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Puppy Power
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Everything posted by scoobdog

  1. Drunk drivers.
  2. Oh…. So you were setting up your own bowling pins. I mean of course you were. Idiot.
  3. Agreed. He’s almost certainly destroyed any chance of a US brokered deal in Gaza as well because of his idiotic deal making. He might get MBS a NPP though, because that sleazy shit knows how to step into the Trump’s shadow to make himself look magnanimous. Trump is literally making despotism great again, but only for everyone else.
  4. It sounds like Trump and his pet walked into their own bear trap with this one. Either Trump was hoping a display of Zelenskyy being cowed by Vance and himself would be enough to get Putin to sign on, or he never planned to have Zelenskyy sign on in the first place. Regardless, it doesn't look like Trumpy-poo is getting his Nobel Peace Prize anytime soon.
  5. So, is this what you kids call a nothingburger? The Senate isn’t going to filibuster this, and Democrats aren’t going to vote for it except for Fetterman and any Senator from a red state. Don’t you feel dumb fingering yourself for nothing?
  6. lol. Anyhoo, if the GOP is already cutting entitlements, firing government workers, and pushing us into recession with a trade war, why does it matter if the government shuts down? Wall Street doesn’t care about the US Government’s ability borrow when there are market pressures on literally every sector because of tariffs.
  7. That must make his jerk off sessions really conflicting.
  8. No, like a delectable mix of Bobo the Clown's and Kid Rock's cum. It's like a Freestyle soda fountain for self loathing.
  9. I've never heard of someone getting pulled over for no insurance, so that's got to be some kind of racial profiling thing. I know that shit happens but its still blood boiling when I hear it happen.
  10. Not to interject, but that orders looks suspiciously like an attempt to disqualify teachers from the loan forgiveness plan.
  11. Yeah, not trying to buzzkill, man. "Armor" was a joke reference to the corn husk, not the crawfish. But... since this is an unpopular opinion thread... What's the deal with crawfish anyway? You have to eat like a hundred of them to get anything and, even then you need hot sauce.
  12. So... both you and Buddy ate a tamale with the corn husk still on. I'm more fascinated by this than I should be.
  13. I mean, soft shelled crabs are a thing, so I can’t really say much, but you got sone kind of energy if you enjoy eating things with armor.
  14. Well, proper tamales are wrapped in corn husks. It’s easier to tell what you’re not supposed to eat.
  15. Westpark also taught me how to open links here only on my laptop / desktop for that exact reason.
  16. That's not cool, but only because those fucking cars are already a fire hazard . Who knows what kind of wildfire could have resulted?
  17. I agree to an extent. There is nothing Democrats should have done at the SOTU except maybe walking out, and nothing they could do would have served any purpose served any purpose. That being said, they can and should do something by obstructing government operations. They should not vote for any budgets. They should not vote for any of his nominees (FUCK YOU FETTERMAN). They should not attend any special sessions. They should openly refute any and all of his policies. I don't take this statement lightly, but not participating in his schemes is the only way for anything to happen.
  18. I call my Valentine - "Dollface Supreme"
  19. That's like the only Oscar winner I actually watched, ever. It had sex in it. THat's all I remember.
  20. I was thinking about what could do that too, and for some reason CO didn’t come to mind.
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