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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. especially since it means My Hero academia dr.stone and fire force won't return.... No Season 6 MHA No Season 3 Dr Stone and No Season 3 Fire Force for toonami I'm not sure how many people will be kept around by a mostly sentai filmworks themed toonami though
  2. Sony Certainly doesn't think....demarco did say anything sony has the rights to seems unlikely for the foreseeable future
  3. even if [AS] had the money I'm not sure sony would be interested i believe this is less of a money thing and more just them seeing no value in working with a block on cable tv toonami needs sony more than sony needs toonami
  4. this message makes me shake my head because with every buy-out/merger demarco and crew have had to explain what anime even is...over and over again
  5. has anyone here been watching this?
  6. i can't imagine doing luffy's voice for as many episodes as collen clinkenbeard has....much like clifford chapin voicing bakugo it seems like it'd be really annoying don't know why luffy's voice had to be scratchy and rough
  7. this promo for durarara was simple but it sticks with me just because of how it plays out and the music chosen for it instills this vibe that something special is coming and you should pay attention this doesn't really happen that much anymore if at all on adultswim these days... i remember the [ASMB] and how important it was to adultswim's night owl persona once that died so did adultswim's night owl persona(which was already gone by that point thanks to the removal of the owls from most adultswim bumps) this board was formed as a replacement for the adultswim message boards....however few people here seem to give a shit about adultswim discussions and i do mean few the adultswim sub-forum is a ghost town most of the time
  8. there's also the chance shenmue gets replaced by a new series when it's rerun concludes however that would require them to demote a series on the block...still though i don't see many options that would allow them to keep the backend rerun slots to continue with CR Titles off limits you are basically down to playing stuff that they can use at anytime and it wasn't that long ago bebop finished another rerun so can't go back to that so soon
  9. it really does....these bumps feel like they are struggling just to make them and eventually say "screw it...this is good enough" a lot of them come off as someone trying to imitate the vibe of adultswim and failing miserably the Bumps before and after a commercial break aren't as good anymore(as i stated previously) it's just images they probably copied from a google image search with little to no effort put into them
  10. i agree....especially since they aren't in the position to just wait and hope something is good before they jump in to scoop it up you either make an attempt to get it asap or you don't get it at all...that's how things are now
  11. even while warner owned them...Crunchyroll seemed against giving toonami much of anything
  12. i do wonder why FLCL is adultswim's favorite anime though
  13. Sorry i suppose i didn't realize that because i had assumed most of the adultswim originals(non-toonami content) aired on sunday because it felt like that's been the case more often than not nothing this year has aired new episodes outside saturdays(for toonami)and sundays(for non-toonami content) which is why primal's time slot came off as strange to me
  14. apparently not...i mean they don't even want to promote the service on television so just forget about airing actual content from it on television
  15. The reruns for shenmue and AOT Final Season Part 2 are soon to conclude and with that brings the question what should happen to those time slots?
  16. but thursdays though...why thursdays in particular? it's not really a day adultswim has ever done anything with so nobody's come to expect thursdays as a day for new content....so to go from sunday(where adultswim normally premieres it's originals)to thursday where nothing happens is more than a little bizarre Primal is the only thing premiering new content on thursdays with everything else either relegated to Toonami On Saturday or the sunday lineup
  17. I'm wondering how long we'll have double naruto on the block...it's practically guaranteed at this point Double naruto will return the week after the doubled up Primal S2 reruns because....what else would they add in that time slot? the discovery freeze is probably still happening although i have no idea what plans they might have for the block....They'll really have to support toonami 110% due to sony wanting nothing to do with the block and options being very limited right now originals are cool and all but they don't have enough of those to consistently fill the block
  18. still sucks because the other two originals ended at a spot where it was pretty much concluded anyways(You Could argue Fena could have had a second season but the creator wasn't interested) where as shenmue S1 doesn't even have a satisfying stopping point and it's the one that impressed toonami
  19. they also had custom bumpers for shows like case closed...something they don't really do anymore for any shows but i suppose they can't really do much about this now since sony refuses to play ball and one original series every once in awhile by itself isn't gonna change anything i can watch so many good anime titles on cr now whenever i want(especially after the funimation merger)and it saddens me to know so many of them never got to be on adultswim
  20. exactly this is why i feel so odd about primal on thursday because it's trying to shove a show that isn't a comedy into the regular lineup which most of the time is a comedy lineup Action shows and anime content in general are rarely featured outside saturday nights so when they are...they come off as some oddity and sideshow attraction rather than just another part of the lineup i don't want primal to just be this show that confuses the average [AS] Viewer who came simply to pass out in front of american dad reruns i want it to be joined alongside other action shows and some anime on the regular block to tell everyone that adultswim isn't just some drunk stoner's hang out filled with Memes And Poop Jokes it's suppose to be an entertaining night-owl's spot and i feel like it's gotten away from that....in favor of catering to the masses who simply wanna marathon old animated sitcoms on repeat
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