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Who Wants to be a Millionaire S3 eps 5 and 6


All caught up now unfortunately.  Now other than Futurama,

I'm not sure what else I want to watch on Hulu.  Celebrity Jeopardy

is a possibility for game shows but it's not the kind of show I like very much.

I'd much rather rewatch the old SNL Celebrity Jeopardy clips on YT and I've already

watched those too many times. 

Posted (edited)

Alice in Borderland (J-Drama) 9


Y'know, I liked it better when I thought Yuzuha's dad went off the grid to live away from society and its reporter mobs, instead of the show telling me he killed himself on a mountain climb without coughing up any physical proof. The increase in active, confirmed-as-soon-as-you-see-it deadliness is making me pins-and-needles unsettled enough, I do not need a Godzilla Singular Point-level case of pseudo-bullshit death claims on top of it.

That said, I got excited when the Shibuya Police Building showed up for half a second. That's some legacy Kunoichi place setting right there.


Edited by PokeNirvash

Watched Survivor tonight.


I'm already mad.  The first person I liked and decided to cheer for was voted out.

Plus I think they made a mistake not voting out Andy.  I liked him at first but saying that

he was going to vote out Jon (the guy he was working with) makes him a loose cannon.

I think that tribe made the wrong decision and I want them to lose every episode now.


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41 minutes ago, blueraven1979 said:

Watched Survivor tonight.

  Reveal hidden contents

I'm already mad.  The first person I liked and decided to cheer for was voted out.

Plus I think they made a mistake not voting out Andy.  I liked him at first but saying that

he was going to vote out Jon (the guy he was working with) makes him a loose cannon.

I think that tribe made the wrong decision and I want them to lose every episode now.



I think the episode title was "One Glorious and Perfect Episode"... Shoulda been "A Comedy of Errors" really though. Haha. I mean, oh man.... First you got both of the guys who found the beware advantages being so obvious and getting found out right away, then the two tribes overturning their boats during the immunity challenge, and ultimately Andy losing it on the like just the second day that they're out there. Just crazy. And yeah, from the preview seems like Andy's not done dropping bombs yet either, so I kind of already shudder to think where the rest of this season could be going.


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Gotta say, props to TK for taking getting voted out so well. He took it better than Kyle did, clearly. Also, gotta give some credit to both Gabe and Rome this week for recovering from their goofing up and letting people discover they found the beware advantages. Rome I think was wise to take the idol good for just one tribal and letting the girls see him make that choice. He would have just been putting a massive bullseye on his back if he had done anything else. Gabe too, is a lot savvier a player than I at first thought. He got the vote to go his way, and even though he didn't have to, he I think wisely burned his idol that people had found out about.



Parasyte The Grey

I liked it. I think I’m starting to like Korean series. I’m watching Goodbye Earth as well gonna start Behind Your Touch next

Parasyte The Grey takes place in the same universe as Parasyte The Maxim except it’s in S Korea instead of Japan. I liked the ending as well but I like it a little less knowing there’s no second part to the series. I know it’s marked “limited series” but that doesn’t mean it can’t have multiple parts. 


Watched the second episode of Dancing with the Stars for this season.


I can't believe the two old men who can't dance weren't eliminated from the competition.

I'm okay with Tori Spelling going since I think she's the third worst from this season but as

much as I like Family Matters, I think Reginald or the other old actor should have been eliminated

as well.



Watched this week's Survivor.


I'm glad that one guy was voted off.  It's too bad the yellow tribe didn't lose again though.  

I'm still hoping everyone from that tribe gets voted off.  Looks like that other black guy on

the red tribe will get voted off soon judging by the preview.  Not surprised since it looked like

he had a game death flag during the first episode.  Pretty sure If the red team had lost then

he would have been voted out.


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Watched the first season of The Umbrella Academy. At first I thought this was a really weird show, but after a while I realized it was just stupid. Won't be continuing this one.

Also decided to check out the premiere of new reality show The Summit last night. Honestly didn't think I'd care enough for it to want to keep watching the whole episode, but I did. So far it's pretty good. Helps too that Manu Bennett, who I like a lot, is the host.


Watched Survivor.


Really bugged me that the yellow tribe keeps winning immunity.

I think I like just about everyone on the red tribe.  Between Ayesha and Sol, I was hoping

Sol would get voted out but she wasn't willing to work with the others so I can understand

why they voted her out.


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Finished Goodbye Earth I thought it was pretty good. Definitely felt that depression of facing a limited amount of time. 

Started Behind Your Touch. The first episode had a very tear jerking scene but overall it’s adorable. Like it would make a really great anime, I think 


Watched Dancing with the Stars tonight.


