in Moon later!


granzchesta:  I have Pichu on my team too.


Just got Munchlax and Snorlium Z through Mystery Gift.

Right now I have level 7 Grubbin, Yungoos, Pikipek, level 8 Pichu, and a level 9 Litten.


Haven't started the island challenges yet.  Currently battling the trainers at the school.




I'm still having fun with Moon.  I passed the second trial tonight

and I'm training for the third with a bunch of water pokemon I caught earlier in the game and one ground type

that's pretty strong.


It will probably do pretty well in the fire trial once it's leveled up.

I'm also only one level away from getting a Gyarados. 


considering the colors of the Team Skull Grunt's hair,

it'll be a surprise if the sun and moon anime doesn't somehow have Jessie and James quit Team Rocket and join Team Skull



also side note I no longer hate the female trainer's default design,


I still get a Kick out of the fact that she's wearing a "chicken glove" hat though



Having alot of fun with Moon so far and really love Alola and some of the changes that spice things up like the ride feature and the trials. So far, I've got a team of Brionne, Wingull, Pichu, Growlithe, Yungoos, and the Munchlax gift. I haven't gotten adjusted to the Z feature though so I had to go through a couple pokemon before I could beat Hau's grandpa.


been playing it a little bit this past week.

just beat the big kahuna and got tauros. i thought this was gonna be a thing in gen 6 but i'll still take it. riding a tauros is awesome but i want to ride on the donkey better. right now im trying to avoid having any steel types on my team since they really make the game very easy.


gonna get more playing time the next few days so i should be able to pass it.


I'm currently on the third island.

I have a Mudsdale, Alolan Grimer, Steenee (messed up earlier so it can't evolve sadly),

Incineroar, Charjabug, and Crabrawler.


There's also a few I'm training on the side like Alolan Dugtrio, Trumbeak, Salandit, and Wishiwashi.

Probably won't use them much though.


I'm in the secondary storyline now. Beat the game with an Electivire, Incineroar, Slowbro, Gengar, Whimsicott and Vulpix (which is now a Ninetails).


I'm currently fighting the Aether people now.

My Grimer evolved into a Muk over the weekend.


Pretty much still have the same pokemon.  I've had a lot of fun catching pokemon

so Poke Pelago is pretty well developed.  Just started Isle Evelup tonight so that was fun. 


I've been working on my pokedex while playing so my progress has been slow.

Plus I've spent a lot of time working on my Pokemon's affection levels.  They love me.


spent this last week playing and passed the game this morning.


gotta say i really liked this game better than the last few releases.

beat the elite 4 and champ with a team of primarina, lunala , vikavolt, crabominable, salandit, and golem.


now is on to post e4 game content!



I just beat the grass challenge and met the Prof's wife.


I am unsure about how I should proceed in the game in terms of a team - while I'm not interesting in stats and competitive stuff, I get a bit anal about trying to 'maximize' my pokemon gameplay, in terms of which pokemon I carry and train and the XP they get and things like that. The past few gens I kind of defaulted on using a lot of the same pokemon multiple games over, and then a little in X but primarily in Alpha Sapphire I tried to rotate as many pokemon through my team in the most efficient way possible - like an evolution factory mill for the pokedex. I've noticed I'm definitely doing the factory mill thing again; the new pokeride system makes it a whole lot easier to free up team slots so it's easy to have three or four slots rotating out relatively frequently, or to in theory switch out a bunch of pokemon based on the area or challenge type without fear of getting stuck without an HM. Though I've never taken advantage of it, I really like the concept that you can spontaneously switch in a pokemon you've just caught on the spot when you already have a full team; it really finally gives the heal ball an actual purpose.


So in my head I'm anal but also there's the voice telling me that being anal kind of ruins the fun of casual gameplay, kind of like perfectionist singplayer playthroughs or a multiplayer games with tryhards. I think when I played Alpha Sapphire I had the same "dilemma" wherein I felt like I didn't want to use pokemon I always use at the expense of the 95% of the 900 pokemon I've never really used beyond catching/evolving for the pokedex and the game gifted me a solid pokemon from the start (shiny metagross/snorlax) that is too convenient not to use through the whole game, but I can never just catch and use a bunch of random pokemon for variety's sake.


So I think, like in AS, I will just default into continuing to factory mill evolve pokemon on a few slots, snorelax will still tank everything in the first slot (Happy Hour for battles, Hold Back for catching) the whole game, and my starter will stay on the team but be underused. Which means it will more or less be the same experience on my end as the last game, and the one before.


