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Everything posted by Vamped

  1. As sexy as you believe yourself to be..?
  2. I didn't watch the video but good news for you is you don't even have to worry about those women. Aim for like a nice Walmart cashier.... Starbucks batista even Dunkin' Donuts clerk
  3. Kinda seems like writers in general don't like Green Lantern
  4. Sounds like you're gonna have to suck a mean dick for your promotion my guy
  5. Now you can wear the socks in the house shoes Next year you get the robe .... or the pajamas. Keep building til you get the whole set.
  6. Compulsory Father's Day Purchase
  7. Happy Father's Day to the 3-4 dads out there!
  8. Where you going with all that cake sir?
  9. The only thirst fanarts I've seen are of Miguel for sure They seem to be treating Hobie with a little more respect
  10. I saw it today Who is it?
  11. I don't know if it's just me getting old ... but milk chocolate is not hitting the way it used to. .... now dark chocolate
  12. Yes. Go in there and purchase one container of those and those mixed chocolate almonds for me thanks. I'll be out in the car I'll pick you up in the parkinglot like a whore afterwards
  13. I keep telling myself I can make my own dark chocolate peanutbutter cups because I really like the ones they have at Trader Joe's.... but we only have one Trader Joe's and the hos in there are so uppity I hate going in there.
  14. Black Mirror Crash Course in Romance Why Raelianna Ended Up in the Duke's Mansion
  15. The only context I currently have are posts from horny Twitter Same with the Legend of Zelda rn
  16. I dont care if people smoke, I just hate the way it smells ... like figure out a way for y'all to smoke it and not smell so terrible.
  17. Gonna see this Spiderverse movie so I can have some real context behind all these thirst posts I keep seeing of Miguel
  18. It doesn't work unless you yell your attack as you do it
  19. Me think you were talking about a pen: Seems like a lot of work for little reward
  20. ... why am I this hot 80s swishy track suit green??
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