The Motown music is my favorite.  Voted for Stephen the gymnast 9 times and gave one pity vote to

Reginald from Family Matters.  Found out tonight it's 10 votes per couple (not 10 votes total) so I plan

to vote 10 times for Stephen and 10 votes to Dwight Howard tomorrow on my birthday.  


I still think he was robbed tonight.  Yeah it was one of the weaker performances but he wasn't as bad as

the two old men.  He should have got a better score than Roberts.  Roberts score was too high.



Watched the second night of Dancing with the Stars earlier this week on my birthday.


I'm glad the two old men were voted off.  I liked Reginald because of Family Matters but he can't dance.


Watched Survivor tonight.


I'm disappointed that the yellow team won the immunity and reward challenge.

I still dislike that entire tribe and I'll always want them to lose.

I was hoping that the bully who was bothering Sol would get voted out.  It's too bad so

many people couldn't vote this episode.  Still think that's a dumb gimmick but whatever.


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I was hoping Rome would burn as well, but I'm glad at least Sol didn't go home and Rome no longer has the steal a vote anymore.

I don't mind people losing a vote when they have a choice not to risk it, but I don't think Teeny really had that option. She could have held out giving it up, but the other two people weren't going to budge, so like she said, she was gonna lose it either way.

You may not appreciate that gimmick, but I'll tell you the one I really liked was the red paint bomb that was part of the beware advantage that Sue I believe it was found. That was funny, watching her have to scramble to clean that up and hide the evidence before anyone came along and noticed.

House of Villains


Season 2 so far is even crazier looking than season 1. Kandy bringing the heat at the end of the first episode and then a catfight starting between the two girls up for elimination at the end of the second definitely makes it seem as if there's gonna be even more fireworks than last time. Plenty of underhanded trickery and backstabbing already. I never saw much of season 1 of Survivor, so I'm really interested in seeing how Richard Hatch plays this game.

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Okay, Sierra and Sam may not be in love, but they are most definitely a couple, and they are most definitely in control of the Gata tribe... or were, I guess since next week looks like the merge is coming from the preview. I really hope Andy doesn't just keep being their pawn and starts playing his own game at some point, or else he might as well have just quit the game before. I feel kind of bad for Anika with how hard she took getting voted out, but like she said, she was way too confident.

House of Villains


This episode was pretty much all about the cock blocker... err, sorry I mean knock blocker. :LithiumSmileyLMAO: Yeah, looks like they got to the point where they're adding "secret" (and I use that term extremely loosely) advantages to the show now. And Victoria calling it her Victoria's secret, while wearing like a Victoria's Secret negligee to the elimination ceremony, I couldn't help but laugh at that I admit. The preview though, showing Bobby Lytes -- could be a guest appearance I suppose -- but if they're adding him as a contestant... Him and Kandy together, I couldn't wait to see that. That would be like adding a truck full of dynamite, to a swimming pool full of nitroglycerin.

Posted (edited)

Watched Survivor.  


I'm glad Anika was voted out.  Also I think that tribe made a mistake not killing the chickens.

I wonder what Probst and his team did with them.  It's kinda funny that as soon as they got the eggs, 

they lost their machete due to losing the immunity challenge.  I still want everyone on Gata except 

Andy and maybe Sam voted out of the game.


Edited by blueraven1979

Just got through watching the final season of Star Trek Discovery. Pretty good ending. My only semi-complaint is the last episode felt a bit anti-climactic, but Trek has always been more about the journey than the destination anyway, so I'd say it's actually a very fitting conclusion for the series.


Watched Dancing with the Stars tonight.


I'm glad Dwight is still in the competition.  I thought he might be voted out tonight.

My guess is that he will be next week.  It's too bad that Stephen (my favorite) was 

in a tie for last place this week.  I think it was a 3-way tie though. 


Posted (edited)



They said they hadn't made the merge yet, but when you're competing for individual immunity and everyone gets to vote for everyone, how is that any different from what they do once they're merged? :confuse: Anyway, Rome's loose lips finally sunk his ship. One of the most anti-climactic and yet still quite satisfying tribal councils in recent memory. Consensus pick though means we'll have to wait till next week for the next stage of the game to really begin and see where the lines are going to be drawn. Looking forward to that.

House of Villains


They teased Bobby joining the game a bit with him going to the house, but didn't happen. Sigh. Ah well. Kind of shocked that Richard got knocked out so soon I got to say. Even though it's been over two decades since he won Survivor, his reputation kind of did him in with everyone just seeing him as a bigger threat than Safaree.

Edited by Dark_Cloud_Overhead
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Watched Survivor.


Still not a fan of early merge or having three teams, but I admit the red paint twist from earlier

is nice.  I'm glad Rome was finally voted out.  About time.  Yeah it was obvious who was going to

be voted out but I really enjoyed it.  Also even though it wasn't necessary I'm glad the idol was played

for Teeny.  I hope she ends up working with them and stays in the game for a long time.


