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Everything posted by molarbear

  1. No. I thought Heaven on Earth was just a song that really hot Belinda Carlisle lady sang
  2. They were beef vajitas that I call tacos because I don't like all the peppers and onions My pile of grated cheese was not included
  3. how does one forget the cheese when constructing tacos? It's like a construction company forgetting to add the water to concrete mix
  4. I have seen this before....somewhere
  5. Anyone else wondering how the guy got up there in the last picture?
  6. Happy Day of Birth, homie! Story time! I was hanging out with some friends in college one time and they were like "Come to Monticello and hangout with us sometime!" So, a year later my friend's grandma dies; and like any sane person he goes "my grandma died....you want to go on a trip?" I was thinking he meant to his Grandmother's place. We're on the road for a couple hours in this 90's chevy silverado (come to find to find out it had absolutely no radio because that got goinked at some point) and I was like "hey P... where does your Grandmother live?" He's all (and I shit you not, this dude now has a doctorate's in psychology) "I don't like dealing with death, so I figured we'd go visit *insert friends in fucking bumfuck monticello, Arkansas" The year was 2007. We got there on a paper map because smartphones came out that year, but they hadn't released yet. I had to guide us, having never read a map before, we only missed one turn in either little rock or conway and, ended up in this place called Star City..... It smelled like poop. We finally end up at the mazzios in town, because our buddy's all worked there. Our friends are like "you guys got here the perfect night! Afroman is performing at some fraternity boxing event!" I was like "There is ABSOLUTELY. NO. FUCKING. WAY. AFROMAN. WOULD. VENTURE. INTO. THIS. SWAMP" they're full of it. So, about 3 hours later I'm watching these dudes beat the shit out of each other, and then Afroman performed. That was my first visit to Monticello. That was also when I learned they have like 6 waffle house rip-offs the further you go south eastish
  7. Happy Birthmas!!!! I have no clue what Big eyed fish looks like but, GBM has a beautiful mane of hair
  8. That's not true! There's a lot of really smart, and compassionate humans out there. We're just completely unchecked in the food chain and modern medicine prevents a lot of needed Darwinism
  9. Happy Birthmas!
  10. I mean... some crypto dudebro just paid 4 million dollars for a banana that was taped to a poster board
  11. Happy Birthmas everyone! I'm not sharing my cake with you people
  12. Honestly? It's a dumb number, but Baseball is one of the only sports I know that generally stays up with inflation. Every 10-15 years you get a wave of record breaking contracts. People thought A-rods 10 year, 100 million contract 20 years or so ago was outrageous. After that, 100 mil became the number get in the door to start negotiating with Elite level talent like that.
  13. Happy birthmas! The porch kitty is sleeping with her head tucked under a blanket currently, so here's a randomly googled "Old ass cat" image XD
  14. You know I have thought about this a lot today. On one hand someone was acting erratically scaring the shit out of people and someone subdued them due to lack of any presence of law enforcement being around. I want to say he should know better than to keep a choke hold on someone for 6 mins, but at the same time it didn't look like anyone was helping him subdue the guy. I can see the mindset of "if I let go of this guy and he wakes up before help shows up, I could be f**ked" He's not a trained professional though, we've seen alleged professional law enforcement murder people at a scary high rate over the last decade. I cannot fault this guy for accidentally killing the person he subdued, even though I'm angry someone died. Does that make sense? My frustration isn't with the person acquitted, it's with a society that stigmatized mental health issues for so long no one has any idea how to address, react, or deal with someone in those situations normally; and our Nation continues to do very little to address it.
  15. Nah, she had that nerve thing or something.... right?
  16. Happy Birthmas Here cat
  17. It was definitely a semester or two ago when one of the practice questions involved "AOL" and the teacher goes "does anyone know that is?" and I raised my hand in the back.. while everyone in front of me looked at each other and audibly said "WHAT IS AOL?!?!?" so I put my hand down while the professor was looking right at me, and he said "it's probably good no one admitted it. If they did, they would be showing their age" and I was sitting there like ........ <.< >.>
  18. I can hear the old permeating from this post
  19. First off, Thank you! Number B, I'm fairly positive you used to play on a minecraft server I was on about 12 years ago?? Docto's server, his username was ellessdee on the ASMB
  20. Thanks errbody! I'm going to try tonight, pat! prozac be damned! I have set aside two hours and found a work around the pornhub block so that I, a 38 year old... can watch pornhub in my house again My dick will most likely look like Rocky's face at the end *I'm am not fielding questions on how the hair got there, or the color. "My body is a walking art piece that is constantly performing. Please respect its......oldness"
  21. Ya know what man, it's my B-day and I'm ok with it! You work hard putting those Birthday threads up... and I'm still convinced 98% of those accounts are bots
  22. No... I felt this way too turns out Thanksgiving floats, similar to Easter.... just not on such a sliding scale
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