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Everything posted by God-Says-No

  1. thats not your ex-cowowkers chinchilla
  2. sshhh dont tell me what to do
  3. might as well make pity likes some the users already get a lot of those
  4. God-Says-No


    and why do you say that
  5. God-Says-No


    i did enjoy that movie
  6. depends on hair type
  7. as long as theres sex afterwards
  8. wow your mom is edgy she could post here
  9. dihydrogen monoxide can rust and break down solid metal imagine what it does to your insides
  10. we can dress up together
  11. i like Halloween more than thanksgiving
  12. go over and put him out of his misery
  13. o you learned to make gifs of yourself ::]::
  14. im excited for the death note movie but i dont expect much from 30 seconds to mars
  15. owell
  16. zeni is the type to get face fucked hes a fucking worthless reject who will never fuck a woman in anyway
  17. making little boys cry sounds bad
  18. your nose in a young woman now
  19. youll actually ruin your samsung doing that the uv rays are polarized from the eclipse to the camera
  20. its getting tempting
  21. as a movie in general it was ok liking the series and first movie well it didnt live up to it a good step towards live action anime movies but still meh better than the dbz one but id say 5/10
  22. God-Says-No

    sept 26th

    i might
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