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FUNimation's fucking up their dubs with political bullshit again

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This is why Bang Zoom! is my favorite dub studio.




Well, that and forcing Bryce Papenbrook to speak with a hokey Italian accent. :D

I actually don't care


in fact I kinda find it interesting


I'm curious what changed at Funimation that made them decide to start being political cause they weren't up until recently, they've also started licensing yaoi and shonen-Ai animes as well which they claim they're doing to show support for LGBT people (which is kinda dumb since Shonen Ai is aimed at straight women and is usually very stereotypical) and issued an apology when one of their attempts to promote said series came across as homophobic


It's not that different from what was in the original version like their Prison School or Kobayashi's Maid Dragon dubs dramatically changing character motivations to call out GamerGate or diffuse the lesbian subtext of the latter.


The "SJW Millenials" line wasn't in the original and they saved discussing cucks and cuckholding for the 9th episode where it becomes a plot-point. Still, I don't feel like it betrays the original meaning of the scene to have the creepy manager feel defeated about sensitivity preventing him from sexualizing the school girls or Junichi going into further detail about why he is appalled by the girls reading from the sex novels.


The girls in the show are terrified about having to read misogynistic sex light novels in front of customers, Junichi does white-knight for them around the end, and the manager emphasizes he personally wants his employees to read from his sex novel collection out of desire. While the other examples were FUNi rewriting the entire scene, this translation only does away Junichi and the Manager being more subtle about how they feel about the girls reading sex novels. It still comes across as faithful to the original meaning because that's exactly what the characters were trying to get at with the meaning of the original conversation. The characters and their motivations don't change at all with the rewrite.


Also, it's for Hajimete no Gal. The whole show is about why misogyny causes people to have misconceptions about what the qualities of a person's character are. Some viewers might get really emotional about the dub, but if they weren't getting emotional about men in the series being called out for judging women by their appearances, then I don't see why it's a big deal to add a line with the creepy manager decrying the SJWs.


Eh, it's more most of the people replying ignoring the fact that real-world politics have no place in anime. Maybe a better comparison would've been that time the Prison School dub used the phrase "Gamergate creepshow".


Still, it's somewhat relevant, considering someone apparently doxxed FUNimation in response to this.


Eh, it's more most of the people replying ignoring the fact that real-world politics have no place in anime.

...and why don't they?  The best works in any entertainment medium are frequently created to hold a mirror to real life.  Numerous anime series have addressed actual political issues, even though Japan doesn't have quite the same tradition of overt political satire as much of the West does.  By all accounts the scene in question was originally written to call out creepy exploitation of women; FUNi just punched the dialog up a bit, as they tend to do.


...I just keep digging this hole deeper for myself, don't I?


Sorry. whut


I do agree that political satire does not show up in Japanese cartoons nearly as much. Mr. Osomatsu has a wide-reaching reference pool to justify the scene, which I do think is pretty funny if only for one of the boys' exasperated "OBAMAHH!" yell.


Yeah, I probably should've also clarified that my annoyance isn't with politics in anime in general, but political buzzwords being used to subtly change characters, a la Maid Dragon episode 12.


So yeah, unless politics are part of the plot in both languages or if they're inserted as part of a gag dub like Ghost Stories, it's probably not okay to use your characters as mouthpieces for yourselves.


Yeah, I probably should've also clarified that my annoyance isn't with politics in anime in general, but political buzzwords being used to subtly change characters, a la Maid Dragon episode 12.


So yeah, unless politics are part of the plot in both languages or if they're inserted as part of a gag dub like Ghost Stories, it's probably not okay to use your characters as mouthpieces for yourselves.

I'm just goofing around, I got what you meant.


It's probably not in the best taste to alter characters for a political agenda,  but Hajimete no Gal is such an awful show any alteration is liable to be an improvement.


...and why don't they?  The best works in any entertainment medium are frequently created to hold a mirror to real life.  Numerous anime series have addressed actual political issues, even though Japan doesn't have quite the same tradition of overt political satire as much of the West does.  By all accounts the scene in question was originally written to call out creepy exploitation of women; FUNi just punched the dialog up a bit, as they tend to do.


Exactly!  If you look at it, a lot of today's anime have faint polticial themes!  A lot of the sexual anime are about an alternate world where the government ruined all free rights of people so they become more sexually repressed! Or about this Gal manga, where its anime is meant to air in the wee hours of the night!


If Funimation had such a bad experience with social media on this dub, maybe it was best that they shouldn't have picked it up!

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