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Watched Dancing with the Stars earlier.


I'm getting worried for all three of my picks now.  I thought Dwight would be eliminated before I started watching

and then I thought it would be Ilona once Dwight got good scores.  Liked it better when my favorite Stephen

was in the top 3 instead of being tied for second to last.  Might have to start voting for only two favorites

in two weeks once the show comes back.





Either Andy deserves an academy award, or he has got to be the worst person in Survivor history at challenges. Edit is certainly building up the notion that he's gonna make some kind of big move and potentially become a serious contender going forward though it feels like. Hope it's for real. I dunno, I guess I just can't help but root for an underdog.

The Summit


Yeah, I'm actually still watching this. Don't know if anyone else actually is, but I was glad to see Manu and the so called mountain keeper step in and do something to try and force the group to stick closer together by making them vote for either the slowest or fastest person. I do think it felt kind of unfair for Pati, but at the same time I believe it was kind of a necessary threat for them to put out there to chasten anyone from pushing ahead too fast and potentially endangering the people that fall behind.


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House of Villains


Apparently New York's now psychically bonded with the house and has the power to predict the future. Okay.... And now the women are all fighting with one another. I think there's really almost nobody who hasn't had a fight with just about every other person in the house now. It's crazy. It's like it's not who pisses you off anymore, but who's pissed you off most recently. Just pure unadulterated chaos. Lovin' it. xD


Forgot to mention I watched Survivor on Thursday night.


The new twist was interesting but I was hoping that Gata member would be

voted out.  I felt bad for T.  She wanted to stay longer so much.  Gabe would have

been my second choice to be voted out after the Gata member was safe so I'm 

a little disappointed it wasn't him.  Still cheering for Teeny.  I'm hoping she's in

the final three.


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Survivor auction was fun to see once again. Glad Andy struck out on his own and the Sam/Sierra duo got broken up as well. Looks like next week is gonna be total chaos. :)

The Summit


First time there's been a close vote, 5 to 4, but the self described Korean cockroach, Dennis, survives yet again. He really is like a cockroach. I mean he's total House of Villains material. It's like he's almost auditioning for the show with some of evil stuff he says during the confessional segments. Ha ha. I'll be seriously disappointed if they don't get him on there next season.

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Forgot to say I watched Survivor last week.


I'm getting good vibes from Andy.  I'm glad he switched sides.

Happy with who was eliminated.  I'm glad it wasn't one of my favorites or

someone I like a little.

Watched Dancing with the Stars tonight.


I'm not surprised that Dwight was eliminated.  He was my third favorite

and I was voting for him every week but I saw it coming.  It got to the point weeks

ago where everyone left was good so there wasn't anyone I really wanted to go.


Hopefully Stephen will make it to the final three.  He's my favorite and Ilona is my second favorite.

Ilona is towards the bottom of the leader board so I hope she'll be safe next week and that Danny

or Joey will be eliminated instead.


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Gotta admit, I'm really surprised they elected to vote out Sol rather than someone on Tuku. Even more surprised that after all that chaos the vote wound up being pretty unanimous. I was thinking they might regret that, but then I saw the preview showing Sue getting totally pissed at Kyle, so seems like they old tribal lines are pretty meaningless at this point.

The Summit


Welp, the cockroach finally got squished. I'll miss the dirty little critter. Now that they're heading up past the snowline to make the final push towards the summit, I expect we'll see the proverbial wheat get separated from the chaff. I expect at least one person is gonna quit and no more than three will to make it to the top. Amy and Jeannie are pretty clearly gonna have the toughest time with final ascent. I will be very impressed if either of them make it at this point.

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Never got around to saying I watched last week's Survivor Wednesday night.


I'm not happy with what happened.  Sol was cool.  Nothing against Kyle, but out of

all the possible targets I wish he or Sam had been voted out instead. 

To me it just seems kinda dumb to not vote out the guy who keeps winning immunity idols.

I hope Teeny finds someone to work with now that her best bud Sol is gone.


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Watched Dancing with the Stars tonight.


I'm so glad my favorites Stephen and Ilona are both safe.  They were both in the bottom two and I didn't want either

of them to go.  It's at least the second time when all 5 stars made it to the finals.  Pretty sure it happened last 

year as well.  I think next week I've give both of them max votes.  Today I gave the max 10 votes to Stephen

and 8 votes to Ilona.  Even though Stephen is my favorite, Ilona did very well this week and I'd be happy

with either of them winning.  Which they won't since they're not the judges favorite and the Disney

star Chandler will win.


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Teeny's won me over. I'm really rooting for her now. Glad to see they took out a former Tuku, even though I'd have rather it been Kyle than Gabe. Andy meanwhile seems to be getting a little full of himself. He better watch out. Arrogance often leads to a fall, so I'm kind of anticipating he's gonna slip up and get caught if he doesn't check himself soon.

