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with them being dirty....I mean unless it's a reaction to something...like occasionally I'll try a new lotion that will irritate my tattoo and the lines will raise and will become itchy...but if your body itches with no provocation....then shower...you dirty....


i think it has to be...but my grandma...the jem that she was...would say "if you're that fucking itchy, shower"....kinda stuck


Your Grandma clearly never had poison ivy and took a warm shower 


Your Grandma clearly never had poison ivy and took a warm shower


dude my skin is SUPER sensitive....like I'm allergic to grass and the fucking sun...but I can touch poison ivy and sumac and be completely fine....


Some people are like that


Unfortunately I'm not and anytime I touch it my skin boils up and shit


Just a pro tip it's not hard not to scratch normally, if it gets any source of heat on it it itches like x12000 worse


There are plenty of common things that might make someone itch besides being dirty like an allergic reaction

to who knows what.. I've met people that are allergic to the dumbest shit. misquito bites, circulation problems

nuerotic compulsions etc.. Someone could be dirty as fuck and have never showered in their life and not be itchy.

As long as the pile of filth on them doesn't contain any skin irritants.



My daughter has eczema and my sone is allegic to....Something....He's been to 2 different allergists and still can't figure out what's breaking him out.  I digress, when they are itchy, the tub is still part of the remedy process.  Neff has special soap and uses luke warm water when she has an episode because hot water makes it worse, and buddy takes an oatmeal bath before we administer any further medications.


All that said, I.....Mostly....Agree.....If your eyes or arms or something itch, it could be an irritant that you've encountered.....If it's your ass crack, anywhere on your crotch, under your arms, neck or behind your ears I'll recommend scrubbing that shit.  It might not cure your itching but I feel better about being around your scratching ass.


There are plenty of common things that might make someone itch besides being dirty like an allergic reaction

to who knows what.. I've met people that are allergic to the dumbest shit. misquito bites, circulation problems

nuerotic compulsions etc.. Someone could be dirty as fuck and have never showered in their life and not be itchy.

As long as the pile of filth on them doesn't contain any skin irritants.


It doesn't even have to be an allergic reaction - idiopathic urticaria (hives just because) is a real thing, and can be harder to treat than hives due to an allergy.


And it may not go far enough to be neurotic, but every time I'm exposed to somebody with some kind of infestation (scabies, head lice, body lice...), I itch like crazy. I don't have to actually catch it, just be around it, and knowing that it's psychosomatic doesn't make it itch any less.

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