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Puppy Power
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Everything posted by scoobdog

  1. Gets a cut of the action as the racket's muscle, and is worth all the pennies we rake in.
  2. Got on the wrong side of her once, accidentally got the local pastor stuck by lighting while out golfing and had to make up a cover story.
  3. Oh well. I guess I'll just have to traumatize those two the old fashioned way... with memes.
  4. The look and my aunt's and cousin's faces will be so worth it... for the few moments before I black out. They're already trying to spin the Slack scandal in the weirdest possible way possible.
  5. Bring the flashing back! I want to scare the douchbags in my office.
  6. Who cares who's to blame? I'm asking seriously because none of this makes Israel look good. If the war ended tomorrow, and Israel did the right thing by stepping away from Palestine and allowed them to rebuild, do you think they'll suddenly get credit for doing the right thing? Of course not. Right or wrong, this war cemented acrimony in the middle east for generations to come and likely damaged the Isreali state permanently. It doesn't help that Israel no longer has a reliable partner in the incompetent Trump administration. There is nothing to be thankful for here. What confounds me about you is your seeming lack of empathy. I don't think you're a psychopath (incapable of human empathy or a dark empath), but you are clearly vengeful against somebody or something and its interfering in your ability to understand what other people who are not you are thinking or feeling. You've been saying the same thing over and over about Israel yet the hostages still haven't all made it home, alive or otherwise, and Hamas hasn't disappeared; at some point you can't even claim pragmatism in this conflict as a justification for the depravity of all those murdered non-combatants. The same applies to your hypocrisy toward LGBTQIA+ people: nothing is going to get better under Trump and you'll have nothing to show for it when everyone you care for suffers. Nonetheless, here we are talking at you as you keep pushing ahead like you don't hear us or don't care what we are telling you. There are only so many timed you can loop the rubber band around your ball of angst before it snaps. At some point, there's going be nothing left and you'll have to acknowledge that your personal animus is driving your ridiculous opinions.
  7. So... does that make you 99% P-stoned?
  8. Happy Birthday, dude who definitely did not deserve this.
  9. The Hamas to innocent ratio is getting worse. Eventually there won’t be anyone left for Hamas’ leaders to govern.
  10. Damn. Missed opportunity,
  11. You could have just asked me. Lol
  12. Happy birthday Doomer like a week later and with no cool gift.
  13. They’ll gladly take the trade in and offload them to wholesalers who will unload them overseas or scrap them. That’s usually what happens to trade ins since most aren’t worth even half their retail price after a year or two.
  14. Uber drivers get with the program if you give them the motivation. Lyft drivers are a lost cause though.
  15. Fantasy Football works because the league is a perennial. Trying to go out and get people to join in a game that literally takes like ten minutes a week is like pulling teeth here.
  16. But... they don't seem to be repulsed by the things we would expect them to be repulsed by...
  17. Nah, I was just saying the same thing happened to me.
  18. Happy Birthday, Clown Prince of the UEMB.
  19. Nope, you didn’t miss it. I’ll start pushing this week.
  20. Best punchline ever.
  21. Specifically, The Oversight Project, part of the Heritage Foundation of Project 2025 fame, is claiming that digital copies of the pardons available through official records show discrepancies in the signature as evidence that an unnamed staffer was signing Biden's signatures on things that he didn't approve. Naturally, the NY Post won't name the staffer because (Surprise!) there's no concrete evidence and no one will corroborate those claims.
  22. His last, eh? I like the sound of that.
  23. Yeah, I have the occasional bad idea that sounds good in my head too.
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