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Everything posted by 🍬Candy🍬

  1. the 12-13 hour days is beginning to get to me today i was waiting for a cheeseburger at the cafe.. i never get cheeseburgers because they take so long to make but the already made food looked gross so im sitting there.. waiting .. waiting... THREE other people get cheeseburgers.. even people after me... i see my bread and veggies are waiting.. the man goes in the back and comes back out staring like a brain dead zombie.. im like "wheres my burger" and he was like "oh durhee durhee i thought i got them all. i see yours right here.. imma get ya right now.. right now" this is after TWENTY fucking minutes.. i only have a 30 minute lunch... the cafe is attached to my job.. i tell u i wanted to throw my drink at him so bad and my hands started to itch... before i lost my fucking job i put everything down and walked out.. (after i had paid) so i got NOTHING to eat today.. im not really hungry but i know i will be tonight when i get off at 9 and thats why i decided to eat. motherfucker... i seriously was about to throw that drink right in his motherfucking face... UUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGHHHHH
  2. reminds me of the first time i gave my baby food that wasnt milk. it was an orange and it was like i gave her crack or something .. i never seen a person enjoy anything so much
  3. ??? they both look like hawt white gals to me but yah i prefer the first one. i thought the bottom was suppose to be her as a younger jean?? am i wrong???
  5. i do like all the things i can do with a ps4 tho.. and seeing my friends and chatting with people thru it
  6. i like you tho. its you that doesnt like me
  7. getting off early at 11am... going shopping at the mall, eating at this expensive ass seafood place, going to see John wick, then going to my favorite food truck (weather permitting) for some crab fries!!! *dance dance* *dance dance*
  8. no its not because they do it for free
  9. i love both characters so darn much
  10. being an asshole is not a job, sawdy
  11. i work 8:30am-9pm today with ONE 30 minutes lunch.. dont see me complaning *grumbles*
  12. and someone was saying its so much better than the ps4... shhhd... go suck on some acorns
  14. i bet they treat their old people better tho... and i have a feeling ill need a lot of help when im older with my memory going to shit like it is
  15. i remember really liking my cousin;'s wife vows... she basically said his waters (dick) ran thru the streets but now all his water (dick) now leads to her. . im not joking.. she let the whole church no his playa days were over
  16. i will import spices from amazon theres a joke about british people going all over the world conquering foreign countries for their spices and not bringing any back home
  17. "I sacrifice my peace of mind, individuality and all things that make me happy for you."
  18. 1. i dont have to learn another language 2. white boys everywheres 3. i can drive to foreign countries 4. the people are hilarious 5. probably get better govt benefits 6. probably get better healthcare 7. probably have been employment benefits, too 8. the weather wont be like living in the devil's buttcrack
  19. and here i thought he left forever *RUNS SLOWLY INTO YOUR MOOBS*
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