-Two servings of Whey Protein (60g of protein)
-15mg of oxycodone
-20mg of dextroamphetamine
-Two cans of Amy and Brian coconut water to stay hydrated
-One hundred alternating reps with a pair of 60lb dumb bells.
Then finish it off with a Black and Mild blunt.
My mom is most def an immigrant, but my dad I dunno. If you consider being captured and having your ass thrown on a ship to be immigration, then whatever.
My internal clocc is really bad. My body cannot wake itself up if it's still dark outside. So waking up at 6am when it's still cold and dark is a struggle in futility.
>1 million paying subscribers
>The site's video player is still using Flash while the app versions were already on HTML5 players
>Terrible support for H.264 encoded videos & no Be rips
>Terrible manga app
>Rights to shows lapse in the course of 5 years
>Still thinking of increasing subscription charges
If it weren't for simulcasts and simulpubs, I wouldn't have been subscribed to their service for nearly 7 years. But at the very least, they aren't KissAnime.
I dropped it after the 3rd episode. It's way too boring to follow this entire season. But I might binge watch it sometime later on this year. Maybe on a day off or something.