discolé monade Posted October 10, 2017 Posted October 10, 2017 I was quick to corner him, but before I got too far.... "Heeeey yoooou. You look like a handsome man." I mean, I really am but that's.... "I am?" ghostrek[/member] looked puzzled by the sudden attention. He is?! Ghosty shifted his pants nervously. He still looked rumpled after that one strange weekend. "Let me tell you what I can do for you...." "Go on" "Not the time, sport. We're here on a case remember?" But I could tell it was too late. Visions of a completely naked Deanna Troi running her fingers through his full head of hair were running through his head. I'm pretty sure. ghostrek stood nervously, 'look eddie, i have some info i dug up. i was doing my weekly analysis, and i came across something' eddie looked from ghostrek to the corner, where mirna and the dr. were sitting. 'wait a minute ghostrek, how the hell did you get here?' 'that's what i'm trying to tell you. those broken figurines were made from omega 13. and i don't know how ole frankie got his hands on this...' 'but it's not good!' interrupted eddie. what was all of this about? eddie wondered? it was at that moment, mirna screamed.
discolé monade Posted October 10, 2017 Posted October 10, 2017 stop plaese fine. but if it wasn't for you we wouldn't know what those figurines were all about.
scoobdog Posted October 10, 2017 Posted October 10, 2017 stop plaese Stop being such a stick-in-the-mud.
discolé monade Posted October 10, 2017 Posted October 10, 2017 Stop being such a stick-in-the-mud. watch yourself...or the self proclaimed sjw of ffa will be on your ass. whut
ghostrek Posted October 10, 2017 Posted October 10, 2017 fine. but if it wasn't for you we wouldn't know what those figurines were all about. ok go on
ghostrek Posted October 10, 2017 Posted October 10, 2017 Stop being such a stick-in-the-mud. you can go on
discolé monade Posted October 10, 2017 Posted October 10, 2017 ok go on yay! so you read the whole thing? > i blame scoobdog[/member] for all of it.
scoobdog Posted October 10, 2017 Posted October 10, 2017 ghostrek stood nervously, 'look eddie, i have some info i dug up. i was doing my weekly analysis, and i came across something' eddie looked from ghostrek to the corner, where mirna and the dr. were sitting. 'wait a minute ghostrek, how the hell did you get here?' 'that's what i'm trying to tell you. those broken figurines were made from omega 13. and i don't know how ole frankie got his hands on this...' 'but it's not good!' interrupted eddie. what was all of this about? eddie wondered? it was at that moment, mirna screamed. I had no idea what Omega 13 meant. I looked over at Ghosty. "You mean the fish oil?" "A little help over here?" "Not now Mirna, I'm on to something." "No, really.... Help!" ghostrek[/member] and I looked over to see Johnny standing over Dr. Nick, a smoking pistol in his hand. "ok wtf?" said Ghosty, echoing my thoughts exactly. Then I noticed that Frankie was near Johnny's black bimmer, grappling with the helpless Mirna. "Frankie, you were the muscle all along?" I could tell he didn't know how to handle a dame. You can always tell a sixty year old virgin when you see one. Johnny fired at me sending me and the ghost scrambling for cover. "Quit screwing around, you dolt. We need put a squeeze on this chick before she squeals to the coppers." "Wait what? You know I leave that kind of work to the other guys to bid on." "Get in the car!" I pulled out my piece and took a few wild shots as they sped away....
scoobdog Posted October 10, 2017 Posted October 10, 2017 yay! so you read the whole thing? > i blame scoobdog[/member] for all of it. Shut up, scoob.
