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Everything posted by bnmjy

  1. What happens to the morbidly obese that can't make it to the shower? They become covered in sponges.
  2. I used to eat Big Macs in a strange manner. I would put French fries under the bun, dip the sandwich into ketchup, take a bite, and then sip some coke while swallowing. My grandmother gave me the strangest look when she saw that.
  3. Your work doesn't just give its employees free coffee all the time?
  4. bnmjy

    Is this

    Only one way to find out. fuggpop[/member]
  5. You should change your sig to Feet.
  6. bnmjy


    Well that sucks. I was actually looking forward to reading it, from the title.
  7. Start talking to her about the judas chair. If she still seems interested, you got a keeper.
  8. You might as well start smoking weed while you're at it.
  9. What do you call op?
  10. Did you know that many people die from their own prescription pills by exactly following their doctors' orders? Wow, why bother doing anything?
  11. Pot. Kettle. Black. TIC is lonely.
  12. JeNewBee[/member]
  13. Nothing else. Forums are pretty outdated, imo. I occasionally browse 4chan, that place being too full of fat autistic manchildren for me to bother staying too long.
  14. After many graveyard shifts, I found that it was better to get even fifteen minutes of sleep than no sleep at all.
  15. lol just ignore him already. This is the kind of response he wants.
  16. You said you were going to inherit it all, so there's not much a difference. btw you being a millionaire is gonna be the new judas chair. have fun.
  17. Why would it matter we think? You supposedly have millions of dollars in your bank, right?
  18. nope He was an easy target for the downvote trolls.
  19. I remember that happened to me once, though I didn't make a thread about it. Some people really are that pathetic and have nothing better to do with their time.
  20. Too bad misery loves company.
  21. =-1
  22. I don't really have a major problem with puns. It's just tic's only method of trying to be funny. I do enjoy a good pun, but I don't enjoy humor that's nothing but puns, like most people.
  23. We're all stupid and incompetent in one way or another. The obvious solution would be a robot takeover.
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