I unno. Nigga had a lot of shit in his playlist that's meant for the bedroom, not a smoke session. I don't think Flex by Mad Cobra is fitting for the mood of 4 dudes in a room full of combusted cannabis.
You're passing an L (marijuanos) around with some friends whilst music is playing in the background. Then one of your friends puts on some R&B (or sexual music that should be listened to with a loved one or by yourself) and the mood gets ruined real quick.
I am sitting here on my couch with my Thinkpad X200 on my lap, smoking a blunt trying to combat the fading effects of my oxycodone and hydrocode mixball whilst listening to Dancing Days on some random cable channel that I don't even know I had.
His hair has anti-gravity properties. Explains why opponents who jump in on him are at a disadvantage and is also an explanation on why he can do this: