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Everything posted by Vela

  1. Also can't decide if you're Fire or Water, which is kinda neat. Do you like change and feel like you always need to be "doing"? Or are you more sensitive to your environment and focus more on your interaction with people, and are open to emotion?
  2. I think you also have earth hands, but sort of hard to tell because that's based off of how long or square you palm is and I can't see where your palm ends. Your fingers suggest Wanderer though. And Wanderer would fit with the creases in your hands, which are Fire = intense, restlessness and often need to blow off steam in a very physical way.
  3. Thinking Type. And possibly Fire. You seek stimulation
  4. Enduring with strong instincts and physical drives who can take a lot w/o giving way. Stubborn, loyal, hate wasting time, money or energy (which is a lot of people but earth people will go out of their way to conserve energy and such - and if they can save money by building something themselves that's what they'll do.) Very hands on. And, well...down to earth.
  5. I'm a reader but not of palms. As in...I read books, lol. I can also give you an ayurvedic prognosis if you show me your tongue...but then Candy might cream her pants 😆
  6. No that was FF 🤣
  7. Which is funny because I think you're also an earth hand.
  8. I'm leaning toward air hand because of your palms. Air = live in the world of concepts, planning, logic, structure and ideas. As far as Feeling Type. You might be a Nurturer.
  9. He has now in the Hand Type thread
  10. You are w/o a doubt a Feeling Type. And Ino I didn't post the elements here but you're either an air or fire hand as well.
  11. Fuck I'm hungry, haven't eaten yet today.
  12. No but srsly This one maybe?
  13. It's hard to find a nice thimble these days. So many plastic ones around.
  14. Practical Type too. Also...are you in a hair salon?
  15. Intuitive Inventor sounds right to me
  16. Is this you?
  17. I rly did lol If you're feeling exceptionally motivated you can post a pic and I can help you figure it out. There can be more than one answer obviously.
  18. nope you got it right
  19. Don't post what you think you are. Post by what your hand looks like. Cause for example if you are a Builder but you have an Adapter Hand that means you're multifaceted 👍
  20. Maybe this should be it's own thread. Cause now
  21. And I shall call you Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung!
  22. You mean you don't like christmas or witches? Do you give out thimbles to the girls you like? Is your name Fly-fornication Barebone?
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