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Everything posted by God-Says-No

  1. >moonlight against a weavile sounds like you faced either a truly awful player or you already had type advantage but ask any one who isnt awful the yellow color will always be best
  2. God-Says-No


    youll starve and die
  3. I wasnt interested in the facebook post/picture and the same thing is said here ::]:: O0
  4. Never trump cut icon support funding
  5. Bio-contamination of the Susquehanna It was my senior thesis
  6. yea but his eeveelutions are garbage this gen
  7. Longest paper i wrote was 56 some odd pages
  8. God-Says-No


    Until Victory, always
  9. of a user hitting on women out of his league and not handling rejection
  10. O shit youll be less than 2hrs from me
  11. Yea those dummy head ttg writers...
  12. rip new new boards I for one welcome the new new new board changes coming in the very soon convenient 2020
  13. you shouldve said all of that after every other back and forth
  14. the only fast food place i like is taco bell and mcdonalds has a few things i like
  15. yea but youre one of those smelly lazy eye stupid fuck janitors of a bus station probably...
  16. older pokemon games are only worth something if the file doesnt get corrupted saved which is very common now that its 2017 for gen1-3 to have that trouble
  17. specs battle bond greninja useing water shuriken gg
  18. sadly they do this a lot even with just main title stuff like limited zelda statues etc
  19. Yea ill never enjoy anything with a carolina reaper
  20. who are you
  21. Ill be in NJ for a week
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