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Five Years on [as]: Favorite/Least favorite endings? (SPOILERS!!!)

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Well, it's been 5 years that we've had Toonami on [as], and lots of shows have came and went, and some have ended on a much better note than others.


In this thread, we talk about our favorite and least favorite endings that have aired on Toonami on [as] over those past 5 years (reruns of [as] shows are acceptable as long as they aired at least once during [as] and Toonami's late Saturday night block since 5/26/12), counting them down from 10 to 1 if we want. I'll start:


Best Endings:

#10: Hellsing Ultimate - Yes, the bad guys won at first and there was that cheesy time skip, but after that, it was a happy, open-ended sort of ending!

#09: Space Dandy - Straight-up epic in scale, with equal parts humor, philosophy, and action. Out "Big O-ed" The Big O!

#08: KILL la KILL - Everyone got naked, and the main character went on a date with her sidekick! Yay!

#07: Michiko & Hatchin - Was cool that they reunited after such a long time!

#06: Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans (Season 1) - A feel good ending that made the journey feel worth it!

#05: InuYasha: The Final Act - The feel-good ending everyone wanted to see, even if it was teased that it might not happen.

#04: Parasyte -the maxim- - Choosing to save a life and to accept a lesser form of existence to become a silent guardian!

#03: One-Punch Man - An epic finale to the first season, with a nice little bit of humor thrown in!

#02: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Part 2) - Like IY and Hellsing, it teased the sad ending but then turned feel-good!

#01: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - A feel-good ending, quite possibly the best both Toonami and [as] has had to offer!


And now, my 10 least favorite:

#10: Dimension W - Pretty much as much of a mess as the show which preceded it!

#09: Gurren Lagann - Would have been one of the most epic of all time if not for the downer epilogue!

#08: Ghost In The Shell 2nd Gig - After all this time we get a total non-ending with no Tachikomas!

#07: Sym-Bionic Titan - WE want more! We want more! C'mon Genndy!

#06: Deadman Wonderland - A total non-ending with no hope of continuation!

#05: Samurai 7 - So sad to see a bunch of those characters go!

#04: Sword Art Online II - Yep, she died of AIDS. Total tear-jerker!

#03: Samurai Jack - Gurren Lagann did it better, but that's really not saying much.

#02: Akame ga KILL! - Absolutely NO ONE but the titular character survived!

#01: Thundercats - Gotta blame CN for this one; even worse was the last episode Toonami showed right before they lost the rights involved Lion-O losing and going through the door to hell!


Well, it's been 5 years that we've had Toonami on [as], and lots of shows have came and went, and some have ended on a much better note than others.


In this thread, we talk about our favorite and least favorite endings, counting them down from 10 to 1 if we want. I'll start:


Best Endings:

#10: Hellsing Ultimate - Yes, the bad guys won at first and there was that cheesy time skip, but after that, it was a happy, open-ended sort of ending!

#09: Space Dandy - Straight-up epic in scale, with equal parts humor, philosophy, and action. Out "Big O-ed" The Big O!

#08: KILL la KILL - Everyone got naked, and the main character went on a date with her sidekick! Yay!

#07: Michiko & Hatchin - Was cool that they reunited after such a long time!

#06: Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans (Season 1) - A feel good ending that made the journey feel worth it!

#05: InuYasha: The Final Act - The feel-good ending everyone wanted to see, even if it was teased that it might not happen.

#04: Parasyte -the maxim- - Choosing to save a life and to accept a lesser form of existence to become a silent guardian!

#03: One-Punch Man - An epic finale to the first season, with a nice little bit of humor thrown in!

#02: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Part 2) - Like IY and Hellsing, it teased the sad ending but then turned feel-good!

#01: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - A feel-good ending, quite possibly the best both Toonami and [as] has had to offer!


And now, my 10 least favorite:

#10: Dimension W - Pretty much as much of a mess as the show which preceded it!

#09: Gurren Lagann - Would have been one of the most epic of all time if not for the downer epilogue! ironically Leeron was the only character who got a decent ending

#08: Ghost In The Shell 2nd Gig - After all this time we get a total non-ending with no Tachikomas!

#07: Sym-Bionic Titan - WE want more! We want more! C'mon Genndy! Cartoon network sent the show into limbo, legally the show never existed

#06: Deadman Wonderland - A total non-ending with no hope of continuation! yep

#05: Samurai 7 - So sad to see a bunch of those characters go! I never cared for this show period

#04: Sword Art Online II - Yep, she died of AIDS. Total tear-jerker! not to mention how she contracted it AND how she was being treated for it made NO SENSE

#03: Samurai Jack - Gurren Lagann did it better, but that's really not saying much. I'm polarized on this one, on one hand, yeah copying the nia death was cheap, on the other hand, this is the best way the series could've ended

#02: Akame ga KILL! - Absolutely NO ONE but the titular character survived! this is the actual worst show toonami ever aired and it's ending is equally as bad

#01: Thundercats - Gotta blame CN for this one; even worse was the last episode Toonami showed right before they lost the rights involved Lion-O losing and going through the door to hell! same with Sym Titian

just felt like adding to the bad endings with some of my opinions ::]::

Gurren Lagann's ending always bugged me. Not only does Niia die, but he ends up wandering the Earth as a loner for the rest of his life and never talks to any of his friends again? Downer.


How is Akame Ga Kill worse than DW Mochi? Come on now =P


#02: Akame ga KILL! - Absolutely NO ONE but the titular character survived!