Just made it to Poni Island a day or so ago.

Haven't made much progress since I'm still working on my Pokedex while playing.


My progress so far:


Alola Pokedex 35%

Melemele Pokedex 44%

Akala Pokedex 46%

Ula'ula Pokedex 43%

Poni Pokedex 41%


So I'm getting there.  My Rockruff evolved today and two of my eggs hatched today.

One of my baby pokemon I got from the ranch and I bred two of my Araquanid (named them Spider-Man names Peter Parker and Jessica Drew) to get

a Dewpider (named it Petey after it's dad).


I'm close to the end finally.

Just beat Hau for probably the last time.  My Crabrawler evolved into Crabominable last night

and I have Vikavolt now too.


both pokemon were in my late game party.

crabominable has awesome offensive typing and a good move set to go along with it. and vikavolt has great design and not to mention fantastic special attack. both of them felt really strong in game.

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm still playing the postgame.  Only have one more ultra beast to catch.

I had a hard time finding the second to last ultra beast.  Caught the first one easily but it took me a few days to find the second one.


So to pass the time I trained my pokemon by defending my Champion title two times.  It's fun seeing who the challengers are and my pokemon are now

level 62.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having a fun time working on my pokedex.

I caught a Golduck tonight and a couple of my pokemon have evolved.


My Alolan Meowth finally evolved into Persian so I took it to Oak in the library and got a Love ball.

So I'm pretty happy about that.  I was leveling up my Meowth for a couple days now so I'm glad it finally evolved.

Still working on Growlithe.  I'm waiting until it learns flamethrower.  Then I'll evolve it.


I evolved my Alolan Sandshrew with the Ice Stone.  I gave my eevee a thunderstone so now I have Jolteon.

I have several eevee plus a ditto which I'll eventually use to get more eevee.  Plus I still have several stones I can use if the game lets me.

Also my Sandile evolved into Krokorok tonight.


Are you the only one who posts here?

Probably.  It's still a fairly new game and I think it deserves some mention.

Plus I don't want the Pokemon Go thread to be the only active Pokemon thread in this folder.

At least with me posting in this thread it's kinda active.


Picked up a used copy of moon the other day. There were still pokemon on it from the last person "I assume his name is Josh". Put those in my pokebank as well as the pokemon that I had caught in r/b/y.  I'm not going to use any of those until post game if at all.  I'm getting through the game pretty quick it seems. So far I'm at least enjoying it more than I did XY, which I thought was the worst in the series.  I went with Popplio as my starter "now a Brionnee". I was going to go with rowlet, but I watched a baby seal video and it made me want to pet a seal.


So far I have gone through the Salazzle Trail. Trial 2 and 3 felt way to close together. Pretty much most of the fights have been Brionnee use Bubblebeam (is it still alive) Use aqua jet. I hope the trainers get more than 2 pokemon at some point or at least have some higher levels.


Love the poke-ride mechanic. It's close to the idea I have had since gen4. However my idea was make HM's passive skills on pokemon you have in your party.  Used stoutlands ability for a while, but most of the items I get are junk and don't seem worth the effort. Way better to just use tauros.




Hunter:  I'm glad I'm not the only one still playing on this forum.


I'm still working on my Pokedex.  Caught a few new pokemon including two Hypno.  Bred them, got a egg, and put the egg in the spa in the Poke Pelago.

Used the GTS two times to get a Rowlet and a Elekid.  I already leveled up Rowlet to its final evolution and haven't used the Elekid yet.


I'll level it up later along with a bunch of other pokemon.  I've been working on the happiness level for Igglypuff.  It still needs one more heart.


I play in spurts, maybe once a week. I last stopped just after beating the third kahuna and taking the boat to rescue lily.


I don't know if it's due to pokemon shuffle scratching the itch between generations, the game not having the ORAS tracker that lets you know whether you've caught everything in an area, or whether my interest is just waning as I get older and have other things to do, but this is the least-engrossed I've ever been in a pokemon game.

  • 2 weeks later...

I've been leveling up my Pikachu and Growlithe today.  Both are currently level 41.

Once Growlithe learns flare blitz, I'll evolve it into Arcanine with a fire stone.  Pikachu still needs to level up a lot more before it's ready to evolve.

I want it to learn thunder first.

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