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Everything posted by Skiles

  1. It isn't racist as long as every Mexican person I know goes all out on Christmas.
  2. Pics or I didn't fappen.
  3. Do you mean crazy like the "delusional thoughts" the doctors say I have? Because none of those are delusional. I'm right. But among those crazy* beliefs is that whether I'm viewing a sporting event or not has an affect on the outcome. *crazy = correct
  4. Nothing exists. Everything dies. Eat Arby's.
  5. Agreed. They always wanna make little comments and shit, and I'm like, "I bought your ticket AND your popcorn, so shut up and let me watch the movie, hooker."
  6. Did you paint them or do you have a terrible disease?
  7. One of my in-laws slipped on some ice last Xmas and got a concussion. I think he was pretty toasted. I anticipate more terrible falls this year. 8)
  8. I always wanted to try it, but the fear of public humiliation kept my tongue safe and warm over the years.
  9. Seriously, the amount of food and drink they bring to any family gathering is next-level. But on Christmas? God damn. I'm about to double my body weight. 8)
  10. Yeah, dude. It's awesome. I don't usually like cats, but the three I have are great.
  11. No, but they 167 toys already. And they don't even play with 164 of them. All Piper cat plays with is one green ball that he insists on keeping in the bathtub when she isn't using it.
  12. Zeni always gave me a strong Elliot Rodger vibe.
  13. I've spent 16 years with that guy. He knows he's my sidekick and partner-in-crime. It just so happens that I didn't spend today with him.
  14. Sometimes one is enough. Personally, my goal in life is to become a crazy cat lady.
  15. No complaints here, m8.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AA2DTpAY4UU
  17. And by family, I mean my cats. And by friends, I also mean my cats. 8)
  18. ITT: 2edgy4u
  20. Wimp.
  21. You should, it's all the rage these days. All the cool kids get brain damage, you know.
  22. Nice!
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