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Everything posted by Rumb0

  1. Zenigundam: the Rican Elliot Rodgers.
  2. I'm tapped out on THC. Everytime I intske it, my anxiety gets really bad; never happened before in the past 13 years I been smoking. Maybe I should try speedballing.
  3. Literally just straight up forgot. For the past several years I was doing fine since I last broke up, but now this shit is getting to me since I'm getting older and have nothing to show for it. I was doing perfect being an ignorant sex hound, now I get this feeling that yearns for tru luv. To combat my loneliness I spend hours laughing at thot patrol memes, and I tug my penis to hentai, listening to Jodeci, while doped up on Vicodin. There has to be a better solution.
  4. I like my Sriracha and tobasco refrigerated.
  5. I hope Crunchyroll will update their existing catalog that uses BD ripz instead of these interlaced rips.
  6. Yeh. Zoom was a good way to test out my new amp, and it got completely blown out by the bass in the beginning hook.
  7. That's a good amount.
  8. it ain't a party until everyone steps in. :420: :brownbottle:
  9. they don't have a USB port on it? WTF even my old pioneer receiver got a USB port.
  10. People will forget what you said, and they will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel. If they made you feel good or bad, you'll never forget them. If they left no impression, then they will be easy to forget. I prefer the latter when it comes to conducting my behavior, but I will go out of my way to make a grill I like smile.
  11. Mine is OK. Not the bes but it gets the jobb done. [YouTube] https://youtu.be/xHdaMr-cZy4 [/YouTube] Post uyor's.
  12. Nigga, that's not a game. It's Urabae from Mysterious Girlfriend X.
  13. Yes.
  14. Not a trap you homo.
  15. My desktop: My phone:
  16. it's annoying tho.
  17. I was mad when manufacturers started phasing out the 5.5mm jacks. Loved the sound on those behemoths.
  18. They're removing the 3.5mm headphone jack on the next line of Galaxy's, similar to how Apple did with the iPhone7. Honestly don't know how it could be anymore clear than that
  19. I had a dream where George Costanza turned into a meme obsessed weeb after he built a computer. It was weird because all I remember is that George was sitting at his Win 95 computer with an arcade stick and Timbs on his desk while he was laughing at may Mays on Tweeter.
  20. The phones are good b/c they don't come with manufacturer bloat, but you have to download some of the necessity apps from the play store, Motorola's File Manager being one of them. Got rid of Google's shit apps and the phone runs smoother.
  21. [YouTube]https://youtu.be/fNHZFSqoq0w[/YouTube]
  22. I have a Moto G4. It's p good; not the best but it still gets the job done better than most phones for its price range.
  23. I had an HD CRT until it bit the dust in 2014. They had top tier colors and I watched so much anime on it. It was one of the few Sega's that had HDMI inputs, as most of them at thrift stores only come with analog inputs; not good if you plan on using modern consoles on it. Those HD CRT'S have imperfect geometry with 1280x720 resolutions. Maybe it was just my TV, but I often had to watch Crunchyroll in 1080i, my least favorite. But yeah anime looked really good on it. I might try to find anudda one.
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