House of Villains


Just goes to show being funny to watch and being able to come up with funny jokes are two very different things. Figured Victoria was done. Making it a surprise double elimination though; should be very interesting to see how that goes.


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Forgot to say I watched Survivor over the weekend.


Feel the same way as Dark_Cloud so I have nothing else to add.

Except for the fact I'm surprised Kyle is still around.  I still think they 

made a mistake not voting him out when they had the chance.

Watched Dancing with the Stars Finale tonight.  


There was way too much filler.  Three hours was too long.

I'm very surprised Chandler didn't win.  I didn't want her to win since I think

she's boring but she was the judge's favorite all season and the judge's pick usually wins.

It was pretty cool that Ilona almost won.  I wish she did but second place is great too.

I think Stephen got either 3rd or 4th place. 


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Kyle gave it a buck twenty all right, but he probably ought to have given it more like 80 at most if he really wanted to give himself a serious shot to win. That's just one of the funny things about Survivor; you play too hard and you only end up beating yourself in the end. I do feel kind of bad he ended up going, but voting him out was just the smart move I think.


The Summit


Do not feel bad at all that Beckylee got booted. She was kind of Dennis 2.0. I mean, she didn't need to lie the way she did at the end, and it wasn't just to Nick. She lied to Punkin, too, about not saying her name to Nick, so kind of all rightfully blew up in her face I say.

Are they seriously gonna do like a jury vote to decide who and how much money the winner is and gets though? That seems kind of unfair when they told everyone at the outset that the ones who make it to the top in time get to share the dough. Dennis and Beckylee would totally vote to screw everyone over, so I hope they don't get too much of a say in it anyway.


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Watched Survivor.


I'm so glad Kyle was voted out.  He was a nice guy but they would have been

stupid to not vote him out.  Genevieve can always be voted out next episode although

personally I'd rather have Sam go out next since I haven't liked him much since the beginning.

It was a very good episode for Rachel.  If she makes it to the final three she needs to announce

everything she did at the last tribal council.  I bet Sue will be so happy at the start of the next

episode now that her main enemy is gone.


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Watched Survivor.


I'm so ticked off right now.  That stupid Operation Italy shouldn't have

worked.  I can't believe they split their votes. If they really thought Genevieve

had a idol, why didn't they use their advantages like steal a vote or the immunity idol

that I think Sue had?  It's so dumb.  I really thought Sam was going to be voted out.

The sooner he's gone, the better.  Andy is dead to me now.


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You just know when they're talking about how there's a million ways for a plan to go wrong that it's going to succeed somehow. I can't be mad at Andy though. I mean, he took his shot and it worked. It shouldn't have, but it did. The way he was pushing to split the votes and the way he was pushing to split them, yeah, they really should of sussed it out and at least played the block a vote. I don't blame Sue for being trusting and deciding to save her idol, but Rachel's still got an idol, so it would have been the perfect time to use the block a vote as insurance. At least the next couple episodes ought to be more interesting anyhow now. Rachel, Teeny, and Sue still have an edge with all their advantages. They just need to use them and be smart about it.


The Summit


My worst fears didn't come to fruition, and the three that made it to the summit all got some money. I'm happy the jury of eliminated folks only got to decide who got the extra left behind quarter mil. I'm mad though that Jeannie got abandoned right before the end. I was really rooting for her and was hoping she'd win and to see her go out like that was brutal.

My ultimate takeaway anyway is the show kind of worked, but I hated really how they basically kind of randomly eliminated people sometimes just for being chosen last. The only reason the way they did things sort of worked at all is because no one really knew what to expect. If they ever were to do another season, everybody would want to be the first to do every obstacle, and nobody would want to be last seeing as how that often meant being eliminated. So unless they were to change they way they kicked people out like that I don't think I could watch it again.


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Yep, I had a feeling Andy might get too overconfident and have it come back to bite him. Man, Teeny though... It's just so painful to watch her get fooled over and over and over again. Just when I thought in that last vote too that she made the right choice finally, I see that no, she voted the wrong way AGAIN when they showed the votes at the end. It didn't end up mattering with Rachel and Sue voting for Genevieve, but I just can't conceive of Teeny wining in the end at this point, and I would really love to see her win. I think Rachel does beat them all if she gets to the final three, but I think Sue actually has probably the best shot if it's her Sam and Teeny.


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Watched Daily Dose of Sunshine on Netflix. It’s about a 3rd year nurse or nursing student switching from internal medicine to psychiatry.  

I enjoyed it however I recommend anyone suffering from mental illness that’s not yet stable to not watch it. It goes into great detail about events that led to people’s mental illness it also has self harm and suicide themes so be careful if you decide to check it out. 

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