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i think i tore my rotator cuff


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well my shoulder is really hurting but seeing a doctor is $250. my insurance covers none of that and i don't have that kind of money so i guess i just deal with the pain and hope it goes away


Ice it and take anti-inflammatories





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ofcourse they wouldn't, the fuckers....they just patch you up and have you on your way....


as long as you have full mobility, you should be ok on the day to day, but that arm won't be the same again....at least as far as more taxing activities are concerned....

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well i have a second appointment with them in October if i'm still not feeling right. i'm going back to the gym in another 2 weeks. if it still pops i'll wait another week or so but after that i need to workout so they need to take another scan if they have to

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do lower body, give it a month before you return up top....it heals slow and even after you'll need to rehab a little to strengthen it before going back to your regular routine...


there are plenty of videos on youtube that'll show you how to rehab and strengthen your rotator cuff and shoulders....

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do lower body, give it a month before you return up top....it heals slow and even after you'll need to rehab a little to strengthen it before going back to your regular routine...


there are plenty of videos on youtube that'll show you how to rehab and strengthen your rotator cuff and shoulders....

but i hate lower body :(. fiiiiiiine

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