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Guest The Hound

Since Zintar left, and someone else got fired off into the sun VIA cannon.

Guest The Hound

you mean luuv?






notice who hasn't posted all day yet is logged in

Guest The Hound


The only few people in his corner left or.. you know.







Guest The Hound

permaban or temp ban? i'm ambivalent either way really

Who knows.

I hope it's forever.



Guest The Hound

That sucks zintar left.


Hopefully he'll be back once this place is more of a normal forum and less like what it is now


He was only here for Luuv.


Guest The Hound

Please shut up.

If only you knew exactly how right I was and how salty you are.

I'm telling you facts.



Guest The Hound

i wonder how i can take advantage of luuv's death

And you called me delusional baby.



Ok. Time to keep my end of the bargin up.



Guest The Hound

Everyone can rest assured, zeni is definitely not banned right now.

give that one a few days bb

there's a food chain around here.


give that one a few days bb

there's a food chain around here.

I'm not banning zeni


I told you I don't like him.


I also told you I can't ban him for technical reasons right now.


None of that means I'm biding my time waiting to ban him.


I'm not banning zeni


I told you I don't like him.


I also told I can't ban him for technical reasons right now.


None of that means I'm biding my time waiting to ban him.

i mean you just sudo cat /dev/null > zenigundam


I'm not banning zeni


I told you I don't like him.


I also told you I can't ban him for technical reasons right now.


None of that means I'm biding my time waiting to ban him.


That's your boy Wipey.....He doesn't mind being outlandish and pompous for attention.......Like a 0 calorie Zeni.  Same terrible with less flavor.

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