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On a more serious note, you have any idea how bad the withdrawal is gonna be from that??


Withdrawal from what?


I'm not physically dependent on them so I'm not gonna MJF all over the place.


I might be a bit more cranky once he goodfeels wear off but if that happens I'll just snort a bunch of Valiums


Phillies[/member]  Want to start a pool on when he has a seizure?


What part of  not physically addicted do you not understand?






You just want me gone for good, don't you.


Just hold out a couple more years, scoob.


I managed to gobble down 100s of these things around time time of my father's passing. The only ill effect I recall is significant lapes in consciousness. No different han gettin blackout drunk. Only difference was no morning sickness or hangover..


Booze in a pill beats boozing a bottle any day.


Denial is not just a river in Egypt.


Just because you fiends found yourself performing in glory hole performances to get your next fix doesn't mean everyone has a probleml


Phillies[/member]  Want to start a pool on when he has a seizure?


Hes gonna be flopping around like a fish out of water.


And 24mg is alot of kpins... you have to already have a serious tolerance to be doing that... or just black out totally for days on end and in a way, just wasting the experience anyways.


Just because you fiends found yourself performing in glory hole performances to get your next fix doesn't mean everyone has a probleml


You wouldn't be so defensive if there weren't an element of truth in what I'm saying.  :P


Seriously it seems its quite easy to build up a good tolerance to kpins. The only reason i havent gulped down 60 is because im trying to..get rid...of them in...other ..ways.


OMFG, the pictures in my head... :o


You just want me gone for good, don't you.


Just hold out a couple more years, scoob.


I managed to gobble down 100s of these things around time time of my father's passing. The only ill effect I recall is significant lapes in consciousness. No different han gettin blackout drunk. Only difference was no morning sickness or hangover..


Booze in a pill beats boozing a bottle any day.


You definitely do not have an addiction problem.  Definitely not.


This one time I was in detox and we were having some dumb ass group about not using drugs when suddenly we all heard a noise. It sounded like

someone clearing their throat. We heard the sound a second time, someone detoxing from alcohol and benzos started seizing. Never saw nothing like it.


Dangerous stuff.


You definitely do not have an addiction problem.  Definitely not.


Everyone has problems.


Quit judging me like you're Mr. Perfect or something.


This one time I was in detox and we were having some dumb ass group about not using drugs when suddenly we all heard a noise. It sounded like

someone clearing their throat. We heard the sound a second time, someone detoxing from alcohol and benzos started seizing. Never saw nothing like it.


Dangerous stuff.


The dude that gave Goldar his deadly cocktail died a few months after he did.


Idk if it was conventional suicide, intentional overdose or withdrawal effects from benzos. He would eat 20 - 30 bars a day.


Dude was totally gone mentally, couldn't hold conversations, would go from laughing to crying at the drop of a hat and vice versa.


It makes me feel shitty because it's sad that's he's dead, I know his family loved him and misses him...


But the fact that he was either too stupid, fucked up or scared to call the paramedics for Goldar really really pisses me off to this day.


That's not to say you can't remove all the blame from Goldar himself, he was consciously taking things he shouldn't have been taking. If only he had been more educated and cautious.

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