discolé monade Posted October 11, 2017 Posted October 11, 2017 I had no idea what Omega 13 meant. I looked over at Ghosty. "You mean the fish oil?" "A little help over here?" "Not now Mirna, I'm on to something." "No, really.... Help!" ghostrek[/member] and I looked over to see Johnny standing over Dr. Nick, a smoking pistol in his hand. "ok wtf?" said Ghosty, echoing my thoughts exactly. Then I noticed that Frankie was near Johnny's black bimmer, grappling with the helpless Mirna. "Frankie, you were the muscle all along?" I could tell he didn't know how to handle a dame. You can always tell a sixty year old virgin when you see one. Johnny fired at me sending me and the ghost scrambling for cover. "Quit screwing around, you dolt. We need put a squeeze on this chick before she squeals to the coppers." "Wait what? You know I leave that kind of work to the other guys to bid on." "Get in the car!" I pulled out my piece and took a few wild shots as they sped away.... 'look eddie, those little figurines that ole frankie had were solidified omega 13. that spill in '08, it was omega 13 in the sysstem!! it's what frankie has been on about to anyone that will listen!', ghost exclaimed. 'and frankie just filed a claim accusing OSHA of pay off's and money laundering. johnny got word and somehow got his girl mirna a job with OSHA to keep tabs on what was what, but when she found out that there were insurance policies taken out by johnny, on over 100 people that lost their hair, without their knowledge, she tried to shake johnny down for 1/2 the claim money, in exchange for keeping her mouth shut.' eddie stated. 'but why kill dr. nick riviera?' asked ghost
discolé monade Posted October 11, 2017 Posted October 11, 2017 'look eddie, those little figurines that ole frankie had were solidified omega 13. that spill in '08, it was omega 13 in the sysstem!! it's what frankie has been on about to anyone that will listen!', ghost exclaimed. 'and frankie just filed a claim accusing OSHA of pay off's and money laundering. johnny got word and somehow got his girl mirna a job with OSHA to keep tabs on what was what, but when she found out that there were insurance policies taken out by johnny, on over 100 people that lost their hair, without their knowledge, she tried to shake johnny down for 1/2 the claim money, in exchange for keeping her mouth shut.' eddie stated. 'but why kill dr. nick riviera?' asked ghost eddie and ghost headed back to the office. it was raining. the kind of rain that you need an umbrella for. as they walked into the office, they noticed someone in the bathroom. eddie pulled out 'betty', 'alright in there, show yourself!' 'DON'T SHOOT, IT'S ME' frankie exclaimed. his face looked like the wrong end of a baboon. bloodied and bruised. 'what happened to you?' ghost asked 'looks like it got slammed by a bedroom window' 'your wife closed her legs a little to fast, if you know what i mean, pal' stated frankie a matter of factly 'pfft, that was stupid, i don't have a wife, and sounds like something out of a movie' said ghost. 'alright, alright, this is getting us no where.' said eddie, 'we're taking you in frankie, we know what is going on' 'that's fine gumshoe, but you won't know what this is really about' 'what are you talking about, frankie, it's wrapped up, like a nice christmas presents for the coppers' 'this has to do with mirna as well, she's not who you think she is. i see her pine soaked skin as gotten to you too' laughed frankie. ghost and eddie looked at each other. 'oh crap, NOW what?' they said in unison.
discolé monade Posted October 11, 2017 Posted October 11, 2017 aw come on. where the hell is scoobdog[/member] ?
scoobdog Posted October 11, 2017 Posted October 11, 2017 aw come on. where the hell is scoobdog[/member] ? My Grandma is in the hospital after she broke her hip.
scoobdog Posted October 12, 2017 Posted October 12, 2017 eddie and ghost headed back to the office. it was raining. the kind of rain that you need an umbrella for. as they walked into the office, they noticed someone in the bathroom. eddie pulled out 'betty', 'alright in there, show yourself!' 'DON'T SHOOT, IT'S ME' frankie exclaimed. his face looked like the wrong end of a baboon. bloodied and bruised. 'what happened to you?' ghost asked 'looks like it got slammed by a bedroom window' 'your wife closed her legs a little to fast, if you know what i mean, pal' stated frankie a matter of factly 'pfft, that was stupid, i don't have a wife, and sounds like something out of a movie' said ghost. 'alright, alright, this is getting us no where.' said eddie, 'we're taking you in frankie, we know what is going on' 'that's fine gumshoe, but you won't know what this is really about' 'what are you talking about, frankie, it's wrapped up, like a nice christmas presents for the coppers' 'this has to do with mirna as well, she's not who you think she is. i see her pine soaked skin as gotten to you too' laughed frankie. ghost and eddie looked at each other. 'oh crap, NOW what?' they said in unison. Just then, I woke up...
scoobdog Posted October 12, 2017 Posted October 12, 2017 [Act II] I had fallen asleep in front of the mini mart with a corndog in my hand and a scratcher half-way to loserville in the floor boards. Naturally, it wasn't the result of a massive opiate addiction, I was just exhausted from, you know, working. Hard. I looked down at the card in my hand. Did this mean Dr. Nick Riviera wasn't dead? I called.... "Is Dr. NIck in?" "Who?" "Dr. Nick." "Who is that?" "What do you mean 'who is that?'" There was only silence on the other end. "I don't know what kind of prank this is, but I'm hanging up." "Wait, don't. I found this number on a card." "I have no idea who that is." This was going nowhere fast. I had to think of something..... "Look, my friend gave me this number. He said you could help me with my scalp.... issue." Nothing. "I'm desperate man. I miss my hair so much. The way it used to blow in the window. The way my girlfriend used to tug playfully on it." "What the hell are you talking about?"
scoobdog Posted October 12, 2017 Posted October 12, 2017 "Then who am I talking to?" "Little late to ask that, isn't it?" "Look, my friend just had this number and a Dr's name on a card." "Oh God, is your friend this weasally little shit with a rat tail and a real shiny dome? You tell that moron that I'm not taking his case." A lawyer? "Uh.... I'm sure he will be.... disappointed? Wait, who are you calling a moron?" "Bah. One of my clients gets called that all the time, and he got elected Pres...." " What?" "Forget you heard that."
