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Everything posted by bnmjy

  1. bnmjy


    I am Nigerian Prince. I send you money via Western Union.
  2. This was probably created because of Ben saying he imagined using dbz powers to get rid of illegal immigrants . . .
  3. bnmjy


    Here we go again: Retry for a live version.
  4. Have ridiculously long fights with intersperses of flashbacks and cheesy 80s anime music playing. It's the only way my full powers can come to fruition. There would also be a girl with prodigious boobs watching blank-faced, just really standing there and having boobs.
  5. I guess you can try. Use protection.
  6. Performance art of a simultaneous puking and pissing over a large portrait of Trump. Should fire up the spectators a bit.
  7. Patron is fancy pants? > Sissy red wine. I don't normally drink to get drunk. When I do, rum and whatever the hell.
  8. What card is this, if you don't mind me asking? This is why I never get points cards. Too many bullshit terms to waft through. With cashback, you always know what you're getting.
  9. Be boring and deposit the money into your checking account. You said points, so idk if that's possible. It's easy to do with a cashback card; just buy a money order.
  10. True, but when you're traveling and there's only fast food to be had, you don't have much a choice.
  11. bnmjy


    judasu chea no ue ni suwate kudasai. please sit on the judas chair.
  12. Most adults who would do that would also not eat the buns. They were usually on a ketogenic diet or some shit. Some though really do have childish tastes. Sucks to be them.
  13. bnmjy


    Did you ever meet her? While we're at it, did you ever meet Belladonna, Cytherea, Peter North, or Ron Jeremy?
  14. *blueraven puts on high heels and towers over zeni. zeni cowers*
  15. You daydream about something else that doesn't require input from Chineae cartoon enthusiasts.
  16. They're pretty bad. Some of the quizzes are fun. I still have the top score in the US geography one. Yay, I guess.
  17. trump president it bad everyone crazy wow
  18. 10/10 best facebook group ever
  19. Did I seriously get reported over a fucking chair? I admit the joke has gotten old, but
  20. A butt left gaping after having sat upon the judas chair.
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