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Guest The Hound

Hey Grandmaster Pillsbury Fuckboy, Lord Emperor and God of the Internet Itself: fix your fucking icon. It looks like you used the spray paint tool in MS Paint on the edges.


Matter of fact, here's your source material so you can do that shit again.





0/10 try again



i have a feathered edge version. I like mine better because it reminds me of sprites.



Please wipe the salt off and get back to me when you stop taking FGangleshots.


pooh pooh.....



say his kid owed you 20 bucks.

I think I'm gonna make a thread that pays proper respect to Nabs, it will include Dr. Frank N' Furter, ass worms and vegan cheeses, not necessarily in that order >:D



Guest The Hound

what else do you ppl want from me.  Like I have to talk to you now too?  or - connect or - what even is that? 


Here's the best I can do:  If I'm reading a thread because I am invested in the drama occurring therein, and I have like an hour and (looks at clock) ten minutes of nothing much to do (even though I maybe should be working on something), and you mention me, I will MAYBE acknowledge you. 


But I just don't feel right about connecting.


that just seems alien and wrong.



You seem to be missing the entire point of all of this.


You let me "pseudo" banning a relativity shitty user at the time influence your management decisions on this board in regards to me.

When in reality I was the one stepping up and doing the work you ever so love not doing when it comes to moderation.

Since then, Buddy has actually been an awesome user. You let me do the word spreading about this forum.

Came to me as one of the first people about it.

Let me fix numerous plugins on this site.

Let me design the theme/skin which everyone mostly loved.


You essentially let me set this place up for you and then told me to go fuck myself.

NO Sir, YOU go fuck yourself.

I will be taking as many users from here as I possibly can and even those that do not want to come WILL eventually come.



You shit on me and trashed on me for the last time Luuv.


One user.

One soft ban and you got your panties in a bunch.

You would have given buddy a temp ban for what he was doing that day back in lithium and nodebb.


Then I find out you can't even put the website on your own bank account and had to do it through K_N.


The fuck kind of Admin are you?


IDGAF I have no intention of going back and fourth with you on here unless you keep responding to me. I'm not here to troll.

Just to respond and clarify common misconceptions people seem to be having about who really has their best interest in mind here.





Guest The Hound

Nah, just the shitty people like you and me, and viper

At least you admit we're shit.
Guest The Hound

I think I'll entertain this thread today.





You seem to be missing the entire point of all of this.


You let me "pseudo" banning a relativity shitty user at the time influence your management decisions on this board in regards to me.

When in reality I was the one stepping up and doing the work you ever so love not doing when it comes to moderation.

Since then, Buddy has actually been an awesome user. You let me do the word spreading about this forum.

Came to me as one of the first people about it.

Let me fix numerous plugins on this site.

Let me design the theme/skin which everyone mostly loved.


You essentially let me set this place up for you and then told me to go fuck myself.

NO Sir, YOU go fuck yourself.

I will be taking as many users from here as I possibly can and even those that do not want to come WILL eventually come.



You shit on me and trashed on me for the last time Luuv.


One user.

One soft ban and you got your panties in a bunch.

You would have given buddy a temp ban for what he was doing that day back in lithium and nodebb.


Then I find out you can't even put the website on your own bank account and had to do it through K_N.


The fuck kind of Admin are you?


IDGAF I have no intention of going back and fourth with you on here unless you keep responding to me. I'm not here to troll.

Just to respond and clarify common misconceptions people seem to be having about who really has their best interest in mind here.


Hell yeah, some afternoon Divorce Court.

Guest The Hound

Hell yeah, some afternoon Divorce Court.

god damnit now you have the thicc minion


0/10 try again



i have a feathered edge version. I like mine better because it reminds me of sprites.



Please wipe the salt off and get back to me when you stop taking FGangleshots.


Whatever you say, sport. I mean, you are the Photoshop expert, right? 10+ years, yea? Really shows. What do I know about your UNHOLY EDITING TALENT?




I am worth keeping a forum open for, I suppose.

Are you really worth it, naraku? Are you?


















Guest The Hound

Whatever you say, sport. I mean, you are the Photoshop expert, right? 10+ years, yea? Really shows. What do I know about your UNHOLY EDITING TALENT?

Do you even know what I use Photoshop for?  :|

I think I'm gonna make a thread that pays proper respect to Nabs, it will include Dr. Frank N' Furter, ass worms and vegan cheeses, not necessarily in that order >:D


What about the baked mouse?

  • Haha 1
Guest The Hound


I mean I've designed a dildo for a video game before, so sure, close enough I guess.
Guest The Hound

Poorly done lesbian sex?

That would be Premiere Pro CC, but close enough too.
Guest The Hound

This is my favorite thing you've ever said.  <3


Yea idk know you that well so IDK why you've been hating on me.

You remind me of someone from the boards that I played Halo 3 with, but I doubt that's you.






