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I'm actually not too attached to it, but I do kinda like that it's annoying someone.  Ehhhhhhhhhh, I might change it later, but I don't really have any ideas for what I want to replace it with.  OH SHIT, yes I do.  I'll change it after I get out of the shower.

Guest The Hound

I'm actually not too attached to it, but I do kinda like that it's annoying someone.  Ehhhhhhhhhh, I might change it later, but I don't really have any ideas for what I want to replace it with.  OH SHIT, yes I do.  I'll change it after I get out of the shower.

dont change the kawaii asf nigga pic plz
Guest The Hound

Why be this hateable?


I'm actually not too attached to it, but I do kinda like that it's annoying someone.  Ehhhhhhhhhh, I might change it later, but I don't really have any ideas for what I want to replace it with.  OH SHIT, yes I do.  I'll change it after I get out of the shower.



Guest The Hound

I'ma go get high now

:420: :420:

dont change the kawaii asf nigga pic plz


Hasn't he told you off about dropping n-bombs before?


You clearly have no respect for him.

Guest The Hound

Hasn't he told you off about dropping n-bombs before?


You clearly have no respect for him.




its a fking meme u twat. it's about as far from racist as it gets

if he has a problem with it he'll say something to me.


Guest The Hound

We can use the N word now?!

Guest The Hound

srsly stfu bucket

Guest The Hound

come on bucket post a wall of text im not gonna read


come on bucket post a wall of text im not gonna read


Why the fuck would I ever waste anything more than a few sentences on you.


You're an ignoramus that believes hemp oil cures cancer.


I harbor no desire to engage in conversation with an idiot.

Guest The Hound

Why the fuck would I ever waste anything more than a few sentences on you.


You're an ignoramus that believes hemp oil cures cancer.


I harbor no desire to engage in conversation with an idiot.



weed b17









Guest The Hound

One more thing before i go, to make bucket mad



CB2 receptors reminds cancerous cells they're supposed to cease dividing and undergo apoptosis while healthy cells persist unharmed.



If you disagree then you're an idiot as this is a fact that has come to light in recent years.


Deny it all you want but you just look stupid arguing with science.



weed b17






And furthermore I think you're a deplorable person because you directed someone who had a child with cancer to forego the most effective and proven methods of combating cancer in favor of holistic bullshit.


First of all, it wasn't your kid. You don't get to decide how parents treat their children.


Second, you're not a doctor. You're not even an accredited herbalist. You literally have no pedigree in traditional or holistic medicinal practices.


The advice you give is dangerous and potentially life threatening and you should feel ashamed for telling people that they can cure their child's cancer with vitamins and cannabis.


One more thing before i go, to make bucket mad



CB2 receptors reminds cancerous cells they're supposed to cease dividing and undergo apoptosis while healthy cells persist unharmed.



If you disagree then you're an idiot as this is a fact that has come to light in recent years.


Deny it all you want but you just look stupid arguing with science.


The level of stupidity you poses is dangerous.


It could cause legitimate harm to others.


The chances of this are unlikely; but if I ever catch you encouraging someone to treat a cancer patient with unproven, unverified and ineffective treatments I will report you to authorities.

Guest The Hound

And furthermore I think you're a deplorable person because you directed someone who had a child with cancer to forego the most effective and proven methods of combating cancer in favor of holistic bullshit.


First of all, it wasn't your kid. You don't get to decide how parents treat their children.


Second, you're not a doctor. You're not even an accredited herbalist. You literally have no pedigree in traditional or holistic medicinal practices.


The advice you give is dangerous and potentially life threatening and you should feel ashamed for telling people that they can cure their child's cancer with vitamins and cannabis.

when did i do this?


idk ive been telling people who have cancer and kids with cancer to give them oils along with the chemo to make their lives not as miserable for about 6 years now.



i mean Chemotherapy is an just an oncologist's gambling on which wins first, the body or the cancer so if you're gonna go the 9 yards you'd be stupid not to do what eeeeeeeveryone else is doing right now when they get cancer - and that's being high as fuck the entire time.



i think you're a a sad little angry man who  needs to get out more and not be so miserable.

Guest The Hound


" if I ever catch you encouraging someone to treat a cancer patient with unproven, unverified and ineffective treatments I will report you to authorities." :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D













oh wow i didn't realize you said that





Idk what you're talking about



you're living with a disease that inhibits your ability to have a normal - non confrontational conversation so ill forgive you


How many times do I have to remind you that you are not a doctor.


And I am having a normal conversation with you.


Because the subject of the conversation is your proliferation of dangerous and unproven medical advice with no credentials to back up what you're claiming.


