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Everything posted by Rumb0

  1. Because he hated them Arthur memes.
  2. I remember when the Somali niggas used to hustle people at school playing dice
  3. Filipinos eAt pork on a daily basis, yet they have some of the lowest life expectancy rates in Asia. Though they do try they foods all the time; that and a helicopter chucc won't save u.
  4. QFC sells them in small packs similar to how pepperoni or salami is sold. Yeah, it's $5.95 per package but it can last you one week alone if you only use two slices on each sandwich. 5 sandwiches per work week sounds like a good deal, especially when it's paired with other top tier slices.
  5. The only Mr Clean th@ matters [YouTube] [/YouTube]
  6. Man, I hope Trump deports your ass back to Puerto Rico for mixing me up with Bucket.
  7. A lot... I just never thought about it before. Used to make Italian sandwiches that had salami, pepperoni, prosciutto, sorpresetta, and ham.
  8. >pork butt Damn, no wonder why niccas getting overweight these days. At the very least it's not hawg-maw. That shit shouldn't be eaten by anyone.
  9. My blood pressure went down, my cholesterol is p much gone, I'm not greasier than an Italian anymore, and I can actually get morning hard-ons now. Why haven't you took the vow of dissavow porcc?
  10. As long as it's not Skylake or Kaby Lake.
  11. Rumb0


    Way ahead of u.
  12. To vibe to J Cole's music.
  13. How in the fuck does primitively animated objects and text heebees your jeebees?
  14. Rumb0


    Hope u are haveing a nice evenening ;^)
  15. Get a racing wheel.
  16. >imagine being creeped out by a cartoon character Don't tell me you're scared shitless of closing logos too.
  17. U have very deep voice.
  18. Through the power of Vocaroo. Here's my message to all of you: http://vocaroo.com/i/s1rkPlSQXKE6
  19. Rumb0


    I haven't nutted in a week.
  20. X had the best world with unique environments. Xi was a really good MMO when it was popular. Never finished XII. XIII, XIII-2, and Lightning Returns were dumb. XIV is a great MMO.
  21. >Actually getting mad at Bucket. Either you're stuck in 2011, or you never even knew him to realize he's a professional baiter.
  22. The Wu-Tang episode of Cribs was gold.
  23. Why does he cyberbilly people wtf nigga.
  24. An killah an killah an killah an killah [YouTube] [/YouTube]
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