1938 Packard Posted August 10, 2017 Posted August 10, 2017 Actually, in most cultures that don't have their heads firmly up their butts, drugs of various kinds were used for religious reasons under controlled and watched situations. It's only as time has progressed that people stopped considering dosages and reasons and just do whatever and however much they can of things. People used to think that LSD was legitimate medicine... nice to see that went out along with leeches and spell casting.
katt_goddess Posted August 10, 2017 Posted August 10, 2017 People used to think that LSD was legitimate medicine... nice to see that went out along with leeches and spell casting. They still use leeches. The anti-coagulant properties found in leeches means they make excellent and easy assistants for reattachment surgeries to keep blood from pooling in extremities. LSD was a lab based experiment that fell into the hell hole when people decided to use it excessively and without any reason or system just to get high. Much like so many other drugs of the past, better research and resources have led to things that work better. No more and no less. And for someone who has often in the past waxed poetic about their personal hearth goddess She of Perpetual Luck and Broom Bristles, don't diss my night job.
pail Posted August 10, 2017 Posted August 10, 2017 Actually, in most cultures that don't have their heads firmly up their butts, drugs of various kinds were used for religious reasons under controlled and watched situations. It's only as time has progressed that people stopped considering dosages and reasons and just do whatever and however much they can of things. Oh bullshit. Native Americans were savages with a penchant for violence and getting high as shit. Quit deifying these savages.
André Toulon Posted August 10, 2017 Author Posted August 10, 2017 Oh bullshit. Native Americans were savages with a penchant for violence and getting high as shit. Quit deifying these savages. Thank god for the white man slaughtering them on their own land like the saints they were.
pail Posted August 10, 2017 Posted August 10, 2017 Thank god for the white man slaughtering them on their own land like the saints they were. Diplomacy fails and wars result. Don't treat this instance like it's something special because it's the way things have always been. Granted the North American tribes weren't as brutal and and despicable as the Central American tribes, but North American natives weren't saints either. Ever hear of this thing called scalping? How about ambushing defenseless villages in the middle of the night? Sounds atrocious, right? Well both sides are guilty of it so quit putting these endangered species on a fucking pedestal because "muh smallpox blankets."
André Toulon Posted August 10, 2017 Author Posted August 10, 2017 You are just a ridiculous form of special. Every heard of the Judas Chair. Pear of anguish Iron Maiden The knee Splitter. What's the point of selling scalping as some heinous form of savagery when the diabolical mind of Europeans thought up more atrocities than even imaginable. And it's pretty accurate to "put them on a pedestal" because whatever isolated acts of violence you can dig out of your anal cavity, they stayed on their own shit.......Meanwhile, White people complain about the purity of their race while the intermingling was pretty much exclusively their fault due to their propensity for invasion and war.
1pooh4u Posted August 10, 2017 Posted August 10, 2017 650 here, with a sit-in kitchen. My kitchen is an ok size you can sit in it I can't cook for shit so no one wants to :catlol My place was originally a studio converted to a 1 br
André Toulon Posted August 10, 2017 Author Posted August 10, 2017 My kitchen is an ok size you can sit in it I can't cook for shit so no one wants to :catlol My place was originally a studio converted to a 1 br But I wanted some Jewish cuisine before we got on the death coaster.
katt_goddess Posted August 10, 2017 Posted August 10, 2017 Ever hear of this thing called scalping? Picked up from the good ol' white boys. In clearing away land for settlers, people were paid for every native scalp they turned in as proof that the area was being cleared out or had been cleared out. In turn, the natives did the same but they weren't the ones that started it. The same thing goes for ambushing villages. Often native settlements would be raided once the hunters had all left meaning that soldiers were basically rounding up and / or killing outright women, children, and any elders that hadn't gone off to die somewhere. History has all sorts of f-ed up stuff and you'll learn more if you read something other than State of Texas approved textbooks.
1pooh4u Posted August 11, 2017 Posted August 11, 2017 But I wanted some Jewish cuisine before we got on the death coaster. lol believe me you don't want Jewish cuisine we only have breakfast locked down with bagels and lox the rest of it isn't so great :catlol
DragonSinger Posted August 11, 2017 Posted August 11, 2017 My bedroom since I'm usually stuck in bed, and the garage for when I can enjoy being outside without sitting in direct sunlight.
SwimModSponges Posted August 11, 2017 Posted August 11, 2017 I'd say the bedroom is the one I'm in most often because that's a guaranteed 8 hours or so per day. Living room/kitchen would probably be next (because I'mma go ahead and call that one room, there's a divider there but eh), followed by bathroom, then the study.
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