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those weekly trips to the library and all those story times at the library paid off ?

she's actually reading more than i did at age seven (shes addicted to daisy meadows-hoping its just a phrase)


studies show that if a child is a good reader she will excel in all subjects


last year she made ONE B ONE semester but managed all straight As at the end of the year.


im encouraging the young parents in my family to please utilize our magnificent library which is cool enough to have 100s of books for each level of reader and to get 10 books a week for babies...less for older kids.


my cousin whitney read a lot at a young age. she actually grew up in the neighborhood next to this one. was in honors throughout middle school and got a full scholarship to college. this is my goal except im encouraging she consider options like military, music, acting, or a trade instead of or in addition to a 4 year degree (4 year 1st-esp if we get a scholarship which im positive we will accomplish).


worried a bit because she says her work is too easy and thats what messed me up in school. the pace was too slow and the work not challenging so id daydream all day then fall behind.


anyway...tl;dr...give kids books


i don't know if this was after your time...or I dunno you might remember...but when I was a kid Pizza Hut did a book club for kids...they handed out pins and you got these little jem stickers on it every time you completed your book...


i don't know if this was after your time...or I dunno you might remember...but when I was a kid Pizza Hut did a book club for kids...they handed out pins and you got these little jem stickers on it every time you completed your book...


nah never heard of that. my parents ordered me like 10 books a month and just gave me the box when i was four. i had my own little library in my room.


my mom wants to start buying books for my nephew and i shut that down and told my brother to just take his kid to the library on the weekends. we bought a lot of books but its just a waste of money and they just sit and take up space. you can open up the childs mind more by exposing them to the large variety of books the library offers.


i don't know if this was after your time...or I dunno you might remember...but when I was a kid Pizza Hut did a book club for kids...they handed out pins and you got these little jem stickers on it every time you completed your book...


Yeah - they did that when my kids were young...so many stickers or whatever, and you got a free personal pan pizza.


Yeah - they did that when my kids were young...so many stickers or whatever, and you got a free personal pan pizza.



theres a summer reading challenge where they give you things but she had zero interest and enjoys reading just to read. says it gives her good dreams.


nah never heard of that. my parents ordered me like 10 books a month and just gave me the box when i was four. i had my own little library in my room.


my mom wants to start buying books for my nephew and i shut that down and told my brother to just take his kid to the library on the weekends. we bought a lot of books but its just a waste of money and they just sit and take up space. you can open up the childs mind more by exposing them to the large variety of books the library offers.


this is true...plus you're pre-exposing her to the dewey decimal system


Yeah - they did that when my kids were young...so many stickers or whatever, and you got a free personal pan pizza.



2 things:


1. YEAH THATS IT!!...it was part of the "I love to read" campaign right?


2. Aww....you're old...old enough to be my daddy.......FUCK MY LIFE FRANK IS THAT YOU?!?



theres a summer reading challenge where they give you things but she had zero interest and enjoys reading just to read. says it gives her good dreams.


Hey - if it says free, you take.


Yeah - they did that when my kids were young...so many stickers or whatever, and you got a free personal pan pizza.


I still have the basketball they would give you after a certain sticker threshold.


The program was called Book It, and despite lack of advertising apparently it still exists in some form.







2 things:


1. YEAH THATS IT!!...it was part of the "I love to read" campaign right?


2. Aww....you're old...old enough to be my daddy.......FUCK MY LIFE FRANK IS THAT YOU?!?


I may be old enough to be your daddy, but I lack the necessary equipment. :catP


i read an unhealthy amount as a kid and was easily far ahead of everyone else in my school(not that it was hard)but ended up having to cheat on math through high school just to get by.

then again in college so fuck those studies tbh.


i don't know if this was after your time...or I dunno you might remember...but when I was a kid Pizza Hut did a book club for kids...they handed out pins and you got these little jem stickers on it every time you completed your book...


I member it differently, maybe they changed it. They did personal pan pizzas for free to kids with bookit? If I'm remembering the name properly.

  • 4 weeks later...

I member it differently, maybe they changed it. They did personal pan pizzas for free to kids with bookit? If I'm remembering the name properly.


You got stickers for books read and after so many stickers, you'd get a certificate or something for a personal pan pizza.


My littlest brother and sister both had that going for them in elementary. It was annoying on a number of levels - they got pizza just for reading [pizza was treated like a horribly expensive waste of money growing up so naturally it was a massive treat when it actually showed up] and the nearest Pizza Hut was 36 miles away so turning those things in was some sort of medieval torture adventure with the result being a cold piece of grease.

  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...

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