Now that's just a flat-out lie. Sure, lots of characters wound up dying, but Akame wasn't the only survivor. Najenda, Wave, Run, and Bols' wife and daughter managed to make it to the end also.


I wouldn't call Jack's ending a downer. Despite not getting the girl, he actually found some inner peace after saving the world. Bittersweet, maybe, but I thought it was good enough.


ThunderCats ending being the worst because of how it turned out on a prematurely-ended rerun doesn't make sense. I agree with the sentiment on Deadman, though. The ending, and the second half of the show in general, was mucho disappointing. And Parasyte's ending just bugs me. Shinichi got off pretty well, I guess, but what was the whole point of making a mess of the local population and killing presumably hundreds of people just so this one guy could learn a lesson in humanity? I don't get it.


I'd have to say that Eureka Seven and JoJo would probably have to be my favorite endings so far.


As for worst endings, Dimension W is definitely up there.  Akame ga Kill wasn't much better, but it had some sort of closure, so it isn't terrible.  I'm still not really a fan of the Samurai Jack ending, but it isn't as bad as it could have been.


I warned everyone about Parasyte, which is why I never watched it.  But did anyone listen?  Nooo...


I'm not sure if you ever said that up until the actual ending. All I remember was mild gushing over it being a good choice for the block, unless I'm misremembering it. :poop:


Gurren Lagann's ending always bugged me. Not only does Niia die, but he ends up wandering the Earth as a loner for the rest of his life and never talks to any of his friends again? Downer.

I choose to look at it a bit more optimistically.  Simon wound up becoming the most powerful being in existence, and he quite literally saved the entire universe from subjugation.  And yet, at the end of the day, he had always been Simon the Digger.  He played his part, and then he chose to pass it along to future generations to move forward.  But he stayed out there, watching over everything, and if there came a point in the future where his power was needed, he'd take up his mantle again.


And as bad as Akame was, Dimension W wins this category head-and-shoulders above the rest.  I have never seen moderate potential squandered that spectacularly.


Geez, way to shit all over the show whose home release I just bought with my own money, guy. :| But seriously, I don't really remember much of Dimension W's ending considering I only saw the final episode the one time, so it's up there on forgettability alone.




10) Outlaw Star

9) Code Geass

8) Moribito

7) Gurren Lagann

6) InuYasha TFA

5) FMA Brotherhood

4) Cowboy Bebop

3) Wolf's Rain

2) Paranoia Agent




Least Favorite:


10) Death Note

9) Bleach

8) Blood+

7) Neon Genesis Evangelion

6) s-CRY-ed

5) Trinity Blood

4) Deadman Wonderland

3) Dimension W

2) Blue Gender

1) Eureka Seven


I get where you're going with this, but it was specifically supposed to be favorite/least favorite endings of Toonami's 5 years on [as], so that would mean 10, 9, 8, 3, and 2 of the favorites and 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, and 2 of the least favorites are disqualified!


Apologies that I didn't seem to make that as clear as I thought I did!


Whoops. Sorry, my bad. Didn't realize you only wanted stuff from the last five years. Somtimes I just read too fast and miss stuff. Okay, went back and fixed; although, Bleach ended back in 2014, so that should count. Trinity Blood I think was older though, so I took that off, too.


If you ask me, one thing that makes for a good ending is the following:


1. Big bad is vanquished

2. The toll on the protag(s) appears to be too great

3. Everything still turns out OK somehow in the end


It's cliché, but I'm a sucker for it when it happens. The shows on my list that did some variation on it are Hellsing, Parasyte, IY:FA, and JoJo Part 2. FMA:B sort of did but it was more of a "now how's he gonna get out of this?" sort of thing, and really IY:FA's ending was like that as well! Also Michiko & Hatchin, as they're forced to split up and a timeskip happens but after all that time they re-unite. And of course there were losses in Gundam IBO Season 1 but it was still "mission accomplished!"


I DON'T like the Gurren Lagann and Samurai Jack endings because they do the exact opposite. In both cases, it SEEMS like there won't be anymore loss once the big bad is vanquished, and then after a short timeskip of denoument proportions, the final sacrifice is made profound. It's kind of like "the Scourging of the Shire" in the book version of Return of the King (not in the movie; spoiler alert: Saruman actually survives in the books), in which despite the greater peace being restored, the big bad still gets in one last cheap shot at the victorious protagonist and he has to cope with loss one last time. Simon and Jack sort of dealt with it similarly, both finding a sense of peace with the new universe, but the shock still seems undeserved since they've made all the right moves and have done no wrong. It's the biblical Job complex!


Oddly enough, I'm still able to include KILL la KILL in my favorites although Senketsu is lost; guess it's because he's just a piece of clothing, and sort of becomes part of Ryuko. Also, the main love interest, Ryuko x Mako (possibly with Gamagoori as the "designated dick" in my headcanon) is not sacrificed as a result of beating Ragyo, so it's not quite as poignant and cheap as Gurren or Jack. And One-Punch Man and Space Dandy, which round out my Top 10, are just FUN endings, even if the former DOES establish Amai Mask as an ultra-dick for slaughtering the surviving aliens!


You mean Saruman survives until the end of the 3rd book. He still doesn't survive =P



He DOES survive until AFTER the One Ring is destroyed though. He basically trashes Frodo's home, then commits suicide.




He DOES survive until AFTER the One Ring is destroyed though. He basically trashes Frodo's home, then commits suicide.



You need to reread the book! He doesn't kill himself.

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