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Everything posted by Skiles

  1. Sometimes I scratch my nuts and then smell my hand BYEEEEEE
  2. Maybe? I know one guy ended up being a terrorist, or at least he was suspected of plotting some shit, I think.
  3. Well, see ya later.
  4. Haven't had a lot of interactions with him, honestly. So I couldn't tell ya.
  5. I'll be real honest, I think I do too.
  6. < The mistrust on this doggo's face is really funny to me. It isn't my dog, it's from some dumb clickbait type thing. But I love it.
  7. Yes. And I'm bringing my favorite spices.
  8. I don't, though. It's pretty good.
  9. Judging from the responses in this thread, I'd say it's working quite well.
  10. But I can intimidate the voters by staring at them menacingly.
  11. I'm actually on episode 3 of this series, but I'm posting episode 1, in case any D&D fans might enjoy watching YT personalities play Curse of Strahd.
  12. *commits preemptive voter suppression*
  13. Also, regarding that other post... I don't mean that about JeNewBee. He's good ppl. I just like to give him a hard time because he's weird. All of us are weird in our own special way. Zeni, on the other hand... He's a spree killer. Calling it now.
  14. Nah, Zeni has "mass shooter" written all over him. He's the second coming of Elliot Rodger.
  15. Me too! In fact, somewhere in the world, there exists an audio cassette recording of a two-year-old Skiles, singing the Growing Pains theme song with all of his heart. I wish I had it. But yeah, RIP, big bucket of win, he will be missed.
  16. And all of them are JeNewBee.
  17. I'd expect no better coming from you. 8)
  18. That at least one member of the boards, between 2003 and today, either is or will be a serial killer. I don't know what made me think of that. Probably listening to too many true crime podcasts. But hey, it's food for thought, I guess.
  19. That's a great idea in theory. I heard a lot of rumors last year that they wanted to trade him, but since we lost Wade, I hope they do build around him. Dragic can be a great complimentary guy, and Winslow has tons of upside as well. And when his contract is up, I hope they pay him whatever he needs. He has the potential to be the guy.
  20. Maybe twice a week, generally. Although I sometimes have these short periods of time where I masturbate way more than usual. Two or three times a day for a few days. Then it's back to hardly ever.
  21. guys stay on topic here im talkin about crazy good poops rn
  22. and thinkin to urself gosh dang this is a good poop im havin
  23. My Heat didn't lose their sixth game in a row, so that's pretty good. 8)
  24. Perfect.
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