Oh yes, can't forget about the mouse, which in my Ode to Nabs I'll swear he named it Joe >:D


It was Ralph the Suicidal Mouse.


Er, I would presume.


It was Ralph the Suicidal Mouse.


Er, I would presume.

Just like Nabs to name something Ralph....how the heck am I gonna rhyme that?


*shakes fists at the ground*



Guest The Hound




Here are the facts:



This site you're using, most of it - works because of me and K_N.



Your passwords are encrypted in a MySQL Database.



If I host it - I can't decrypt it and steal your PWs because I'm not a hacker or a genius.



I owe K_N $30.



K_N or Baal probably can't even decrypt that kind of DB, though I'm probably wrong about the Baal part.



I need a domain for my work/portfolio and I do not see the harm in hosting a forum, especially considering how things are run here.



Guest The Hound

You have to film it first, right?  :D

Yea, this isn't the Overwatch section on Pornhub.




Here are the facts:



This site you're using, most of it - works because of me and K_N.



Your passwords are encrypted in a MySQL Database.



If I host it - I can't decrypt it and steal your PWs because I'm not a hacker or a genius.



I owe K_N $30.



K_N or Baal probably can't even decrypt that kind of DB, though I'm probably wrong about the Baal part.



I need a domain for my work/portfolio and I do not see the harm in hosting a forum, especially considering how things are run here.


Why do you need this so badly



Yea idk know you that well so IDK why you've been hating on me.

You remind me of someone from the boards that I played Halo 3 with, but I doubt that's you.


We used to talk a lot when we were in high school. Had each other on YIM and Xbox Live.


what else do you ppl want from me.  Like I have to talk to you now too?  or - connect or - what even is that? 


Here's the best I can do:  If I'm reading a thread because I am invested in the drama occurring therein, and I have like an hour and (looks at clock) ten minutes of nothing much to do (even though I maybe should be working on something), and you mention me, I will MAYBE acknowledge you. 


But I just don't feel right about connecting.


that just seems alien and wrong.



im saying you're not sociable....or fun, or funny....we know of you...you're just some guy....that's about it....you made this place for us right? If it's for us why don't you KNOW us?

Guest The Hound

Why do you need this so badly

I have a  FB group that's got a couple hundred people that need a forum because they keep getting zucc'd and you guys are basically the same as them.

Guest The Hound

We used to talk a lot when we were in high school. Had each other on YIM and Xbox Live.

... My life from that period is very hazy. And... High School, really? So Halo 2? Really?


So I was right. I thought you looked familiar. I'm sorry.

Guest The Hound

Does anyone have any better domain name suggestions?


Like tiltgobbler.com?








Does anyone have any better domain name suggestions?


Like tiltgobbler.com?





Guest The Hound


im saying you're not sociable....or fun, or funny....we know of you...you're just some guy....that's about it....you made this place for us right? If it's for us why don't you KNOW us?

Godddddddddddddd stop bothering with it.

It's very minuscule but something prevents him clearly from interacting with us like friends, because after all those years he doesn't see us as that.



Me and you for example, we act like we hate eachother - but I still consider you a friend and if ever run into you in person like at a bar, I  would be happy and respectful towards you and thrilled that I've met another asmber.





Luuv? I feel like he'd awkwardly stand there and just slowly creep back into the darkness.

Guest The Hound


You're not even trying.





Guest The Hound

If I did try, I'd set you off. And I don't really wanna do that so...well, that's what I've got.

Yea bring up my Mom or the fact I'm adopted that's all anyone has.



Or that I smoke a lot of weed, or that I have supposedly have STDs or something.





Guest The Hound

I will seriously register Zenisplayground.com


Yea bring up my Mom or the fact I'm adopted that's all anyone has.



Or that I smoke a lot of weed, or that I have supposedly have STDs or something.

No. I know something that has been known to set you off like crazy, dude. All because of aligatorxjane. (But I won't say it because I remember how irate you got when someone mentioned it. I refuse to be that guy.)

Guest The Hound

No. I know something that has been known to set you off like crazy, dude. All because of aligatorxjane. (But I won't say it because I remember how irate you got when someone mentioned it.)





Funny, considering about 3-4 months ago after she registered on here, I spent more than an hour with her on the phone talking about life and stuff.


Why are you so salty? You gonna have to do better than that.



Guest The Hound

It's pretty classless of you to bring her up honestly.

Someone clearly doesn't know what goes on in the head of a woman.


... My life from that period is very hazy. And... High School, really? So Halo 2? Really?


So I was right. I thought you looked familiar. I'm sorry.


Uhh if I recall correctly, it was Halo 2, Halo 3, CoD4, and something else. Possibly a PC game.





Funny, considering about 3-4 months ago after she registered on here, I spent more than an hour with her on the phone talking about life and stuff.


Why are you so salty? You gonna have to do better than that.

