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Everything posted by fuggnificent

  1. How do u get lsd?
  2. Hes playing it on ps4
  3. I dont know where you get off calling anyone retarded.
  4. But it feels so goooood.
  5. Byyyyyeeeee biiiiitttttcccchhhhheeeessssss
  6. **update My supervisor had me send her an email about it and she responded with an apology and stated that my work area was fine the way it was
  7. Its the best. So tight.
  8. But you haven't tried it
  9. Brb unscheduled bathroom break
  10. Hes not white.omg sex with this man must be DYNAMITE
  11. I didnt even kno my coworker wore makeup everyday..just thought she was really pretty and shiny
  12. So?
  13. Maybe if you got a buzz cut and wore some fatigues
  14. Maybe dance a little...help me out
  15. Also..phillies..they use to loop the porn...they still might but they probably do it better now where you cant notice
  16. He fucks so much it takes a lot to get him off
  17. I dont gwt why u so nice to him and nobody else lol Happy birthday dood...ill have a 211 and a scratch off in your honor
  18. Doesnt mean he cant be my bf in my daydreams, right?
  19. I think i know who did it because shes always complaining about people's desks. I dont know why shes so concerned about the space of others when her dumb ass cant even come to work on time.
  20. Ikr. Me too. Already on the wrong foot
  21. Hes loony! A psychopath! He scares the fuck outta me! Lol
  22. Im ok after a good dose of kpins 😁
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