Filipinos eAt pork on a daily basis, yet they have some of the lowest life expectancy rates in Asia. Though they do try they foods all the time; that and a helicopter chucc won't save u.
QFC sells them in small packs similar to how pepperoni or salami is sold.
Yeah, it's $5.95 per package but it can last you one week alone if you only use two slices on each sandwich. 5 sandwiches per work week sounds like a good deal, especially when it's paired with other top tier slices.
My blood pressure went down, my cholesterol is p much gone, I'm not greasier than an Italian anymore, and I can actually get morning hard-ons now.
Why haven't you took the vow of dissavow porcc?
X had the best world with unique environments.
Xi was a really good MMO when it was popular.
Never finished XII.
XIII, XIII-2, and Lightning Returns were dumb.
XIV is a great MMO.