I'm actually not being salty. I'm just trying to bust your balls a little. :D



And you said I wasn't even trying. I was explaining if I were to try, I'd go straight for the proverbial jugular.

Guest The Hound

Uhh if I recall correctly, it was Halo 2, Halo 3, CoD4, and something else. Possibly a PC game.

You mean MW2, never played 4. Did we play with legato and ravie and klink and a few others?

I'm actually not being salty. I'm just trying to bust your balls a little. :D



And you said I wasn't even trying. I was explaining if I were to try, I'd go straight for the proverbial jugular.

Okay, boys. Chill.

  • Confused 1
Guest The Hound

You know what? You're right.



I'm sorry, viper. I'm sorry for bringing her up. We cool?

I'm cool with everyone besides one person on here.
Guest The Hound


It's all coming back to me.

So, we're teabaggin odin now?

Guest squirrelygod

The ASMB was shit


Pros: Some of the people were great, most were alright, some were some flavor of cunt. The fact that if you wanted to just post some garbage that hey someone will play along usually.


Cons: The admin and mod team, with a few exceptions were uncommunicative and/or power hungry trash. Mods that felts abused by the admin team because of the same bullshit. Odin was the only one I really respected due to his ability, health permitting, to actually interact with the fucking community. It went further into the shitter when there was no attempt to cultivate new users or keep current ones




But guess what


This place is the fucking same


Admins who don't communicate worth a shit, not just about the site itself but in general

Power Hungry mod who was actually given power, yet feel abused because of the same bullshit, but due to how the fuck this mod is, constantly screams about it and threatens to put a Bender and make his own with hooker and blackjack, except no one fucking cares and all it would do is splinter the user base again.

Oh look, Rogue is a mod (I think), and he bullshits with us, not just about things that are going on, but in general. I don't really know anyone who doesn't like him. Well shit, it's Odin but without the blood shits! Respect earned sir.

There is no real attempt to cultivate new users or keep current ones or to even reach out to old ASMB ones.



Most of us are only here for the people, or what people remain because the user base here is small, and most the people that are missed left long before ASMB shut down. Most of the cool people are gone, most of the decent people are gone, yet every cringy cunt made it here and we only just recently got around to banning one of em.


Those of us that are here don't even really care that this exists, it's only open in our browsers because our brains like this weird forms of interaction and know how the people here will end up reacting to the nonsense we spew here. Hell most of us are probably forum children, and are here because this is a type of interaction we grew up with.


Did the old board blow? Yes

Does this place blow? Yes.

Will any splinter board blow? Yes and it's been done before and sucked then.

Hell any other forums any of us used to/currently frequent probably blow to.



This is just the same broken fucking record again, and it will be continue to skip the damn needle no matter which one of you in is charge.


People will slowly continue to peel off, of quickly if this shit splinters again because shit is the fucking same.


And before someone gets all uppity, no I don't think I can do any better.


Now I'm going back to occasionally bullshit with people or troll some cringe bitch because fuck it, I like watching train wrecks. I will also do my best to avoid this thread because I honestly do not give a fuck about the crying, but I make no promises because I'm not a fucktard.





Here are the facts:



This site you're using, most of it - works because of me and K_N.



Your passwords are encrypted in a MySQL Database.



If I host it - I can't decrypt it and steal your PWs because I'm not a hacker or a genius.



I owe K_N $30.



K_N or Baal probably can't even decrypt that kind of DB, though I'm probably wrong about the Baal part.



I need a domain for my work/portfolio and I do not see the harm in hosting a forum, especially considering how things are run here.


How about this:


SMF was designed by - let's call them the SMF people.  It's a software package.  I've pretty much configured most of it.  KN handles the server stuff.


The theme, which you claim credit for, is called "Facade".  it's called that because the person who designed it (not you) decided to name it that.


We had another theme that we were using because it worked with all the plugins.  You kept throwing fits because you wanted us to use Facade.  So I told you if you could fix the plugin errors, I'd use it. 


You fixed the plugin errors for facade.  Which is awesome.  But it was basically you doing stuff you wanted to do in order to get something you wanted.


And yeah, you seem to like to claim credit for the whole thing, and I shouldn't be letting you do it.  But fuck man.  It's hard to know whether to just let you run your mouth or step in and set the record straight.  Seems like neither option ends well.



  • Like 1




Here are the facts:



This site you're using, most of it - works because of me and K_N.



Your passwords are encrypted in a MySQL Database.



If I host it - I can't decrypt it and steal your PWs because I'm not a hacker or a genius.



I owe K_N $30.



K_N or Baal probably can't even decrypt that kind of DB, though I'm probably wrong about the Baal part.



I need a domain for my work/portfolio and I do not see the harm in hosting a forum, especially considering how things are run here.


a MySQL database? i was thinking this thing was on postgres. no wonder K_N was having issues with it the other day. i'm actually surprised that's what this is running on

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