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Everything posted by mumbo

  1. My temp. Facebook was set to delete itself on a certain time and date and I got a security email that someone signed in from an unusual location and they wanted to make sure it was me. Well, no it wasn't me. So they lock it and require ID be sent in a pic through their system. Followed through because the email security notification I told you about had a profile picture I have never seen before. Of ME. Probably 5-10 years ago. Weird right? No. Facebook won't answer my ID verification attempt and that is several times. So I'm stuck knowing someone signed into my Facebook, changed my profile picture and god knows what else and bypassed my password and whatever security thing that triggered, AND has old.ass.pictures of me. Any weird attempt to answer is welcome.
  2. Does this include the community attacking me in droves about everything from my name as their new punchline to my mental status to my identity to harassing me in jpeg form to calling me every name ever called by anyone turning me into an alienated freak belittling my good nature horrifying me to the point of locking all the windows and doors and cursing and fighting with everything I ever posted since my first post I ever posted, among many other, MANY, MANY, other wretched, unlivable conditions? It should be a rule that you're all b&. No fair.
  3. Geniuses of the boards?
  4. can i have my warning points taken away? i told a user off real bad when they trolled me. it was a group troll. i felt attacked at the time but i have grown up a lot and barely use the site much anymore, plus i learned not to take anything personally or get involved in conflict. really boils down to a heated argument in April 2019 I believe that was the date
  5. Or was it all a stage act? A performance?
  6. He also never spoke out against racism and does nothing to unite Americans
  7. I have been waiting for Trump supporters to go to terrorist extremes ever since his "liberate michigan" bullstink
  8. On a serious note, it's going to go down in history something along the lines of "Trump Protests turned Trump Riots." Many of them are terrorists and supremacists.
  9. I hate for lack of a better word that many people here think I'm gay, a mysoginist, a racist, a mentally handicapped person and a drama queen. It all stems from me explaining my past and my mistakes in life and people wouldn't accept the integrity it takes to own my mistakes and discuss them openly. They took what I said over the years and redirected it into harassment and anger towards me.
  10. The "President of Law and Order" sure can incite some awful chaos and rioting when he doesn't get his way. The rhetoric he uses about minority and at risk groups such as "I never heard of Black Lives Matter," or backing Proud Boys is just appalling and IS the exact reason these actions took place. Our gangster, soon-to-be ex-presidnet caused one of the most embarrassing days in US history. It scares me as an American, it scares me as a human, and it scares me as a democrat.
  11. the fuck is happening this place feels like a funeral
  12. is something going on?
  13. talk to me if whatever preying on each other bothers you deeply
  14. cluck cluck happy duck
  15. nope 11. thnx tho
  16. is like, "where are his balls?" (j/j they dont care if i carry around a sack of basketballs)
  17. i wore a hole through the lining on the side of the ankle in less than 100 mile. my last pair was adidas and they were tough all the way through until the sole wore out
  18. to jenewbee, i used to think that when you posted on asmb, i had to hide a little so i didnt annoy you, and I thought if out reached out, it would be to tell me to f*** off so i avoided a lot of your posts, but i did read a lot of them, and i consider you to be one of the normal ones now. with the stereotypical uember being as tough on reputation as a high school cheerleading competition, i need to see people more down to earth, like you. anyway you can unleash on me now. happy birthday
  19. but uneven hedges rile my skin 😡
  20. my social phobia doesnt like that
  21. hahahaha
  22. is that something someone had to save to an archive? or are there bots that archive almost anything?
  23. like someone can pull up a post from ASMB in 2010? how is that possible?
  24. its a rough crowd and some are territorial
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