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I really hope toonami gets Tenchi OVA 3 someday

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you all deserve to see it ::]::




It has some of the same issues that Tokyo Ghouls root A has, namely introducing hundreds of new characters who get no real attention or development at all



I doubt they'll be going for anything Tenchi after the whole GXP fiasco.

the real problem is that GXP wasn't a Tenchi Series though



it's like if Funimation dubbed Dr. Slump and called it "Dragonball Arale"


also I think the fact that we all hated GXP has less to do with GXP being bad and more that now that we're adults we realize how effed up Tenchi was in general


it's a story where a bunch of women are trying to fuck their nephew


at least in GXP none of this harem are blood relatives....granted one of them is a little girl and one is a FUCKING CAT so it isn't much better xD


that said even Kajishima thinks GXP was horrible in retrospect, and wrote a series of light novels that re-write the whole story in an attempt to make it better



main differences I can spot from what I skimmed, is that Seina is more handsome and less wimpy, and some characters have been replaced, namely one character is replaced by Mitsuki Sanada, a character from one of Kajishima's other series, "Dual"



in other news apparently Kajishima is already planning for OVA 5, since he released some teaser art for new characters



(I don't know who this is but people are saying she's a character from "War on Geminar")


(This....seems to be Tenchi's Aunt Reia...de-aged?)


(and this is Tokimi (the villian of OVA 3) in a human body)


edit: oh god, the character I didn't recodnize is a character from another one of Kajishima's series....but genderflipped



it's this guy


also I think the fact that we all hated GXP has less to do with GXP being bad and more that now that we're adults we realize how effed up Tenchi was in general

No, we definitely hated it because it was terrible.  I don't know Tenchi from a hole in a ground, but I didn't need to.


Who wants that on toonami besides you?

it'd be fun to make fun of


it's the same reason I watched Akame ga Kill and Tokyo Ghoul, they're fun to watch while under the influence of alcohol


Yeah, pretty much this.  GXP almost certainly soured them on anything Tenchi.


Well the failure of GT scared anyone from making another Dragonball anime for almost 20 years.  GXP and GT levels of failure leave a pretty bad taste in everyone's mouth.


Tenchi is still producing... but the franchise is long out of gas at this point. I tried watching Ai Tenchi Muyo! a few years ago but never made it more than halfway through.


Well the failure of GT scared anyone from making another Dragonball anime for almost 20 years.  GXP and GT levels of failure leave a pretty bad taste in everyone's mouth.


Tenchi is still producing... but the franchise is long out of gas at this point. I tried watching Ai Tenchi Muyo! a few years ago but never made it more than halfway through.

AI Tenchi Muyo was a mistake


first of all the episodes were only 3 minuets long


and they DESTROYED all the character designs



there's a 4th OVA now, but everyone seems to straight up not care about it


all I know about OVA 4 is that Tenchi's literal aunt (His mom's sister) Minaho wants to fuck him in it


The Tenchi series stopped being relevant when kid-targeted anime blocks stopped being relevant. 


The whole joke was airing a show about women wanting to bang a teenager to an impressionable audience entering puberty.  You think anyone gives a flying fuck about the space goddess bullshit at this point?


Didn't they kind of jump the shark already with Tenchi being God? You can't really go anywhere from there.

Washu and Sasami are also Gods, , Sasami was revealed to be a Goddess in OVA 2, (Specifically Sasami died as a toddler and Tsunami, Jurai's Goddess, merged with her to revive her, essentially turning Sasami into her mortal avatar) the plot of OVA 3 was just revealing that Tenchi and Washu were also gods

Yeah but Tenchi was not just "a god" but THE god. Omnipotent and Omnipresent. Or something.


Where do you go from there?

was that ever really confirmed though?, Washu Tokimi and Tsunami just "theorized" that Tenchi was an absolute god


because they assumed a greater god created them, Washu even says Tenchi could "potentially" be the answer to their search, not that she was sure


also the guy Tokimi chose was just as close to god-hood as Tenchi was since he could use light-hawk wings too, so either just like the 3 sisters there are Multiple "absolute gods" or all Washu Tokimi and Tsunami did was discover another being like themselves but not their actual creator




also, Kenshi(Tenchi's brother from Geminar), Kazuki Yotsuga (from Dual), and Seina have similar powers, so that theoretically means they're gods as well


Edit: NOT TO MENTION the fact that Sasami's mother is revealed to be a Goddess as well in OVA 3 and neither of the 3 Sisters knew anything about her status as one, and they never seem to mention it again for some reason


in fact, Characters who appear to be gods in the OVA Canon include



Z (the man Tokimi belived was their true creator)



Tenchi Masaki (Washu belives he is the sisters true creator)



Kenshi (Is implied to be a reincarnation of Z)



Kazuki Yotsuga (he is apparently somehow connected to the Mech Seina discovers late in GXP, it is stated to be "another version of him" in Dual)




Seina Yamada (He can warp reality the same way Mihoshi can and none of the characters know why)




Mihoshi and Ryoko are pretty much godesses too being that they're Direct descendants of Washu and have some of her powers


What about..... Pretty Sammy!


having watched a little bit of Pretty Sammy once I respect what it was doing, it was really nothing more than a Parody of Sailor Moon


highlights of the first episode are Tsunami not knowing the difference between Beethoven and Mozart and Sasami pointing out that her dress and Weapons seem to be a bunch of cheap crappy toys after she transforms the first time (she points out that her wand has a battery compartment and bolts on it despite Tsunami saying it's an ancient sacred weapon)


I can't wait until Toonami picks up The New Prince of Tennis. We deserve to know what happened to everyone on the show after all these years.


You fool! Don't you know the new hot anime thing is girls sidecar racing?


You fool! Don't you know the new hot anime thing is girls sidecar racing?

I thought the new hot thing was girls rubbing their butts together and saying it was a sporting event  :|



Incest happened.

guess incest is more socially acceptable than being gay in the seven kingdoms


(though from what I understand HBO added some gay storylines to the show....against George R.R. Martin's wishes)


guess incest is more socially acceptable than being gay in the seven kingdoms


(though from what I understand HBO added some gay storylines to the show....against George R.R. Martin's wishes)


There's tons of wieners and references to sucking cock.  Bisexual guys and girls.  At least four of the main characters engage in incest. And getting your dick and balls cut off is a common theme. At least 3 of the main characters have been castrated.



Of course it is, inbreeding is kind of a thing when it comes to certain royalties.

actually pretty much all royal families ever practiced Incest, because they felt "commoners" were unclean and that letting members of their "Pure" bloodline marry someone outside their family would make them less perfect

There's tons of wieners and references to sucking cock.  Bisexual guys and girls.  At least four of the main characters engage in incest. And getting your dick and balls cut off is a common theme. At least 3 of the main characters have been castrated.


yeah, but George did once say he thought the idea of a character being gay in his story was absurd and "wouldn't make sense in a fantasy setting"

yeah, but George did once say he thought the idea of a character being gay in his story was absurd and "wouldn't make sense in a fantasy setting"

"Martin, who has two more in the series to publish, said he would put it in if it lent itself to the plot. He said the books are narrated through his "viewpoint" characters, so he was more limited than the TV shows. "Frankly, it is the way I prefer to write fiction because that is the way all of us experience life. You're seeing me from your viewpoint, you're not seeing what someone over here is seeing.

Because none of the viewpoint characters are gay, there are no explicit gay sex scenes in the early books. "A television show doesn't have those limitations," he said. "Will that change? It might. I've had letters from fans who want me to present particularly an explicit male sex scene – most of the letters come from women." "



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