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Everything posted by God-Says-No

  1. who are you
  2. true but boobs are boobs
  3. only a handful of days for people to go crazy over xmas then after that mess only a handful of days for people to go crazy over new years
  4. ill be your santa
  5. i give you 5 solid years then it all tanks fast
  6. who is talking about the koreas becoming one? the south said they wouldnt wana take on the burden of debt
  7. its how we know its you and not an imposter
  8. I dont remember that though this account i believe was hit with atleast 6months worth of temp bans during 09 i believe
  9. no i wont fuck you
  10. its actually a good idea... if it ruins your mental health then it will start affecting your physical health and over all life aspirations
  11. you go girl
  12. well i dont think ill be reading that
  13. is it yourself then?
  14. thats a pretty depressing dream
  15. I already let him know
  16. id say myself but that shows that i have terrible taste in people something I knew
  17. only thing to do is eat you cat
  18. pretty accurate
  19. draw me and you
  20. there have been bans for this new site? or the older version
  21. just use a proxy site then?
  22. well thats all terrible
  23. Your Name 8/10 gorgeous visuals and good twist in what seemed a basic plot from the trailer I guess im not a total fan of the its a happy ending with out the actual conclusion or the fact that it had to be a happy ending definitely worth a watch though not to long either probably couldve been even better if it was fleshed out more
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