That's actually a crime.


It's called fraud.


And you can be prosecuted for it.

Guest The Hound

How many times do I have to remind you that you are not a doctor.


And I am having a normal conversation with you.


Because the subject of the conversation is your proliferation of dangerous and unproven medical advice with no credentials to back up what you're claiming.


That's actually a crime.


It's called fraud.


And you can be prosecuted for it.



no its not and you're stupid  :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Guest The Hound

omg bucket i can't



you're too funny please never change



get a life boo <3


when did i do this?


idk ive been telling people who have cancer and kids with cancer to give them oils along with the chemo to make their lives not as miserable for about 6 years now.



i mean Chemotherapy is an just an oncologist's gambling on which wins first, the body or the cancer so if you're gonna go the 9 yards you'd be stupid not to do what eeeeeeeveryone else is doing right now when they get cancer - and that's being high as fuck the entire time.



i think you're a a sad little angry man who  needs to get out more and not be so miserable.


Cannabis is no more effective at killing cancer cells than chicken noodle soup or warm milk.


Combining cannabis use with chemotherapy will only have the effect of possibly easing the pain of the afflicted individual and help to increase their appetite.



no its not and you're stupid  :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


You're beyond reason.


The only thing that would make you realize that what you believe is completely unverified is if you ended up with cancer and had a team of oncologists explain to you that there is no medicinal benefit to be gained from cannabis in conjunction with chemotherapy other than the slight reduction in pain a slight stimulation of appetite.


Don't take that the wrong way. I hope you live a long happy life free of disease.


I'm just stating that the scenario I laid out is the only thing that is going to break you of your convictions.


Hasn't he told you off about dropping n-bombs before?


You clearly have no respect for him.


It's too early to start with Viper.  Despite the racially charged shit you've posted, I don't recall you ever calling me a nigga.......I just feel like even addressing him on this would be akin to me dipping my balls in tar for no reason at all.  It's annoying as fuck but I'm too high to actually start a dialogue about this atm.


It's too early to start with Viper.  Despite the racially charged shit you've posted, I don't recall you ever calling me a nigga.......I just feel like even addressing him on this would be akin to me dipping my balls in tar for no reason at all.  It's annoying as fuck but I'm too high to actually start a dialogue about this atm.


Is nyucka okay?


I'm pretty sure I've use nyucka before.


I'm seriously out of fight right now, tring to find something to eat that take minimal cooking......Do whatever.


Aw you know I love ya.


Make some poached eggs on butter toast with hot sauce.


uh well 2 things...1) you can turn off sigs and avatars in settings (thinking that it's vipers job to tell you that) 2) both viper and pail are pretty girls, now shut the fuck up and cork your bleeding pussies

Guest The Hound

uh well 2 things...1) you can turn off sigs and avatars in settings (thinking that it's vipers job to tell you that) 2) both viper and pail are pretty girls, now shut the fuck up and cork your bleedindg pussies

im a pretty princess

I'm seriously out of fight right now, trying to find something to eat that takes minimal cooking......Do whatever.

PBJ is the way to go. That or Eggos.




Little brother Bucket is whining about inconsequential shit and  snitching on big brother Viper to daddy Buddy, who is too busy baking to give a fuck.  Momma Still Me has to come in slap those two little knuckleheads upside the head while uncle Sawdy is jacking it with a bemused expression in the corner.




Little brother Bucket is whining about inconsequential shit and  snitching on big brother Viper to daddy Buddy, who is too busy baking to give a fuck.  Momma Still Me has to come in slap those two little knuckleheads upside the head while uncle Sawdy is jacking it with a bemused expression in the corner.


momma? Fuck that I ain't no ones mama...if I were I would have hit the abort button


momma? Fuck that I ain't no ones mama...if I were I would have hit the abort button

So which one would be the first abortion?

Bucket or viper?

Guest The Hound



Little brother Bucket is whining about inconsequential shit and  snitching on big brother Viper to daddy Buddy, who is too busy baking to give a fuck.  Momma Still Me has to come in slap those two little knuckleheads upside the head while uncle Sawdy is jacking it with a bemused expression in the corner.




like i entertained him for a bit but like i exerted no effort nor wanted to



like i honestly didnt get why he was being the way he was besides him just being bucket.

i dont care anymore



i just want to get ipb working for everyone and i'm running into opposition in the form of delay and what seems to be laziness and lack of trust?

Guest The Hound

momma? Fuck that I ain't no ones mama...if I were I would have hit the abort button

I can't even care enough to react to this one either.



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