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Everything posted by bnmjy

  1. How did I know you weren't serious? I must be psychic!
  2. Yes, and at my old workplace, my paycheck was often wrong because the business day would end during my shift. Also, snow days meant sometimes staying hours after work until the roads were plowed. Never again.
  3. Spaghetti. The sauce was made with wine.
  4. No, I do recall Phillies saying something about janitor work once or twice before.
  5. On a serious note, aren't you really a janitor?
  6. Mellifluous, though I don't think I've used the word in any spoken conversation ever.
  7. As if most people ever have any reason to ever view the source code.
  8. They'll never be able to read this unless it's quoted.
  9. I included the word knife. I've seen those before, just didn't know what they were called.
  10. I google searched rocker and they only showed me pictures of rockstars and rocking chairs.
  11. Sounds like mommy porn to me.
  12. You're just gonna do whatever without listening to anyone on a cartoon message board, so . . .
  13. It's just the trending vaporwave crap with nineties technology thing, a stupid meme.
  14. you need to go forward one decade. eighties junk is not en vogue right now.
  15. Never heard anyone use the expression "drunk on life" before. It sounds pretty bad compared to "high on life," as it suggests stupor and incapacitation.
  16. Oh? I thought you said you were never going to drink again.
  17. Zeni loses his virginity.
  18. Good. None of us are worth the energy required for a serious grudge.
  19. Well I just looked it up on google and some people do think sage smells like cheap pot, so it's not only me. Maybe the weed I had used in the past was just garbage. idk or care Also, I don't believe in that spirit crap. I just burned it because a friend gave it to me. I like burning incense.
  20. To chase the bad omens away.
  21. Yes it does.
  22. This shit really smells like weed.
  23. I got 700 dollars. It could have been more if I bothered getting insurance, but oh well.
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