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Do people even catch Magikarp for a reason other than evolve them?

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no...but real talk here for a minute...do people in the Pokémon world eat them?....like mrs.pauls magikarps fish sticks?

yes they do. In first season they were at a fair of some kind and people were eating deep fried magikarp on a stick





No one respects poor magikarp  :catlol


of course not...look at it's stupid fish fuck face....explains the red shiney gyarados in the game causing issues in the lake of rage...it's just out there screaming "YOU TIRED TO EAT ME!!!"


It really isn't.


Since when can Magikarp learn TMs? For that matter, since when can an unevolved Pokemon learn Hyper Beam?


I've never known SS to actively troll, so the only options are, he has a hack, he's mistaken, or he's lying.

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