1938 Packard Posted October 12, 2017 Author Posted October 12, 2017 "Then who am I talking to?" "Little late to ask that, isn't it?" "Look, my friend just had this number and a Dr's name on a card." "Oh God, is your friend this weasally little shit with a rat tail and a real shiny dome? You tell that moron that I'm not taking his case." A lawyer? "Uh.... I'm sure he will be.... disappointed? Wait, who are you calling a moron?" "Bah. One of my clients gets called that all the time, and he got elected Pres...." " What?" "Forget you heard that." Shit... why don't you just wrap up this entire thread and take it to Booksie.com? You wanna be a fiction writer, so you may as well get some money out of it.
scoobdog Posted October 13, 2017 Posted October 13, 2017 Shit... why don't you just wrap up this entire thread and take it to Booksie.com? You wanna be a fiction writer, so you may as well get some money out of it. Oh, but these are purely for our enjoyment. No need to put a price on that.
1938 Packard Posted October 13, 2017 Author Posted October 13, 2017 Oh, but these are purely for our enjoyment. No need to put a price on that. I didn't see the point in derailing a whole thread just because you, personally, didn't think my co-worker should have hired a private eye. For real, I want to see what he comes up with. More importantly, how does he get the information? My co-worker thinks the local president is embezzling from the pension and severance funds. If any proof is found, every one of us union members need to know about it. Maybe there's nothing there and my co-worker just wasted his money. Or, maybe we could fatten our pensions by exposing a crime and getting an award in litigation. It's a story I have an interest in following, either way. Now, when you said you want more details and a complete story, I'm just as locked as you are because the investigation is not yet complete and details are arriving in little drips and drops instead a complete story. I have to wait before posting anything else about it.
discolé monade Posted October 13, 2017 Posted October 13, 2017 I didn't see the point in derailing a whole thread just because you, personally, didn't think my co-worker should have hired a private eye. For real, I want to see what he comes up with. More importantly, how does he get the information? My co-worker thinks the local president is embezzling from the pension and severance funds. If any proof is found, every one of us union members need to know about it. Maybe there's nothing there and my co-worker just wasted his money. Or, maybe we could fatten our pensions by exposing a crime and getting an award in litigation. It's a story I have an interest in following, either way. Now, when you said you want more details and a complete story, I'm just as locked as you are because the investigation is not yet complete and details are arriving in little drips and drops instead a complete story. I have to wait before posting anything else about it. > oh packard. no one cares. this is just one of a multitude of useless threads here. we...just made it special. you should be thanking us. and we will wait with you. because your limited details will not stop, nor will it ever stop, the crime fighting, mystery solving team of eddie, gumshoe extraordinaire, or his faithful analyst and sidekick ghostrek.
Vercaties Posted October 13, 2017 Posted October 13, 2017 One of my co-workers hired a gumshoe to look into the union local president's financial dealings. I wonder where that's going to lead. Like, how is a gumshoe going to get the goods, assuming that there are any to be had? I'm disappointed. I thought this thread was going to be about investigating privates.
1938 Packard Posted October 13, 2017 Author Posted October 13, 2017 I'm disappointed. I thought this thread was going to be about investigating privates. Investigate Private Benjamin.
tsar4 Posted October 14, 2017 Posted October 14, 2017 He'll find his own new residence is in Fresh Kills.
discolé monade Posted October 14, 2017 Posted October 14, 2017 Oh, but these are purely for our enjoyment. No need to put a price on that. alright sweet pea. i don't even know where to take this at this point. but, i'm sure once packard post all the details of what the gumshoe found out (riveting shit, i'm sure) we can go on from there. or not. but, this was fun. we really sync. >
discolé monade Posted October 14, 2017 Posted October 14, 2017 scoobdog[/member] Lawyer keeps Magic 8 Ball on her desk So, she knows what judges are going to do. ~ packard. > >
lupin_bebop Posted October 15, 2017 Posted October 15, 2017 One of my co-workers hired a gumshoe to look into the union local president's financial dealings. I wonder where that's going to lead. Like, how is a gumshoe going to get the goods, assuming that there are any to be had? There's plenty of ways. If he's good, then it will take about 12 hours or so. If he's not, then he'lll have nothing.
discolé monade Posted October 15, 2017 Posted October 15, 2017 There's plenty of ways. If he's good, then it will take about 12 hours or so. If he's not, then he'lll have nothing. don't do that. don't bring any kind of logic in here. >
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