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Everything posted by nameraka

  1. i too went to a shitty religious college in the sticks. it cured me.
  2. i don't know what i mean by that.
  3. we saved you a seat.
  4. that doesn't really answer the question. it could just be performance art.
  5. Take this handy Quiz to determine whether or not you're insane!!! Answer key: If you answered yes: If you answered no: If you answered the third one:
  6. i don't think he'll bother. pretty sure the name xtube is already taken.
  7. so there's no way on earth i'd have voted for rfk jr. but... brain worms, a dead bear in central park, eating a dog, and now: chainsawing a whale's head...? https://www.axios.com/2024/08/26/rfk-jr-whale-chainsaw-investigation?utm=axios_app Tell me this guy's life wouldn't make a great, fucked up biopic. or maybe a semi-fictitious screwball comedy?
  8. wow. somehow i have no memory of this.
  9. worst telltale game ever.
  10. super mario brothers the movie (1993)
  11. Wait. He was serious about the president thing? I thought it was just some kind of performance art?
  12. the whole concept of praying to god for something is stupid. if the abrahamic god is, as his followers believe, omniscient, then he already knows what you're going to ask, making the act unnecessary. furthermore, he's already seen every possible outcome and has chosen the best one, again making prayer unnecessary. also, also, many scholars interpret the biblical prohibition against taking the lord's name in vain to actually be a prohibition against invoking god to do your bidding (as was often the practice with followers of pagan religions).
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