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Everything posted by fuggnificent

  1. he'd totally agree to do it, too
  2. yes the turtle has wings. madison dreamed this last nite. she and her friend have wings, too.
  3. Gynecology? Wuuuut lol
  4. What do i need?
  5. I like APC. Seen them in concert twice. But i dont think they did a better version of this song.
  6. We did this thread before.
  7. I kno. This not her house. She can move out.
  8. ?? How the hell you kno my moms exact age. Holy shit.
  9. I tell ya she getting dumber in her old age. Me and madison chilling...Madison drawing comics...im daydreaming with no tv (its how i get my stories to write) She stands at the door glaring. I go: whats wrong now She goes: CANT YOU SEE IM READY FOR CHURCH. CANT YOU SEE IM DRESSED. NOW TAKE ME TO CHURCH I say: not if you gonna talk to me like that. You need to do something about your attitude. Im not going anywhere until you ask politely. Then she goes off about the kitchen. Yall, Madison and i JUST ATE and we left THREE plates in the sink...and then she says a bunch of other rude stuff before going in her room and calling for a ride. I tell yall i am putting up with zero of her shit.
  10. Why u aint go home silly. Yay. More worrying.
  11. yah my brother has an even bigger basement now but he will not allow me to live in it lol i love visiting tho
  12. my brotherhad a guy living in his basement. charged him rent. now his basement was nice...had a bedroom down there and everything
  13. dont hide dat faise
  14. Another southern thing lol
  15. Buy quacker oats. You can afford it.
  16. At least you have a basement.
  17. Yeah..with "100%".
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