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Lord of the Munge Façade
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Everything posted by SwimModSponges

  1. Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks man.
  2. There's no reason you two should be fighting each other. Let's focus on things we can agree on. Jingo's a prick and we all hate him. OK back on topic.
  3. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/reward-climbs-500k-information-suspect-pipe-bomb-day/story It's funny because it's OBVIOUSLY Marge Green in those pictures.
  4. Could have sworn that was a nickleback song though. Eve 6 anyone?
  5. Anybody remember Staind?
  6. Phreelz tho, whattayall thinks the next handful of years gonna bring? Serious predictions only plz.
  7. Just trying to ring in the new year you guys. Geez.
  8. Hello! How long y'all think we got? My predictions- 2023- After a tumultuous battle for Speaker of the House, Jim Jordan wins in an upset. All ongoing investigations into the 45th president's illegal activities are halted immediately. All records and evidence from the investigation are sealed. Boxes are seen being loaded onto jets and flown back to Mar-a-lago. Joe Biden is impeached over his knowledge of the existence of Hunter Biden. The impeachment goes nowhere. Biden is impeached over America's departure from Afghanistan. The impeachment goes nowhere. Biden is impeached over some nebulous debacle regarding the legality of covid vaccinations. December 18- Biden spends nine hours testifying against claims from all three impeachments being literally screamed by republican congressmen. He suffers a stroke and dies on live television. Kamala Harris is sworn in as a lame duck. Meanwhile, globally. Radiation sensors in china and japan indicate that North Korea has had an accidental nuclear explosion. North Korea denies this but they halt their rocket program momentarily. In Europe, Russia continues its invasion of Ukraine, who is now considerably weaker due to America's contributions drying up in the face of Republican pro-russianism. Additionally Russia commits mass atrocities and war crimes within Ukraine and are scolded by the other European nations but America refuses to comment, especially given its own internal turmoil. 2024- Mass demonstrations are held against republican leadership whom some blame for Joe Biden's stroke. Fox News declares that his death proves that he was never fit for office, and that his death was a sign. Protests break out across the nation into the spring and summer months. A few of them turn into mass shootings as well. Kamala Harris runs for president on a campaign of "continue the legacy" whereas republicans run on a campaign of "tough on crime". Republicans gain full control of congress and presidency with Desantis. They also gain 2 supreme court justices. Globally- Putin has died and been replaced by a lackey. The invasion of Ukraine stops. Just sorta stops. Nobody is giving orders anymore, soldiers just sort of wander off. Borders return to pre-2014 invasion locations. A coup erupts in North Korea and a pro-china leader is installed 2025- The legality of marriage has been returned to the individual states to decide, along with the ability to legally obtain contraception. Feds crack down on reefer use. An act of vandalism at a power station will cause the electricity to go out in a liberal neighborhood. During the night a group of armed right-wing insurgents will go door to door killing people. Police will be investigating. It will happen again. Police will be investigating it again. Globally- Europe is flooded with climate refugees from India as the subcontinent become unlivable. China and North Korea invade eastern Russia. Europe doesn't care because fuck russia, and america doesn't care because it's only interested in the americas. Honestly Russia doesn't care, it's in shambles. 2026- America forcibly annexes portions of mexico on the pretense of fighting drug cartels. "Blackouts" are just sort of a thing that happens now, like school shootings of the 2010's. Mid-terms are suspended (woohoo no more political ads!) Right-Wing leaders come to power in europe after ranting about the "great replacement". EU dissolved. Russia is just... in the drunk, ugly crying stage right now. China, through its client state North Korea, now holds access to the Bering straight. China declares peace and the war ends. And now I've got a goddamn nosebleed.
  9. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3796927-metal-detectors-removed-from-outside-the-house-chamber/ ^^^^ That's foreshadowing.
  10. *goes all in on Speaker of the House Donald Trump*
  11. Oath Keepers have infiltrated the secret service. https://www.newsweek.com/secret-service-members-found-part-far-right-extremist-group-report-1766618
  12. Everybody's like "Oh, the US should switch to metric". Like, the government just issues this decree and suddenly we're measuring our dicks in centimeters, not inches. That's not how it works. Little secret though, you're totally allowed to do it yourself. You can switch to metric right now, you don't even have to tell anyone.
  13. Hey there's a guest browsing this topic. This game got more hate than it deserved. In terms of story and character exploration it was not as good as the originals, but there were a few things it did better than any other game in the series. Gunfights and space travel. top-notch.
  14. Everyone abandoned that argument a page ago because i posted the exact way the process works. Thats why scoob got us lost in the weeds with his "what is art" discussion. Legally, factually, and morally my argument is correct. You can plug your ears, refuse to understand the actual poibts of the argument, repeat over and over how you think it works, and throw out all the insults you want. It doesn't matter. Im right. Its been proven. Many times. You're making yourself look foolish. And when you come back and shit all over the checkerboard claiming that you're right because you said so and don't care about the facts, imma just say "ok, cool." Because you don't have facts. You have an opinion. Its based on a flawed understanding due to your chosing to be ignorant, but hey its what you think and its 100% ok for you to be wrong. You gonna call me Hitler now? Because if calling people "Trump" is going to become the new Godwins Law... Well actually thatd be hilarious so keep it up.
  15. Ok cool. Every single piece of factual evidence posted in this thread has been in support of my argument on this issue. Every piece. All the facts in the world won't change an opinion, and you're entitled to yours. My point has been proven many times over.
  16. I actually cherrypicked the best one. And it's a lie that any image was modified. Simple as that. The process by which the generation actually works has been spelled out for you several SEVERAL times. Don't tell me you don't understand it for any reason other than you're choosing what you want to see.
  17. If you're iffy about watching it for 1.5 hours, you should know he proves some of my statements wrong. Which ones? You'll have to watch and find out.
  18. This guys got the right of it.
  19. Coups not over and it will be legal next time. Very legal and very cool.
  20. Buddy its not copied. No image has been modified besides the randomly generated static one. Thats like saying "i drew a check from memory and put a squiggle where the signature goes."
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