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Everything posted by fuggnificent

  1. My dad passed 2009 but i was always prepared all my life because he was so old. He was born in 1939. Rip rpm sr
  2. What? Is it fun?
  3. I grew up with this song. Would skip school and sing it lol
  4. People always calling out from here. Theres always like 10 people missing so i feel like i should be commended for not only being on time every single day but actually even coming in lol if i do call out i try to work 4 hours or more anyway
  5. Which is harder? Guys wear my jaw out
  6. Im not a weeb. Im a nerdy slut
  7. I have 2 days off next week. Gonna try and hang in there ×sigh×
  8. Fuck work!
  9. Weed Wednesday would be better.
  10. I eat cheerios and oatmeal. I think it keeps my blood pressure down and heart healthy
  11. Do u have good health insurance? Maybe its time to go get it seen?
  12. I got some cheap hv-600s. So far i like them. Esp for the price.
  13. I go to moviemonster.com. they have pretty much everything and you can buy cheap pay per minute
  14. Good luck.
  15. Shit im maybe kinda 10 years older and havent had any sharp chest pains yet...lucky u
  16. Sung a song about here it go http://www.smule.com/p/632270964_2138527139 @Phillies
  17. Ok thx poof. Ive done it before and didnt give up but i dont remember it being so painful. Prolly was tho.
  18. K. Imma get some bananas. They dont hurt afterwards really...just during. I end up limping to a bench...then after 2 minutes i can walk/sprint again
  19. How would he bring his floors on his visit? Id just make let me drive his BMW around the block. SORRY so scrapyard Behind bars or wut
  20. I walked twice as much the first day out here...now i cant do half that cuz of the pain
  21. Cant walk longer than .50 miles without my calves screaming. But if i start off with a sprint then walk, my legs dont hurt as much. Fucking getting old is weird as shit.
  22. Cant walk longer than .50 miles without my calves screaming. But if i start off with a sprint then walk, my legs dont hurt as much. Fucking getting old is weird as shit.
  23. I like how he tried to hide behind lawyers but the press and lawmakers forced him to go himself lmao
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