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i'm the same way with The Princess Bride


but I watch it whenever its on tv, beginning, middle, end



a couple xmases ago, a tv channel was showing a marathon of the film, so I ended up watching it 7 times in a row



i'm the same way with The Princess Bride


but I watch it whenever its on tv, beginning, middle, end



a couple xmases ago, a tv channel was showing a marathon of the film, so I ended up watching it 7 times in a row


I don't know if I could watch anything seven times in a row.

And I'll still watch it all the way through if I catch it from the start.


I kid and his killer robot....uh, yeah I loved that shit


Iron Giant....sign me the fuck up


Big Hero 6.....in addition to kicking ass, now the robot is cute  ::spin::






Absolutely. Conversely, the effects for the first Terminator already looked cheesy as fuck decades ago.

I still love the stop motion Terminator skeleton at the end, though.

I noticed that when I was like seven years old watching it with my dad and I tried to explain it but he didn't understand what I was talking about and kept going on about how the Terminator was limping.

Well fuck yeah he's limping, I saw him get run over by the truck, but that's not what I'm talking about! FUCK.


I kid and his killer robot....uh, yeah I loved that shit


Iron Giant....sign me the fuck up


Big Hero 6.....in addition to kicking ass, now the robot is cute  ::spin::





I cry every fucking time I watch the Iron Giant.

Not like bawling inconsolably but I do get teary-eyed.

I am too soft sometimes.


I cry every fucking time I watch the Iron Giant.

Not like bawling inconsolably but I do get teary-eyed.

I am too soft sometimes.


I only cried the first time....the only time I didn't know he was going to survive....


I used to watch the first two Terminator movies a lot when I was younger. They were some of my favorite movies as a kid, and enjoy both of them. As times gone forward though, I prefer the first movie's tone more as a sci-fi thriller.

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