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Everything posted by fuggnificent

  1. It hadn't started yet
  2. I only breed queens, bitch
  3. Imma name my alien baby after u, phillies
  4. Why u gotta post this the exact moment my chest feels all strange
  5. The rain they forecasted never came ha ha i love it here sometimes
  6. Its because its for poor people. Why would you buy off brand big daddy warbucks.
  7. I need an adult.
  8. Flooding today
  9. Fixing cavities doesnt hurt as much anymore...they have good drugs now. Youll be ok.
  10. There wasnt any dirt on my desk Heres a before pic
  11. What state do you live in? Or at least what part of the country? Do it snow there?
  12. I can do drugs now...gonna do em aaalllllll
  13. Just got the email! Fuck yeah, BOI. Background and drug test complete...gonna do ALLLL the drugs NOW BITCHES! Oh...and apply for fmla lol Got any good news lately?
  14. *clkcklkkmp*
  15. Nnnnooooo @Adminderaptorpat Whyd u ban my sister wife?
  16. I really think he's dead...lord forgive me
  17. Where is miku? Im surprised she hasnt tried to kill me like she did the last Friday the 13th.
  18. Im not as horny for the first time in my life and its scary af...i miss my constantly dripping wet pussy. Dry as bone now!
  19. My supervisor came by my desk before i left work and told me they dont know where he is.
  20. Im not on his fb...other people i work with are
  21. Been missing for a week and a half I told management he hasnt been on his podcast or on his fb They didn't give a shit!
  22. How would your stupid ass know anything about it?
  23. Enough with the fuckin chicken. And ive never had a red bull in my life
  24. Its called geodon, trazodone and klonopin. Why do you ask?
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