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Everything posted by fuggnificent

  1. Maybe when i tell you to ignore me, IGNORE ME.
  2. You ARE the man
  3. Nadine does sound like some meth head prostitute with a felony charge coming just to shut shit down for weeks
  4. This...this is so...beautiful. you could write about this shitty world and make a decent living nabraniel
  5. Oh god. I didnt see gordon on the list. Here comes his fans lol
  6. Phillies quit wit fat jokes
  7. Love the selective memory of the users here.
  8. Exactly. I have said "sir, im trying to help you..." but then he just asked for someone else lol
  9. Thats why u do manual labor
  10. Wont we all
  11. Imma weakling I ignore it 99% of the time
  12. I tell you the few millennials i work with dont take NO shit from customers.. Just...ill give you some quotes: "Sir, you know what premiums you paid...its also your responsibility to keep up with your policy" "Ma'am you need to calm down and stop yelling. Youre yelling in my ear and i have a headache." "Ma am you aren't verified and we are going to give out information to just anybody" "Ok maam i can get you a supervisor but i advise you that when you get on the line with the supervisor you watch your tone because if you talk to them like that, youll get no where!" Omg lololol i love it!
  13. Cool. I totally believe dreams can transport us to other times, dimensions a nd shit but that type of talk is beyond the means of this neanderthalic board.
  14. She was lol and judging me so fuck her oogly fuggly ass. She can work out but shell still be a butterface.
  15. Lol some people think youre ugly, too
  16. Ive never written a period piece. Might just do so now!
  17. But you dream about when you were a baby lol
  18. Lololol! Wow...u win
  19. Im officially old af
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